M A I N M E N U CATALOG Includes Product Data for Pumps, Kits, Tubing, Filtration & Accessories to Create Custom Fog Systems SHOWCASE Includes Residential and Commercial Photo Gallery, How to Choose a Fog System and Fog Application Data MANUAL Includes Information on Safety, Installation, Operation, Part Specifications & Maintenance FOGCO SYSTEMS,INC. Fogco Systems, Inc. Fogco Systems, Ltd. Phone: 480-507-6478 Phone: +44 191 2368075 Fax: 480-838-2232 Fax: +44 191 2171664 Website: www.fogco.com E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping ® , Desert Fog ® , Fogco ® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc. TERMS OF USE


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Page 1: FOGCO



Includes Product Data for

Pumps, Kits, Tubing,

Filtration & Accessories to

Create Custom Fog Systems


Includes Residential and

Commercial Photo Gallery,

How to Choose a Fog System

and Fog Application Data


Includes Information on

Safety, Installation, Operation,

Part Specifications &


F O G C O S Y S T E M S , I N C .

Fogco Systems, Inc. Fogco Systems, Ltd.Phone: 480-507-6478 Phone: +44 191 2368075Fax: 480-838-2232 Fax: +44 191 2171664Website: www.fogco.com E-mail: [email protected]: [email protected]

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern

are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Dealer Inquiries Welcome
Page 2: FOGCO












©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 3: FOGCO


©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern

are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 4: FOGCO

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern

are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 5: FOGCO

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern

are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 6: FOGCO


©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern

are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 7: FOGCO

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern

are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 8: FOGCO

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern

are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 9: FOGCO

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern

are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 10: FOGCO

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern

are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 11: FOGCO

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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®®, Desert Fog®®, Fogco®® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.




Measure all opensides of your site.

For Mistscaping add3-5 nozzle groups.

Divide the perimeterdistance by 10 to

determine the num-ber of 10 foot kits


Choose your pump.


Add a filter starter kit andthat’s all there is to it!

Want more details? Read on.

How to Choose a Fog System,


Page 12: FOGCO

Here’s an example of afog system design:

1) Measure the Area For outdoor cooling systems, measure all open sides ofthe area to be cooled. For Mistscaping, place nozzles ingroups of 3 - 5 for a more dramatic effect. Designatethe quantity of nozzles needed. For warehouse coolingor humidification applications, please contact ourTechnical Support Staff at [email protected]

2) Divide by 10Take the total area measured in step 1 and divide by 10.The result will be the number of 10 foot Kits that areneeded to complete the system. Decide which tubing ispreferred. Fogco offers Flexible Nylon, Rigid Copper, orRigid Stainless Steel. Add any required Mistscaping Kits.

3) Choose a PumpThe Fogco pump range includes the Promotional Series- 160 to 250 PSI; the Professional Direct Drive Series -1000 PSI; and the Premium Pulley Drive Series - 1000PSI. Review the capabilities of each pump range todetermine which Series is best suited for the application.See the chart below for PSI and Flow Capacity specifi-cations.

4) Include a Filter Starter KitThe Fogco Filter Starter Kit is an all inclusive kit contain-ing all the necessary accessories to connect the pump tothe water supply on the low pressure side and to thefog line on the high pressure side. It is a requirementfor all installations. Do not use the Filter Starter Kit forsystems above 3 GPM.

Measure the perimeter of the gazebooverhang, here it’s all four sides, on apatio, measure the three open sides forbest cooling results.

For the mistscaping around the waterfeature add 3-5 nozzle clusters with1000 PSI for the best fog effect.

Product Order Example:

40 ft. patio perimeter = 4 Stainless Steel Tubing Kits (92003)

4 fog groupings = 4 Mistscaping Kits (92004)

1gpm (gallons per minute) = 1 Premium Pump (92506)

Filtration & connection = 1 Filter Starter Kit (92000)

Pump Series PSI Flow Rate Nozzle Capacity Kit Capacity

Promotional - Booster 160 .17 GPM 4 - 16 1 - 4

Promotional - Medium 250 .5 GPM 12 - 32 3 - 8

Professional - Direct Drive 1000 .5 to 4 GPM 8 - 132 2 - 33

Premium - Pulley Drive 1000 1 to 5 GPM 16 - 164 4 - 41

Systems above 2 GPM may require ½" feed line.

Call Customer Service for assistance. For larger systems, or if specific design assistance is needed, please contact our Technical Support Staff [email protected]

Page 13: FOGCO


For a unique method of adding fog effects to water

features and garden areas, Mistscaping is the solution. Created

and developed by Fogco Systems, Inc., Mistscaping allows for

the subtle introduction of fog effects into any outdoor applica-

tion. Utilizing the Fogco 1000psi pump module and specially designed

Mistscaping risers, any standard landscaping project can be transformed into a

cool and soothing tropical showcase.

These risers are attached to the feed line and placed throughout the land-

scaping for an entrancing effect like no other. The special memory tubing

used for the risers allows the fog to be direct-

ed and controlled for maximum effect. In

addition, as the landscaping matures, the fog

can be re-directed as necessary.

The Mistscaping kit is designed to provide for

quick and easy installation with Fogco's special slip-lok fitting

design. The system provides for years of quality fog effect and outdoor cool-

ing by combining proven technology and a UL® listed

pulley pump design. The systems can be used for any residential, commercial,

or industrial application.

Transform your surroundings with Mistscaping by Fogco Systems, Inc.

• TTransforms aany llandscape project iinto aa ddramatic tropical sscene

• PProvides rresidual ccooling throughout tthe pproject area

• NNozzle ddirection ccan bbe precisely aadjusted wwith memory ffeature oof tthe Mistscaping rriser ttubing

• UUL® rated uunit ffor ssafe and rreliable ooutdoor operation

• PProvides 11000psi ooperating ppressure ffor mmaximum fog aand ccooling eeffects

Page 14: FOGCO


Outdoor fog systems have been effectively used in out-

door cooling applications for decades. These systems, when

properly designed and installed, can provide cooling of out-

door temperatures by up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit with virtu-

ally no noticeable increase in the relative humidity. Applications will include

restaurants, theme parks, hotels and resorts, spectator arenas, tennis courts,

golf facilities, boats and RVs, fountains, waterfalls, and patios, etc

By using 1000 PSI, atomizing the water droplets to a size as small as 5

microns (5 millionths of a meter) in diameter is possible. At this level, 'flash

evaporation' occurs reducing the ambient temperature. This process, known as

'Thermal Dynamics', is effective because water

requires energy (600 calories of heat to evapo-

rate 1 gram of water) to evaporate. This energy

exchange results in reduced temperatures.

The overall effectiveness of the system will depend

on existing temperature and humidity levels. As the temperature rises

(85 degrees Fahrenheit to 115 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal), and humidity levels

drop (above 90% performance is marginal, 40% to 90% performance is good,

below 40% performance is excellent), the systems results can be dramatic.

As with any evaporative cooling process, the more moisture evaporated,

the greater the cooling results.

• IIncreases ccomfort llevel ffor aall outdoor eenvironments

• DDrops ooutdoor ttemperature up tto 440 ddegrees FFahrenheit

• DDramatically iimproves cconditions ffor ccattle, ppoultry, aand hog iindustries

• RRepels fflying iinsects, ppollen, dust, aand aairborne pparticulates

• DDrastically rreduces eenergy ccon-sumption ffor iindustrial AA/C aand evaporative ccooling uunits

• IImproves ooverall eefficiencies and wworking cconditions iin mmetal forging, rrefineries, aand cconstruction ssites

Page 15: FOGCO

Cooling Fans

Outdoor environments can be enhanced with the use

of a FOGCO Desert Fog 1000 Cooling Fan. These high per-

formance units include a 1,000 psi FOGCO System high pres-

sure pump module; 11,000 CFM high quality fan with an

adjustable tilting head and a 90 degree oscillating capacity; a stainless steel

fog ring with up to 12 nozzles, and a 5 micron filter cartridge with housing.

