Technique Why would this technique be used? Give a detailed film example and discuss the purpose of this and the effect this has on the audience. Seamless The predominant style of film editing and video editing in the post- production process of filmmaking of narrative films and television programs. Continuity editing The purpose of this is to smooth over the inherit discontinui ty of the editing process and to establish a logical coherence between shots. Motivated Is where shots are carefully chosen to push a story along and make the audience believe what they are seeing.


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Page 1: Glossary

Technique Why would this

technique be used?

Give a detailed film example and discuss the purpose of this and the effect this has

on the audience.

Seamless The predominant style of film editing and video editing in the post-production process of filmmaking of narrative films and television programs.

Continuity editing

The purpose of this is to smooth over the inherit discontinuity of the editing process and to establish a logical coherence between shots.

Motivated Is where shots are carefully chosen to push a story along and make the audience believe what they are seeing.

Montage It is used to compress time and shows a lot of information in a relatively short period. Usually shot with music.

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Jump Cutting

Is where two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. Gives the effect of jumping forward in time.

Parallel editing/cross cut

The technique of alternating two or more scenes that are often happen simultaneously but in different locations.

180 degree rule

It is when you film a scene using separate shots and helps people understand where everything is in the scene.

Splicing You physically cut out unwanted words, sounds and phrases and re-join the remaining pieces with splice tape.

Transitions eg. Dissolve, fade, wipe

Refers to how one-shot ends and the next begins and the filmic device that bridges one to the other.

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Cutaways The interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else.

Point of view shot

A shirt scene from a film that shows what a character is looking at.

Shot reverse shot

Where one character is shown looking at another character and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character.

Providing and withholding information

When you try make the narrative more dramatic by giving the audience more information or taking away information.

Editing rhythm

Is what editors use to keep pace of the film up to match the action that is going on in the film.

Cutting to soundtrack

When the pace of the cuts are motivated by how fast the song is.

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