Gamification at the Disruptive Media Learning Lab (dmll)

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. Ludus Latin it doesn't differentiate learning from playing and when we play when we were child everything so hybrid we interact with my environment we learn through making mistakes and we try again and this is what we should do

Gamification market to grow at 48% by 2019 worldwide RnR Market Research 2015

Gamification ranging from simple point badges and leaderboards in four square and linked in to something which is more intricsic in fitbit, zombierun and Foldit crowd science- solving scientific problems using game-based approaches Gamification is about designing and harnesing from experience. Experience is as if not more important than knowledge itself. It's the relatedness (RAMP). PERMA

Gamification allow digital and physical contexts to merge!

Customer/Client Facing? Employee Facing?


Stage 1: Phase 1Trial, Sept 14 Jan 15Stage 2: Analysis and dissemination, Feb July 15Stage 3: Phase 2 trial (with moodle), Sept 15 Jan 16Stage 4: Analysis and dissemination, Feb July 16

Outcomes:Prelim analysis shows nature of module influence types of gamification e.g. Teams in competitive mode (Sports Science) demonstrated better grades for CW1Prelim data to be published ECGBL conferenceStarquest exhibition Gaminomics London, June 15Reflections uptake of new platforms would be more effective if introduced in the first year, social loafing is still an issue for collaborative mode in gamificationData to be analysed from other faculties


A holistic and modular approach

http://chronicle.com/article/The-Looming-Gamification-of/233992Education as an adventure game?

What if education is a non-linear adventure game where you can make decisions on your own path, fight battles, power up and level up in missions and quests?

Game mechanics are becoming more pervasive

A Non-Linear experience

Formal education is a bit like this but without the contextualised narrative that would glue everything together.

Gamification is even super charged- seeing the crossings between pervasive gaming and gamification. Digital and physical experiences are merging in a big way with the advancement of social platforms, mobile technology, wearable devices and the Internet of Things, opening up opportunities for ordinary spaces to be transformed into highly contextualised, purposeful, seamless and ubiquitous playgrounds.

We are so connected and we have all kinds of resources at our finger tips! Like everyone in the audience, we live in an information-saturated, fast-pacing and highly connected environment, how can we harness the benefits in a more contextualised way! How would these makes sense and connected in a more contextual way instead of just technologically??

We need to be a game player, a game changer and a super learner within a learning community that is more global and social.

John Kane, 2005

Should we only be a player or also as the co-designer of the experience? This is what borderless learning is all about. Crossing spaces, contexts and mindsets. Know the game in order to play it and to play it well. Get involved in gamification for learning as it is a tool that will turn education on its head.It is time to exploit Game Science, turning learning into a game; a journey without borders - a journey where anything is achievable.

Pervasive game mechanics! non technological solutions- can games and gamifcation change lives?


Jean Marc Cote (if 1901) or Villemard (if 1910) http://publicdomainreview.org/2012/06/30/france-in-the-year-2000-1899-1910/

Experience can be designed, staged and manipulated! The gamification of learning will be so pervasive that we will not even realise that we are already in the system; a system that connects mind space, digital existence and physical experience.

Gamification and experience design falling into the right hands will create an environment that is empowering, engaging and nurturing! But falling into the wrong hands will lead to negative manipulation.

Aaron Pereki

Designer of our gamified experience?

Gaming literacy?

Would you just want to be a player or a co-designer of your experience, your adventure.?Be a learner, a designer of your learning experience, a journey towards mastery.superlearner - designer of our own learning in a hybrid learning space.

Know the game and play it well!Thank you