The unit can operate as fan only,

fan with fog, or fog only and can provide cooling up to 35 degrees Fahrenheit.

This will provide a refreshing alternative to the heat associated with outdoor

activities including sporting events, restaurants, pools, stadiums,

theme parks and golf courses.

Due to its versatility, the Desert Fog 1000

Cooling Fan can also provide on-site recovery and

hydration from heat exposure associated with firefight-

ing, foundry operations, welding shops, auto racing pit

areas and warehouses. In addition, the increased airflow

from the unit can improve the cooling capacity for any

outdoor mist or fog application.

For industrial or agricultural needs, the Desert

Fog 1000 can stimulate improved productivity and well being for horses, cat-

tle, poultry and hogs. The units are also used extensively in greenhouses to

boost plant growth and development for commercial growers

and nurseries.

•• AA rreeffrreesshhiinngg aalltteerrnnaattiivvee ttoo hheeaatt aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh oouuttddoooorr aaccttiivviittiieess

•• PPrroovviiddeess iimmpprroovveedd ccoooolliinngg ccaappaacciittyy

•• PPoorrttaabbllee oorr WWaallll mmoouunntt uunniittss aavvaaiillaabbllee

•• CCoommmmeerrcciiaall,, IInndduussttrriiaall aanndd AAggrriiccuullttuurraall uusseess

•• SSttaattiioonnaarryy oorr oosscciillllaattiinngg ooppeerraattiioonn

•• EEffffeeccttiivvee iinn hhiigghheerr hhuummiiddiittyy cclliimmaatteess

Page 16: FOGCO


There are many commercial and industrial applicationswhere artificially controlling humidity levels can provide a signifi-cant improvement to the overall operation. By specifically settingand maintaining humidity, temperature, and air exchange standardsfor the operation, overall profitability is enhanced. For these spe-

cific situations, fog systems are the ideal solution.In wine storage applications, increasing the relative humidity can dramatical-

ly reduce the evaporation of wine through the oak barrels.One of the keys to improving the operation and the quality of the products

produced in the woodworking industry is to properly maintain the EquilibriumMoisture Content (EMC). This is the moisture content within the wood fiberswhere moisture is neither gained nor lost. Maintaining a stable EMC will minimizemoisture content changes during servicing. This will effectively eliminate many ofthe quality issues associated with woodworking.

Paper production and storage facilities alsobenefit from a controlled environment. Becausepaper products can readily gain and lose moisture, aconstantly controlled humidity level is critical to con-sistent and improved quality in the end product.

As with other industries, a typical textile operation canalso derive significant benefit from environmental control by use of aFOGCO System. Properly maintained humidity levels, usually between 50% and65%, will result in improved quality and minimal downtime or rejections. It doesthis because ideal humidity levels will actually increase the tensile strength of all nat-ural fibers. The enhanced production capacity and reduced waste creates a moreprofitable textile operation.

In addition, static electricity can be removed making the yarn more work-able and controllable and resulting in less yarn separation. It also controls 'cotton

fly' and residual airborne lint.

• EEnsures pproper EEMC llevels

• RReduce sstatic eelectricity

• MMaintain iideal mmoisture ccontent

• MMaximize pproduct sstability & hhandling

• RReduce iincidence oof ddust ffires

• RReduce eevaporation

Page 17: FOGCO

Odor & Dust

Fog systems are ideal for eliminating odors associated with solidwaste treatment facilities, microbial decomposition of animal waste, andnoxious volatile compounds. Some of the more common problemsinclude carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and methane.Although carbon dioxide and methane are odorless, they can be lethal.

The quality components and proper system design of theFOGCO System allow for an efficient and economical delivery system for all odor removalchemicals. Utilizing a simplistic pressurized water supply, the FOGCO System is far lessexpensive to operate and maintain than traditional air injection systems. The fog systemscan even be used to economically remove workplace related odors and are designed forboth interior and exterior applications.

From landfills to waste treatment facilities; from stockyards to hog farms, virtuallyany odor problem can be effectively countered with the FOGCO line of high quality fogproducts. The FOGCO System is YOUR high quality odor control solution.

Fog system applications for odor suppression include :Chemical plants, Solid Waste and Waste Transfer Stations,Construction Sites and equipment, Landfills and GarbageDumps, Industrial Odors, Aeration Ponds, CompostingFacilities, Poultry and Livestock Facilities, Food ProcessingPlants, Refineries, and Paper mills.

In addition to the ability to provide odor neutral-izing, fog systems have shown to be an effective method fordust suppression, dust abatement, and air filtration. They can also con-trols flies, and suppress odor causing pathogens.

When properly designed and installed, the FOGCO System produces a high con-centration of 10 micron fog droplets. This size water droplets (10 millionths of a meter indiameter) provide optimum performance for attraction and suppression of PM 10 andsmaller dust particles. The systems can effectively remove breathable and fugitive dust sup-pression from .1 to 1000 microns. Dust surrounded by dense fog has little chance toescape. Because of the high standard of quality and industry experience, FOGCO Systemsmeet or exceed the EPA PM 10 standards for dust suppression.

Applications include; Asbestos Abatement, Coal Dust Suppression,Quarries and Rock Crushing Equipment, Grain Silos, Slag Works, Conveyor Belt

Drop Points, and Construction and Land Development Sites


• OOne oof tthe mmost eeffective methods ffor ttreatment of tthe oodors aassociated wwith organic wwaste

• LLess eexpensive tto ooperate aand maintain tthan ttraditional aair injection ssystems

• HHelps eeliminate hhazardousworking cconditions


• EEffectively rremoves bbreathable and ffugitive ddust

• MMeets oor eexceeds tthe EEPA PPM 10 sstandards

• CComponents aand aare UUL aand CE rrated

• PProgrammable ccontrollers wwith remotely llocated ssensors

Page 18: FOGCO




















©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 19: FOGCO



Fogco Systems, Inc. was founded in 1989 and has since grown to one of the

world's largest suppliers of professional mist and fog systems. Now in it's 15th

year, the company continues to lead the industry with innovative product devel-

opment and a strong commitment to quality. Fogco Systems, Inc. is the only

company in the industry that boasts both a UL listing (Underwriters Laboratory

file number E 201 777) and CE certification for it’s pumps. Thousands of

Dealers, Distributors, and Contractors worldwide use Fogco products for their

demanding needs.

Mist and fog systems have been used for outdoor cooling for decades.

They can provide temperature reductions of up to 40°F/22°C with no notice-

able increase in humidity. By using a Fogco 1000psi/70bar pump module, the

system can produce billions of water droplets as small as 5 microns in diameter.

These microscopic water droplets then "flash evaporate" which reduces the tem-

perature in the area surrounded by the system.

Fogco equipment can also be used effectively for humidification, frost

protection, air filtration, dust abatement, odor removal, fire and smoke

control, special effects and more. Current installations include residential, com-

mercial, agricultural, and industrial applications. Specific industry uses include

restaurants and resorts, poultry and dairy farms, zoos and amusement parks,

concrete manufacturing and metal forging, playground

and stadiums, produce displays and storage facili-

ties, golf courses tennis courts with new appli-

cations constantly being developed.

Please contact us at:

Fogco Systems, Inc. Fogco Systems, Ltd.Phone: 480-507-6478 Phone: +44 191 2368075Fax: 480-838-2232 Fax: +44 191 2171664Website: www.fogco.com E-mail: [email protected]: [email protected]

w w w. f o g c o . c o m

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®,Fogco® and the EncircledSpray Pattern are registeredtrademarks of FogcoSystems, Inc.

