A planning guide for practical people with BOLD thoughts on their minds. Created & Written by: Kanesha Baynard For personal use only

Goals for a BOLD Year

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A planning guide for practical people with

BOLD thoughts on their minds.

Created & Written by: Kanesha Baynard

For personal use only

In each box, write down one accomplishment from last year.

Examples: consistently exercised, job promotion, had a baby, read 5 books, cleaned out a closet, had my annual mammogram, used most of my vacation days, moved, ended a toxic relationship, etc.

©Kanesha Baynard 2015 KaneshaBaynard.com 2

Find a quiet, peaceful, and inspiring place to sit. Grab your writing tools. Set a timer for 10-to-20 minutes. Write down all the things you WANT for the upcoming year. Do not edit yourself. Be specific and detailed.

This year, I want…

3 ©Kanesha Baynard 2015 KaneshaBaynard.com

Based on what you wrote on pages 2 and 3, what are your top goals for this year? Categorize them in the chart below.

The blank lines are there for you to fill in your own categories. Examples: myself, family, career, wellness, self-care, spirituality/faith, passions, friendships, experiences, etc.



4 ©Kanesha Baynard 2015 KaneshaBaynard.com



1/6/15 Yoga

1/8/15 Gynecologist

1/20/15 Massage

1/30/15 Dentist

1/1/15 Hike

1/17/15 Craft day

1/29/15 Cook dinner together

1/31/15 Vision boards

1/1/15 Marriage goal setting discussion

1/13/15 Date night

1/24/15 Date night

1/29/15 Morning walk before carpool

1/4/15 ½ day writing

1/18/15 Attend marketing workshop

1/27/15 Networking event

1/31/15 4 hours writing

Create a monthly ACTION PLAN on how you will work towards your goals for each category. Each box represents ONE day for that month. Write a specific action you will do – and then do it.



Month: January 2015



5 ©Kanesha Baynard 2015 KaneshaBaynard.com






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17 ©Kanesha Baynard 2015 KaneshaBaynard.com