Following Michael Zimmer (@MZimmer557) on Twitter: Michael Zimmer is a curriculum coordinator at a Kentucky high school. He has also taught social studies in the past. He describes himself as a “ tech enthusiast, weather enthusiast, volleyball couch, avid golfer, and Cardinal fan. He tweets articles that would be helpful for teacher and students. He gives information about new technology available that can be taken advantage of in education, as well as how to use it. One of his useful technology resource links that he posted was about new educational videos that a web cite created and releases. I chose to screenshot this tweet, because I felt like it worked as a good example of the type of tweets Michael Zimmer posts. His tweets include a little bit of everything from 3D molecule observation, to projects for art. Taking advantage of links, he provides ideas for particular lesson, and ideas of how to use technology in them. I can already see how helpful his links would be to an educator of any stage. He would give new teachers and old teachers alike, new ideas and technology that they can use. He also tweets links about how to use these new ideas. These links for technology and general subjects vary as well. One tweet will be about science, while the next will be about writing poetry.

Following Michael Zimmer on Twitter

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Page 1: Following Michael Zimmer on Twitter

Following Michael Zimmer (@MZimmer557) on Twitter:

!Michael Zimmer is a curriculum coordinator at a Kentucky high school. He has also taught social

studies in the past. He describes himself as a “ tech enthusiast, weather enthusiast, volleyball

couch, avid golfer, and Cardinal fan. He tweets articles that would be helpful for teacher and

students. He gives information about new technology available that can be taken advantage of in

education, as well as how to use it. One of his useful technology resource links that he posted

was about new educational videos that a web cite created and releases. I chose to screenshot this

tweet, because I felt like it worked as a good example of the type of tweets Michael Zimmer

posts. His tweets include a little bit of everything from 3D molecule observation, to projects for

art. Taking advantage of links, he provides ideas for particular lesson, and ideas of how to use

technology in them. I can already see how helpful his links would be to an educator of any stage.

He would give new teachers and old teachers alike, new ideas and technology that they can use.

He also tweets links about how to use these new ideas. These links for technology and general

subjects vary as well. One tweet will be about science, while the next will be about writing