Contact our Technical Support Staff for assistance with your next fog system design.




Page 20: FOGCO


• Patented pump design

• UL listed & CE certified

• Preset 1000psi / 70bar output

• Outdoor rated

• Pulley driven for quiet, efficient, low RPM operation

• Heavy duty triplex ceramic plunger pump

• Vented cover for cooler operation (exhaust fan installed 2GPM/4LPMand larger)

• Solenoid valve to control inlet water supply

• Glycerin filled pressure gauge

• Adjustable pressure regulator with by-pass

• 6 foot power cord

• On/off switch

• Convenient oil drain tube

• Low 48dB noise level rating

• Two year warranty

60HZ MODEL SPECIFICATIONSModel GPM Nozzle Pressure HP Volts/ Amp Dimension Weight

Number Capacity* Rating Rating Phase Rating L X W X H inches lbs.

92506 1 16-32 1000psi 70bar 1.0 110-1 12.6 26x16x12 110

92676 1 16-32 1000psi 70 bar 1.0 220-1 6.3 26x16x12 110

92511 2 32-64 1000psi 70 bar 1.5 110-1 15.0 26x16x12 118

92677 2 32-64 1000psi 70 bar 1.5 220-1 7.8 26x16x12 118

92531 3 64-100 1000psi 70 bar 3.0 220-1 13.5 26x16x12 130

92540 4 100-132 1000psi 70 bar 5.0 220-1 23 36x19x15 250

92550 5 132-164 1000psi 70 bar 5.0 220-1 23 36x19x15 250

*Inlet & Outlet 3/8” FNPT on 1-5gpm nozzle sizes Larger pumps available

50HZ MODEL SPECIFICATIONSModel LPM Nozzle Pressure HP Volts/ Amp Dimension WeightNumber Capacity* Rating Rating Phase Rating L X W X H cm kg

92541 4 16-32 70 bar 1.0 220-1 6.8 66x41x30 50

92542 8 32-64 70 bar 1.5 220-1 11.5 66x41x30 54

92543 12 64-100 70 bar 3.0 220-1 12 66x41x30 59

92673 15 100-132 70 bar 5.0 220-1 22 94x50x39 113

92674 19 132-164 70 bar 5.0 220-1 22 94x50x39 113

*Based on 93512 nozzle-black o-ring color. Larger pumps available



PATENT #6,386,835 B1



The Fogco Premium series pump range includes the highest quality pulley driven pumpson the market. These patented units are both CE certified and listed in UnderwritersLaboratory (UL) 'Motor Operated Water Pump' classification. They are designed for trou-ble-free 24/7 operation under continuous duty in adverse or extreme conditions. Theseunits are the preferred choice for all applications under all conditions when quality and value are the primary considerations. All pump components meet or exceedNEMA, ASTM, and NFPA standards. Pump components include stainless steel valves;forged brass manifold and valve caps; solid ceramic plungers; hardened crankshaft withone-piece white bronze connecting rods; and special NBR based fabric reinforced rubberseals. The components used and the unique design of the PREMIUM SERIES pumps pro-vide the highest quality of any high-pressure pump available.

• Oversized motors with additional windings to provide the most efficient use of the required electricity

• Pulley-driven pump design further reduces the operating speed of the unit • Slower speed equates to less operating cost, quieter operation, longer life, and

less maintenance • Oversized pump module operates at a fraction of the capacity • Two year limited warranty• High quality, high value pumps at competitive prices

w w w. f o g c o . c o m

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

Page 21: FOGCO


©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

• TEFC motor• Low amperage usage• Outdoor rated• 1000psi/70bar output• Glycerin filled gauge• Heavy duty triplex ceramic

plunger pump head• Solenoid valve to control inlet

water supply• Adjustable pressure regulator

with by-pass• 6 foot power cord• On/off switch• One year warranty


The Fogco Professional Series pump range utilizes our direct drive integrated designproviding the most economical solution for many fog system applications. Theseunits are heavy-duty, outdoor rated pumps designed for 12/7 operation under nor-mal operating conditions. This range is ideal for most commercial and residentialapplications where price and value are the primary considerations. All pump com-ponents meet or exceed NEMA, ASTM, and NFPA standards. Pump componentsinclude stainless steel valves; forged brass manifold and valve caps; solid ceramicplungers; hardened crankshaft with one-piece white bronze connecting rods; andspecial NBR based fabric reinforced rubber seals. The components used and theunique design of the PROFESSIONAL SERIES pumps provides the most economicalsolution of any high-pressure pump available.

DIRECT DRIVE - 60HZ MODEL SPECIFICATIONSModel GPM Nozzle Pressure HP Volts/ Amp Dimension Weight

Number Capacity* Rating Rating Phase Rating L X W X H inches lbs

92683.OV .50 8-16 1000psi .5 110-1 7.7 8x22x10 55

92505.OV 1.0 16-32 1000psi .75 110-1 11.2 8x22x10 60

92510.OV 2.1 32-64 1000psi 1.5 110-1 18 8x22x10 65

93089.OV 2.8 46-92 1000psi 2.0 220-1 10.5 8x22x10 75

93090.OV 3.8 62-124 1000psi 3.0 220-1 17 8x25x12 75

93598.OV 5.5 124-180 1000psi 5.0 220-1 19.8 8x28x12 85

DIRECT DRIVE - 50HZ MODEL SPECIFICATIONSModel LPM Nozzle Pressure HP Volts/ Amp Dimension Weight

Number Capacity* Rating Rating Phase Rating L X W X H cm kg

92921.OV 1.5 6-12 70bar 0.5 220-1 4.1 20x56x25 25

92521.OV 4.5 16-36 70bar 1.0 220-1 6.4 20x56x25 27

92549.OV 8.9 32-76 70bar 2.0 220-1 10.7 20x56x25 29

93595.OV 11.1 48-96 70bar 2.0 220-1 10.7 20x56x25 34

93596.OV 17.4 76-152 70bar 5.0 220-1 20.5 20x66x30 38

*Based on 93512 nozzle with black 0-ring color.

• Pulley-driven for quiet, efficient, low RPM operation

• Preset 1000psi/70bar• Outdoor rated with vented cover• Easy access pressure adjustment• Glycerin filled pressure gauge• Heavy duty triplex ceramic

plunger pump • Solenoid valve to control inlet

water supply• Adjustable pressure regulator

with by-pass• 6 foot power cord• On/off switch• One year warranty

PULLEY PUMPS - 60HZ MODEL SPECIFICATIONSModel GPM Nozzle Pressure HP Volts/ Amp Dimension Weight

Number Capacity* Rating Rating Phase Rating L X W X H inches lbs

99100 1.0 16-32 1000psi/70bar 1.0 110-1 14 21x16x11 92

99120 1.0 16-32 1000psi/70bar 1.0 220-1 7 21x16x11 92

99200 2.0 32-64 1000psi/70bar 1.5 110-1 21 21x16x11 100

99220 2.0 32-64 1000psi/70bar 1.5 220-1 10.5 21x16x11 100

99300 3.0 64-100 1000psi/70bar 3.0 220-1 17 21x16x11 112

PULLEY PUMPS - 50HZ MODEL SPECIFICATIONSModel GPM Nozzle Pressure HP Volts/ Amp Dimension Weight

Number Capacity* Rating Rating Phase Rating L X W X H cm kg

98400 4.0 16-32 70bar 1.0 220-1 6.5 53x40x28 41

98800 8.0 32-64 70bar 1.5 220-1 11.5 53x40x28 45

98120 12.0 64-100 70bar 3.0 220-1 12.0 53x40x28 49



Page 22: FOGCO


The Fogco Promotional Series pump range includes a 160 PSI Booster Pump and a 250 PSI Medium Pressure Pump.

The Medium Pressure Pump utilizes a brass rotary pump design and sealed bear-ings eliminating the need for oil lubrication and requires no maintenance. TheMedium Pressure Pump produces up to 250 PSI while providing 1.0 gallons perminute. It is designed for light duty residential applications where price is the pri-mary consideration and the Booster Pump does not provide sufficient flow.

MEDIUM PRESSURE 110V MODEL SPECIFICATIONSModel GPM Nozzle Pressure HP Voltage Amp Dimension WeightNumber Capacity Rating Rating 50/60 Hz Rating L x W x H inches Lbs

92501 .38 4-24 250psi .5 110V 7.2 14x10x8 inches 32

92502 .75 24-48 250psi .5 110V 7.2 14x10x8 inches 32

92503 1.1 48-72 250psi .5 110V 7.2 14x10x8 inches 32


Model LPM Nozzle Pressure HP Voltage Amp Dimension WeightNumber Capacity Rating Rating 50/60 Hz Rating L x W x H inches Lbs

92924 1.4 4-24 250psi .5 220V 3.6 14x10x8 inches 32

92925 2.8 24-48 250psi .5 220V 3.6 14x10x8 inches 32

92926 4.1 48-72 250psi .5 220V 3.6 14x10x8 inches 32

The Booster Pump is both CE certified and listed in Underwriters Laboratory (UL)'Motor Operated Water Pump' classification. The Booster Pump utilizes adiaphram style pump with sealed bearings and can produce up to 160 PSI whileproviding up to 10 gallons per hour. It is designed for smaller residential mistingapplications when price is the primary consideration.


Model GPM Nozzle Pressure Voltage Dimension WeightNumber Capacity Rating L x W x H inches lbs

92512 0.18 15 160psi 110V 13x7x4 14

92504 0.18 15 160psi 12VDC 7.5x3.5x4 5.2

92532 0.18 15 160psi 220V 13x7x4 14


• 1/2hp motor 50/60hz• 250 PSI / 17 Bar• 3/8” FNPT Connections • Outdoor rated vented enclosure• Brass rotary pump• Preset by-pass regulator valve• Electro-galvinized enclosure• Quiet operation• Durable powder coat finish• Solenoid valve • 6 ft/1.8m power cord• On/off switch• One year warranty

Booster Pump

• UL listed & CE certified• Outdoor rated• Wall mount enclosure• Quiet diaphragm pump• 12V, 110V and 220V versions • 160 PSI / 11 Bar• 3/8" Slip-Lok connections • Built in safety bypass• 6 ft/1.8m power supply cord• Patented• Uses only 40 watts• 145 degree thermal overload• On/off switch• One year warranty




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Page 23: FOGCO



Qty Part No. Description


1 10103 Nozzle Cleaner 8oz. 1 92544 Hose adapter Hose x ½" NPT fitting1 92608 Filter cartridge1 92609 Filter housing1 92700 nylon tubing 50' roll 1 92630 Slip-lok T nozzle fitting1 92706 Slip-lok end plug1 92707 Slip-lok male adapter 3/8” x 3/8”NPT1 92854 Slip-lok male adapter ½" x 3/8”NPT3 92855 Slip-lok male adapter ½" x 1/2”NPT 5 92714 Insulated tubing clamp1 92822 Compression union tee2 92823 Compression union elbow1 92834 Compression union cap

10’ 92853 ½" low pressure tubing2 93503 Automatic drain valve


Qty Part No. Description

1 92706 Slip-lok end plug5 93225 Mistscaping riser assembly5 93512 .012 nozzle

10' NYLON KIT #92001

Qty Part No. Description

4 92630 Slip-lok T nozzle fitting8 92714 Insulated tubing clamps4 92713 30" section of nylon tubing4 93512 .012 nozzle

10' COPPER KIT #92002

Qty Part No. Description

8 92714 Insulated tubing clamps1 92820 Compression union fitting1 92963 10' prefabricated copper line with 30" nozzle spacing4 93512 .012 nozzle

10' STAINLESS STEEL KIT #92003Qty Part No. Description

8 92714 Insulated tubing clamps1 92820 Double-ferruled compression union fitting1 93081 10' prefabricated stainless line with 30" nozzle spacing4 93512 .012 nozzle


The Fogco Pre-Packed Kits are designed to provide for ultimate convenience inordering, stocking, and selling of a Fogco system and simplify the system planningand installation process. The kits include a Filter Starter pack; a 10 foot Nylon,Copper, or Stainless Steel tubing packs; and a 5 nozzle Mistscaping pack.






Page 24: FOGCO


• High CFM output• Stainless steel fog rings• Integrated pumps• Portable, pedestal,

or wall mount• Oscillating models• Easy water source

hook up• Quiet operation• Standard operating

voltage• Tilting fan head• Cools up to 50' away• One year warranty


Enhance outdoor environments with high performance cooling, utilizing Desert Fog Fans, an integration of high velocity fans andcommercial-quality fog components by Fogco Systems, Inc.

The refreshing, portable solution for outdoor sporting events,restaurant patios, pools, stadiums, theme parks, golf courses, etc. Support on-site recovery and hydration from high heat exposurefor athletes, firefighters, as well as, foundries, welding shops, autoracing pits, construction sites and warehouses. Help stimulate productivity and well being for horses, cattle, hogs, poultry, aviaries & zoos. Boost plant growth and development for commercial growers, nurseries & botanical gardens.

DESERT FOG 50HZ MODELModel Description Size CFM HP Voltage Dimension WeightNumber Rating L X W X H cm kg

92685 Portable oscillating fan on cart 36" 11,000 .5 230V 102x119x178 104with high pressure pump 50Hz

93040 Portable oscillating fan on cart 36" 11,000 .5 230V 102x119x178 10450Hz

93047 Wall mount oscillating fan 36" 11,000 .5 230V 102x99x152 5350Hz

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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.




DESERT FOG 60HZ MODEL Model Description Size CFM HP Voltage Dimension WeightNumber Rating L X W X H lbs

92658 Portable oscillating fan on cart 36" 11,000 .5 120V 40x47x70 230with high pressure pump 60Hz

92660 Portable oscillating fan on cart 36" 11,000 .5 120V 40x47x70 16160Hz

92661 Wall mount oscillating fan 36" 11,000 .5 120V 40x39x60 11760Hz

93316 Portable oscillating fan on cart 36" 11,000 .5 220V 40x47x70 230with high pressure pump 60Hz

92657 Portable non-oscillating fan 30" 9,000 .5 120V 48x40x46 175on cart with high pressure pump 60Hz

93600 Portable non-oscillating fan 24" 9,000 .5 120V 24x24x18 85with medium pressure pump 60Hz

DESERT FOG 60HZ PUMPSModel Description Size CFM HP Voltage Dimension WeightNumber Rating L X W X H in lbs

92937 High pressure pump only .5gpm na .5 120V 21x13.5x10.25 69with 3-position switch 60Hz

93299 High pressure pump only .5gpm na .5 230V 21x13.5x10.25 69with4-position switch 60Hz

93305 High pressure pump only .5gpm na .5 120V 21x13.5x10.25 69with4-position switch 60Hz

93306 High pressure pump only .5gpm na .5 230V 21x13.5x10.25 69with 3-position switch 60Hz\

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Model Description Size Dimension WeightNumber L X W X H inches lbs

93571 DF Non-Oscillating Fan w/Nylon Ring 12” 15x12x15 12

93572 DF Non-Oscillating Fan w/Nylon Ring 18” 21.5x16x21 22

93574 DF Non-Oscillating Fan w/SS Ring 24” 27x16.5x27 44

93576 DF Non-Oscillating Fan w/SS Ring 30” 33x16.5x33 50

93573 DF Oscillating Fan w/SS Ring 24” 27x16.5x2747 47

93575 DF Oscillating Fan w/SS Ring 30” 33x16.5x33 53


Model Description Size Dimension WeightNumber L X W X H inches lbs

92440 DF 4 nozzle fog ring 18" 17 3/8 1.0

92658 DF 6 nozzle fog ring 24” 17 3/8 1.0

92979 DF 8 nozzle fog ring 30" 22 1.0

92441 DF 12 nozzle fog ring 36" 27 1.2

93568 DF 3 Nozzle Nylon Ring 12”

93569 DF 4 Nozzle Nylon Ring 18”

92538 Wall mount bracket 30" 13x2x12.5 5for all DF fan heads

92539 Freestanding adjustable pedestal 30" 30x30x42.5 27mount for all DF fan h eads

93566 DF Snap on Wheel Kit 4x4x9 2.2

93567 DF I Beam Mounting Bracket 32x2x21 12

93030 Fan Headwith 92639Pedestal

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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

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Fogco tubing and slip-lok fittings are designed for the ultimate in convenience andversatility. The ease of assembly allows for quick and simple installation reducinglabor costs.

The slip lok fittings and flexible tubing can be used to create virtually any nozzle spac-ing allowing on-the-job customization that is unique to these components. No spe-cial tools or crimping procedures are required. In addition, the fittings can beremoved, replaced, and re-installed to further enhance the systems overall designflexibility.

HIGH PRESSURE TUBING is 3/8" O.D flexible Nylon 11 and has an operating pres-sure of 1000 PSI. It is available in 24 inch and 30 inch straight lengths or 50, 100and 500 foot coiled lengths. The slip lok fitting and nylon tubing are also used tobuild the Fogco Mistscaping risers.

LOW PRESSURE TUBING is 3/8" O.D flexible polyethylene and has an operatingpressure of 160 PSI. and is available by the foot in coils. Low pressure, mediumdensity tubing is suitable for low pressure systems and feed lines.


Part No. Length Size Psi Rating Description

93072 500 ft .375"OD /.225" ID 1000/70bar black nylon coil

90063 100 ft .375"OD /.225" ID 1000/70bar black nylon coil

92700 50 ft .375"OD /.225" ID 1000/70bar black nylon coil

92713 30" .375"OD /.225" ID 1000/70bar black nylon straight length

92990 24" .375"OD /.225" ID 1000/70bar black nylon straight length


Part No. Length Size Psi Rating Description

10128 Per foot .375" OD 160/11bar black polyethylene coil

92853 Per foot .50" OD 150/10bar black polyethylene coil

HIGH PRESSURE TUBING• Uses high grade virgin nylon

compound• Rated to 1000 PSI • Resistant to solvents, alkalis,

and oils• UV treated• Semi rigid density• 3/8" O.D.• Allows total customization on

the system utilizing our uniqueSlip Lok fitting design

• Pre-cut straight lengths andcoils available


• Uses black polyethylene

• Rated to 160 PSI

• UV treated

• Medium density

• Coils available

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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Fogco high-pressure nylon tubing and slip-lok fittings are designedfor the ultimate in convenience and versatility. The ease of assem-bly allows for quick and simple installation reducing labor costs.

The slip lok fitting and nylon tubing can be used to create virtuallyany nozzle spacing allowing on-the-job customization that is uniqueto these components. No special tools or crimping procedures arerequired. In addition, the fittings can be removed, replaced, andre-installed to further enhance the systems overall design flexibility.The Fogco slip lok fittings are rated to operate at 1000 PSI andhave the highest rated operating pressure in the industry. Theyinclude nickel plated locking ferrules to ensure the integrity of thefittings performance. They also utilize an oversized o-ring for acomplete leak-proof seal. The range includes ¼ inch to ½ inchmale and female threaded adapters in 3/8" and ½" slip lok sizes.

The tubing and fittings are also available in the 10 Foot NylonStarter kit that includes all the necessary fog line components toinstall a new system or expand an existing one.


• Unique ppush-tto-cconnect fittings

• Rated oover 11000 PPSI

• Nickel pplated

• Complete 3360 ddegreenozzle aadjustability

• Reduced llabor eexpenseassociated wwith assembly aand iinstallation

SLIP LOK FITTINGSPart Description Size


92630 HP Slip Lok T 3/8" without nozzle

92702 Slip Lok Coupling 3/8"

92703 90 degree Elbow 3/8"

92704 Three-way T 3/8"

92711 Four-way Cross 3/8" Brass only

92705 Hose Adapter 3/8" Slip Lok to FGHT

92692 3/4” BSP Hose Adapter 3/8” SL to BSP hose

92544 3/4” Female Hose x 1/2” NPT Female Adapter

92712 Male Adapter 3/8" slip x 1/4" NPT

93163 Male Adapter 3/8” x 1/8” NPT

92707 Male Adapter 3/8" x 3/8" NPT

92708 Male Adapter 3/8" x 1/2" NPT

92854 Male Adapter 1/2” x 3/8” NPT

92855 Male Adapter 1/2” x 1/2” NPT

92507 Female Adapter 3/8" x 1/4" NPT

92709 Female Adapter 3/8" x 3/8" NPT

92923 Mistscaping Nozzle Head 3/8” tube 10-24 orifice

93225 Mistscaping Riser Assembly 24” length

92706 Brass End Plug Inserts in Slip Lok fittings

92714 Steel vinyl coated Black Clamp 3/8”

92927 Replacement Slip Lok O rings - pack of 10

ProTip: For applications quickinstallation time and minimal laborcosts, SlipLok high pressure fittingsmay be a good choice.


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Stock Number Tubing Size Nozzle Spacing Tube Length Number of Nozzles

92900 3/8” BLANK 20 ft. 0

92951 3/8” 18 20 ft 13

92952 3/8” 24 20 ft 10

92953 3/8” 30 20 ft 8

93081 3/8” 30 10 ft 4

92714 3/8” Steel Vinyl-coated clamp


Stock Number Tubing Size Nozzle Spacing Tube Length Number of Nozzles

92839 1/2” BLANK 20 ft. 0

93577 1/2” 18 20 ft. 13

93578 1/2” 24 20 ft. 10

93579 1/2” 30 20 ft. 8

92680 1/2” Steel Vinyl-coated clamp

Fogco Prefabricated Stainless Steel tubingand double ferruled high pressure compres-sion fittings are designed for the ultimate inquality and durability. The proprietary fittingdesign and the computerized robotic weld-ing process ensure consistent, high qualitywelds that are the best in the industry.

When used with our PREMIUM SERIES fogpumps and compression fittings, this tubingrepresents the highest quality materialsavailable for installation of a high-pressure

fog system. This 316L Stainless Steel, is ratedto operate in excess of 3000 PSI. It is a rigidline and comes in standard 20 foot lengthsand 3/8" O.D. with ½", ¾", and 1" O.D.available. Pre-fabricated sizes include 3/8and 1/2 inch O.D. with specific nozzle spac-ing. It is available in 10 or 20-foot lengths.Custom sizes and configurations are avail-able. Powder coating is recommended for aprofessional finish .

• High qquality ttype 3316L ttubing

• 3000 PPSI ooperating ppressure

• Utilizes ccomputerized rrobotic welding pprocess

• Available iin 33/8"and ½½" OO.D.

• Standard nnozzle sspacing aand custom cconfigurations aavailable

• Available iin 110/24 nnozzle tthreads

• Comes iin 110 oor 220 ffoot llengths

• Easily ppainted oor ppowder ccoated

• Provides aa cclean aand sstreamlined installation

ProTip: Use with high pressure compression fittings in brass or stainless steel.


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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.



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COPPER FITTINGSPart No. Description Size92801 Bushing 3/8” x 10/2492809 Female adapter 1/4” x 10/2492810 Male adapter 1/4” x 10/2492808 Copper extension 12”92803 90° elbow 3/8”92818 45° elbow 3/8”92791 90° elbow 1/2”92812 Three way T 1/4”92804 Three way T 3/8”92811 Reducing T 3/8”x 1/4”92681 Reducing T 1/2” x 3/8” 92795 Three way T 1/2” 92813 Coupling w/stop 1/4” 92802 Coupling w/stop 3/8” 92792 Coupling w/stop 1/2” 92622 Reducer 1/2” x 3/8 92805 End cap 3/8” 92807 Copper tubing strap 3/8” 92814 Male adapter 3/8” tube x 1/4” NPT 92815 Female adapter 3/8” tube x 1/4” NPT 92793 Female adapter 1/2” x 3/8” FNPT93094 Female adapter 3/8” x 3/8” NPT 93095 Male adapter 3/8” x 3/8” NPT

Stucco extensionsare available fornew construction.Call for information.

Fogco pre-fabricated copper tubing is designed for quality and versatil-ity. These materials are the preferred choice when rigid tubing and onthe job customization are required. This tubing allows for the use ofstandard copper slip fittings or they can utilize Fogco double-ferruledcompression fittings. Using 95/5 solder and the proprietary Fogco fit-ting design, pre-fabricated lengths of 10 feet and 20 feet with nozzlespacing from 18 inch to 30 inch are available.

The ACR type L rigid copper tubing, is rated to operate in excess of1000 PSI. The pre-fabricated lengths come in standard 10 footlengths and 3/8" O.D. with specific nozzle spacing. Custom sizes, con-figurations are available.


• High qquality AACR ttype LL ttubing

• 1000 PPSI ooperating ppressure

• Utilizes pproprietary nnozzle ffitting

• Available iin 33/8" OO.D. PPrefabricated

• Standard nnozzle sspacing aand ccustom configurations aavailable

• Available iin 110/24 nnozzle tthreads

• Provides aa cclean aand sstreamlined installation

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.



92800 3/8” OD BLANK ACR Type L92790 1/2” OD BLANK ACR Type K

COPPER PRE FABRICATED 10 FT SECTIONS92961 3/8” 18” 692962 3/8” 24” 592963 3/8” 30” 4

COPPER PREFAB 10 FT W/EXTENSIONS93001 3/8” 24” 593002 3/8” 30” 6



92816 3/8” OD 50 ft coil92817 1/4” OD 50 ft coil93018 3/16” OD 50 ft coil

ProTip: Use with high pressure compression fittingsin brass or stainless steel.



Page 30: FOGCO


Brass Stainless Description Size

92820 92819 Union 3/8”92901 92860 Union 1/2”92821 92835 Reducing Union 1/2”x 3/8”92830 92848 Reducing Union 3/8”x 1/4”

92822 92836 Union Tee 3/8”92903 92862 Union Tee 1/2”92656 Male Branch Tee 3/8” x 1/4”92659 Male Branch Tee 1/2” x 3/8”92695 92696 Female Branch Tee 1/2”x 1/4” 92535 Female Branch Tee 1/2” x 3/8”

92823 92837 Union Elbow 3/8”92902 92863 Union Elbow 1/2"92824 92838 Male Elbow 3/8”x 1/4”NPT92906 92864 Male Elbow 1/2"x 3/8"NPT92907 92861 Male Elbow 1/2"x 1/2"NPT

92825 92843 Cross 3/8”92908 92865 Cross 1/2"

92828 92846 Male Connector 3/8”x 1/4”NPT92829 92847 Male Connector 3/8”x 3/8”NPT92910 92869 Male Connector 1/2"x 3/8"92911 92870 Male Connector 1/2"x 1/2"92826 92844 Female Adapter 3/8”x 1/4”NPT92827 92845 Female Adapter 3/8”x 3/8”NPT92904 92866 Female Adapter 1/2"x 1/4"NPT92905 92867 Female Adapter 1/2"x 3/8"NPT92909 92868 Female Adapter 1/2"x 1/2"NPT

92831 92849 Nut 3/8”92912 92871 Nut 1/2"92832 92850 Front Ferrule 3/8”92833 92851 Back Ferrule 3/8”92913 92872 Front Ferrule 1/2"92914 92873 Back Ferrule 1/2"92834 92852 Cap 3/8”92915 92874 Cap 1/2"



• Double ferrule • High pressure• Compression type• Available in 377 Brass alloy

or 316 Stainless Steel• Fittings used with stainless or

copper tubing


©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.



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• 316L Stainless Steel components

• Available in Brass or Stainless Steel body

• O-ring seal provides leak-proof connection

• Orifice sizes from .006" to .020"

• Flows of .015 GPM to .050 GPM

• Operate from line pressure to 1000 PSI

• Available in Standard 10/24 or Special Order 12/24 threads


These nozzles represent the highest quality fog nozzles available. They have beenlaboratory tested to ensure they perform as designed and will provide atomizationas small as 1 micron with the majority of the droplets being between 5 and 15micron (each micron is equal to one millionth of a meter). To consistently create droplets sizes as small as 1 micron in diameter, exacting specifi-cations must be followed. We use quality brass alloy and 316L Stainless Steel in the production of the nozzles. All our nozzles contain an o-ring seal and can be easily installed and removed by hand without the needfor special tools.

The nozzle selection includes our solid brass body with stainless steel insert and ori-fice; our all stainless steel nozzle; our standard 10/24 threads and special order12/24 threads; and orifice sizes from .006" up to .020". At 1000 PSI, these nozzleswill provide atomization from 5 microns up to 100 microns with low rates from .015GPM for the .006" nozzle up to .050 GPM for the .020" nozzle. Specific nozzle per-formance is available upon request.







Part Orifice Description Thread O-ring Number Diameter Size Color

93536 .006" Brass & stainless steel nozzle 10/24 yellow

93508 .008" Brass & stainless steel nozzle 10/24 red

93512 .012" Brass & stainless steel nozzle 10/24 black

80450 .015” Brass & stainless steel nozzle 10/24 brown

93520 .020” Brass & stainless steel nozzle 10/24 green

93519 .008" Stainless steel nozzle 10/24 red

93525 .012" Stainless steel nozzle 10/24 black

93526 .015" Stainless steel nozzle 10/24 brown

93527 .020" Stainless steel nozzle 10/24 green

92650 .008" Brass & stainless steel nozzle 12/24 red

92623 .012" Brass & stainless steel nozzle 12/24 black

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

Stainless Steel Nozzle


Page 32: FOGCO


Part Description SizeNumber

93505 Brass nozzle plug 10/24 thread

93504 Brass anti-drip adaptor 10/24 thread

93503 Brass auto drain valve 10/24 thread / 3/8" OD

93501 Brass 1.5" nozzle extension 10/24 thread / 3/8" OD

93019 Stainless steel 5-nozzle cluster 10/24 thread

92519 Brass nozzle adapter 1/8" MNPT to 10/24 thread

92520 Brass nozzles adapter 12/24 thread to 10/24 thread

10252 Nozzle O-ring


The Nozzle Accessories include all related fittings that are adaptable to the

standard 10/24-nozzle thread. These accessories include:

• Nozzle Plugs are used to eliminate fog at a specific location in the line.

• Anti-Drip Adapters prevent dripping when the system is turned on or off.

• Spring loaded Auto Drain Valves release all remaining water in the line each time the system is turned off thereby eliminating the clogging associated with calcium build-up.

• 1.5" nozzle extensions are used to increase the spacing between the tubing and the nozzle.

• 5 Nozzle Clusters provide dense fog in a particular location (commonly used in Mistscaping® and dust control applications).

• 12" Copper Extension allows for a customized in-wall installation.


• Available in standard 10/24 or Special Order 12/24 threads

• Adjust system flow with Nozzle Plugs

• Automatically drain your system at each shut-down with anAuto Drain Valve

• Prevent dripping at shut-down when an Anti Drip Adapter is used in addition to the Auto Drain Valve

• Enhance Mistscaping™ or heavy fog applications with our 5 Nozzle Clusters

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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Page 33: FOGCO

Stainless SteelNozzle Orifice


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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.



The various nozzle orifice sizes are used for specific applications depending on the projectrequirements.

The .006" YELLYELLOWOW o-ring is the smallest standard nozzle orifice available. At 1,000PSI, the arithmetic mean diameter of the droplets from this size orifice 12.2um with thedroplets ranging from 1.2 microns to 36.4 microns. The flow for this nozzle is .015 GPM at1,000 PSI. The .006” nozzle is ideal for applications requiring extremely low flow withsmall droplet size, minimal moisture and complete evaporation. Most commonly used forhumidification. This nozzle is not designed to be used at pressure below 500 PSI.

The .008" RED o-ring At 1,000 PSI, the arithmetic mean diameter of the droplets fromthis size orifice is 12.7um with the droplets ranging from 1.4 microns to 37.9 microns.The flow for this nozzle is .02 GPM at 1,000 PSI. This size nozzle is ideal for applicationsrequiring less flow with small droplet size, minimal moisture, and complete evaporation. Itcan be used for indoor humidification or outdoor cooling, depending on the circumstances.This nozzle is not designed to be used at pressures below 250 PSI.

The .012" BLACK o-ring is the most common and can be used for most applications.At 1,000 PSI, the arithmetic mean diameter of the droplets from this size orifice is 13.1umwith the droplets ranging from 1.6 microns to 39.1 microns. The flow for this nozzle is.030 GPM at 1,000 PSI. It provides comparable results to the .008" nozzle with anincreased flow rate. It can be used both indoors and outdoors with complete evaporation.

The .015" BROWN o-ring is mostly used for outdoor applications where sufficient air-flow and clearance allow for complete evaporation and where higher flows are required.At 1,000 PSI, the arithmetic mean diameter of the droplets from this size orifice is 13.8umwith the droplets ranging from 3.8 microns to 47.9 microns. The flow for this nozzle is.040 GPM at 1,000 PSI.

The .020" GREEN o-ring is primarily used for outdoor applications requiring extreme flow with less need for complete evaporation. At 1,000 PSI, the arithmetic meandiameter of the droplets from this size orifice is 15.2um with the droplets ranging from 9.5microns to 49.9 microns. The flow for this nozzle is .050 GPM at 1,000 PSI.

All micron measurements are based on testing conducted at

Arizona State University using a Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer.


ORIFICE O-RING PSI 160 250 1000COLOR BAR 11 18 70

.006”/.15mm YELLOW GPM NA NA .015LPM NA NA .057

.008”/.2mm RED GPM NA .012 .020LPM NA .045 .076

.012”/.3mm BLACK GPM .012 .015 .030LPM .045 .057 .114

.015”/.4mm BROWN GPM .015 .020 .040LPM .057 .076 .150

.020”/.5mm GREEN GPM .020 .026 .050LPM .075 .098 .190


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ProTip: Specializedwater treatment includingsofteners, reverse osmosis,and de-ionization unitsare also available.


Due to the extremely small orifice size for all our fog nozzles, water filtration is a highly recommended addition to any system. The filters and housings offered allow for a variety ofoptions when considering your filtration needs.

For smaller projects with up to 5 GPM flow, our standard 10" Slim Line Filter Housing andcartridge are recommended. The housing is available in blue. The standard cartridge pro-vides 5 micron filtration. When 1-micron filtration is required, it is recommended that it beused as a secondary filter along with a 5 micron pre-filter. Both the small and large cartridges are made from pure polypropylene.

To help offset the affects of calcium and other dissolved solids present in the water supply,we also offer a phosphate cartridge. This cartridge contains poly-crystals that dissolve overtime and are able to surround calcium molecules preventing them from adhering to the noz-zles or the surrounding area. The cartridge will not remove the dissolved solids. It isdesigned for water treatment only and should always be installed in front of the standard 5micron polypropylene filter cartridge as a dual filtration setup.

For larger commercial projects up to 5-15 GPM, we offer the “Big Blue” with it’s unique4.5” x 10” dual filter for effective system filtration.

For industrial projects up to 30 GPM flow, or for projects with extreme water conditions, weoffer an Industrial Filter Housing which includes 7 individual, replaceable cartridges, a stain-less steel housing, and 1 ½" ports. The filter height is 20" and weighs 29 Lbs.


• 1 micron to 25 micron filtration capability

• High particle removal capability• Filter housings in 10" sizes• 1/2" to 1 1/2" inlet and

outlet ports• Flow rates from 2.5 to 30 GPM• Removable, replaceable cartridges• Phosphate cartridge

available• Large multi-cartridge industrial

filter housing available• Re-cleanable polyester pleated

filter cartridge available• Highly recommended for all fog

system applications

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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

FILTRATIONPart Description Capacity Dimensions Weight number GPM/LPM lbs

10109 In-line calcium inhibitor filter 0.5/2.0 2”dia. X 6.5” 0.54

92608 9 ¾” filter cartridge 5 micron 5/19 2.75”dia. x 10” .38

92603 9 ¾” filter cartridge 1 micron 5/19 2.75”dia. x 10” .38

92526 9 ¾” pleated washable 5/19 2.75”dia. x 10” .38 10 micron cartridge

93039 9 ¾” Phosphate cartridge 3/12 3”dia. X 9.625” 2.4

92609 10” filter housing with ½” ports 5/19 4.5”dia. x 12” 2.0

92611 10” dual filter housing with 1” ports 30/114 7.5”dia. x 13” 4.5

92612 10” dual filter cartridge 25/1 micron 15/57 4.5”dia. x 10” 1.0

92525 Industrial filter housing 30/114 13” x 13” x 19” 29Uses 92526 Pleated Cartridge


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Part Number Specifications

93529 110V

92993 24V AC

92994 220V

Ideal for multiple zones and automatic control

• Watertight NEMA 4X enclosure• Normally closed• Brass body 3/8” FNPT• Maximum 1500 PSI• Coil cont. duty molded class F


Part Number Specifications

92528 120V92998 24V AC92992 220V

Automatically drains line at shutdown.Reduces calcium and mineral buildup in lineand nozzle heads. Normally open valveclosed when energized.

• 1500 PSI Rated • Brass Body 3/8" FNPT ports • Coil continuous duty


Part Number Specifications

92710 Flexible Tubing Cutter


Part Number Specifications

93222 16 oz

• Industrial pump oil


Part Number Specifications

10103 8 oz.

92597 1 gallon

• Calcium & scale remover• Non-toxic• Bio-degradable


Part Number Specifications

93108 2" Panel Mount Gauge 1/8" MNPT

93585 2 1/2" Bottom Mount Gauge 1/4" MNPT


Part Number Specifications

10252 Nozzle O-Ring

92927 O-Ring Slip Lok -High Pressure

Specify voltagerequirements whenordering.

Specify voltagerequirements whenordering.

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.



Part Number Size

93502 3/8” MNPT

• Reduces line vibration• Installs on discharge line


Part No. Size

92643 3l8” FNPT Swivel x 3/8” MNPT x 3’ Discharge Hose


Part No. Size

93186 1/4” MNPT x 1/4” MNPT93185 3l8” MNPT x 1/4” MNPT 92648 3/8” MNPT x 3/8” MNPT 93116 1/2” MNPT x 3/8” MNPT 92649 1/2” MNPT x 1/2” MNPT 92679 3/4” MNPT x 3/4” MNPT92561 3/4” x 1/2” FNPT92562 3/4” x 3/4” FNPT


Part Number Size

93118 1/4” FNPT 93119 3/8” FNPT93223 1/2” FNPT


Part Number Size

93535 1/4”x 1/4” FNPT92626 3/8”x 3/8” FNPT

Designed for use with water,forged brass body, chrome platedball and stem, full flow ports, and O-ring sealed stem• Maximum pressure: 600PSI• Maximum temp: 250 F• Teflon seats


Part Number Size

92631 1/4”x 1/4”92632 3/8”x 3/8”

Two piece all stainless steel valve. ANSI 316 SS ball, stem and body1000 PSI. WOG valve rating PTFE seats for long life. Valve can be locked in either open or closed position. Flows in either direction.

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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.


Part No. Specifications

93319 2.5%

93560 1%

• Accurate and reliable at all flow rates• Easy to use• Water- powered non-electric

proportional• Chemical resistant • Built-in air bleeder• Low maintenance• Built-in bypass• Quick disconnect connectors• Lockable outside adjustment,

tamper proof• Easily installed mounting bracket


Part No. Specifications

92629 3/8” MNPT x 1/8” FNPT

Protects your pump against damagingheat if pump is left in bypass for extended periods.

• Mounts on pump bypass loop• Brass body 3/8” MNPT• Viton internal O ring seal• Discharge port 1/8” FNPT• Hose barb included• Relief temp 145 F


Part No. Specifications

92509 1/4” FNPT

Reverse action pressure switch contacts open on falling pressure. Protects your pump.

• NEMA 1 enclosure• Two pole• 1 HP rated 115/230 volt


Part No. Specifications

92715 Supports 1 thru 3 GPM pumps


Part No. Specifications


Computer based control functions arenow available in a low cost, easy to installpackage. The Fogstat offers a powerful,fully functional control system in a smallformat. The unit will hold and display thehigh and low sensor readings for the past24 hours. Separate day, night, and DIFsettings are standard. Includes applicablesensors and cables.

• Precise fog control• Temperature and humidity sensors• Day, night and DIF settings• Pulsed or maintained operation


Part No. Specifications

93347 120 Volt93348 240 Volt

• Solid State Microprocessor Controlled• Water-proof• Operation times from 2 sec to 10 min.• Operation cycles from 1 min to 1 hour• Cycle durations from 30 min to continous• 5HP-240 VAC, 2HP-120 VAC• Manual on and off switch


Part No. Specifications

93570 120/240 VAC

For use in agriculture, commercial, and industrial applications. Start your fogging equipmentautomatically.

• Nema 4X enclosure• Corrosion resistance• Range 40-110^F• Cooling or heating• 16amp@120/240 VAC • Switch type SPDT• UL listed

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Fogco Systems, Inc. and it’s employees are proud of it's products and committed to providingthe best designed and manufactured high-pressure mist and fog equipment available. We wel-come comments and questions regarding our products.

Scope of Warranty: All Fogco products are warranted against defects in workmanship andmaterials.

Warranty Period: Fogco products are warranted for 12 months from the date of sale. Allwarranty claims must be submitted to the Fogco Service Center prior to the expiration of thewarranty period.

Warranty Validation: To activate the Warranty on Fogco products, customer must submitFogco Products Registration Form within 30 days of receiving product. Include a copy ofPacking list or Invoice.

Procedure to Receive Warranty Service: To return Fogco products for warranty service, callthe Fogco Service Center for a Warranty Authorization number. Customers should then takeor ship prepaid the Fogco product requiring warranty service to the Service Center. Pleaseinclude an explanation of the defect or problem, a description of the way in which the Fogcoproduct is used, and your name, address and telephone number on the warranty claim formprovided.

Repairs by other than the Fogco Service Center: Fogco must approve a repair by anyoneother than the Fogco Service Center.

Repairs or Replacement Within the Scope of the Warranty: If a Fogco product is defectivedue to Fogco workmanship or materials and the defect occurs during the warranty period,Fogco will either repair the product or replace it with a new one, whichever Fogco believes tobe appropriate under the circumstances. Fogco is not responsible for removal and shipping ofthe system to the service center, the reinstallation of the system upon its return to the cus-tomer, or any incidental or consequential damages resulting from the defect, removal, rein-stallation, shipment or otherwise.

Repairs Outside the Scope of the Warranty: Problems with Fogco products can be due toimproper maintenance, faulty installation, inappropriate additions or modifications to the sys-tem, or other problems not due to defects in Fogco workmanship or materials. If the FogcoService Center determines that the problem with the product is not due to defects in work-manship or materials, then the customer will be responsible for the cost of any necessaryrepairs. Customers not satisfied with a determination that a problem is outside of warrantycoverage should contact the Fogco customer service department.

Product Specification: All product specifications, applications and other information providedin Fogco's catalog and publications are subject to correction and change without notice andshould be confirmed with Fogco prior to ordering.

No Other Warranties and Liability Limitation: This Limited Warranty and service Policy rep-resents Fogco's sole and exclusive warranty obligation with respect to Fogco Systems, Inc.products. Fogco's liability to a customer or any other person shall not exceed the purchaseprice of the Fogco system. Fogco disclaims all other expressed and implied Warranties includ-ing the implied Warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability.




w w w. f o g c o . c o m

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc.


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OpSsaerating Instructions Read all labels and instructions before beginning installation. Check local codes to ensure compliance and always use a licensed contractor for water and electrical hook-ups. Use proper safety equipment during service work. All pump repair and replacement service work must be done by a Factory Authorized Service Center or a Factory Authorized Contractor. Contact Customer Service for more information.

Water and Power Supply Always use fresh, potable water to supply the system. Do not use water that has not been properly tested or treated for bacteria, contaminants, etc. Completely drain the system after each use. The pump must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for the electric current. The pump is equipped with a cord having a ground conductor and must be plugged into or wired directly into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. To reduce the risk of electric shock, install with all electrical components above grade level and always unplug the electric plug before beginning any service work to the pump. Check with a qualified electrician if you are in doubt whether the pump is properly grounded. Pump Operation __ Pumps are non-submersible and rated for a maximum operating pressure (See specifications). The unloader valve on all Premium and Professional Pumps is set from the factory and SHOULD NOT EXCEED 1000 PSI/70 Bar. Changing the pressure output on the pump may create a dangerous situation and will void any Fogco warranties. All pumps have been evaluated for use with water only. Do not use with flammable liquids. Never power the Premium Series pumps while the cover is removed. All pump repair and replacement service work must be performed by a Factory Authorized Service Center or a Factory Authorized Contractor.

Safety Instructions

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Useful Tips 1) The fog line should be placed around the perimeter of the area to be cooled. This forms a fog curtain, a cooling barrier between the protected area and the outside heat. 2) Standard nozzle spacing is 30”, but can be reduced or increased as desired. Mounting heights and climate will impact the nozzle spacing. 3) Install the auto drain valve in an area that can accept excess water. Make sure the valve is at the low point in the supply line to ensure that all water drains from the system. In some cases, it may be necessary to add an additional auto drain valve to the fog line or at the pump location. 4) The pump should be located as close to the water source as possible. It will require an outlet on a dedicated circuit with a breaker rated at 1.5 times the pumps full-load amp draw. 5) Use Fogco high pressure nylon feed line to get the water from the pump to the area where the system will be mounted. 6) Read all labels and instructions before beginning installation. Check local codes to ensure compliance and always use a licensed contractor for water and electrical hook-ups. Use proper safety equipment during service work. All system repairs or maintenance must be done by a Fogco Authorized Contractor. Contact Customer Service for more information. Fog Line Assembly and Installation Fog line assembly – Measure the outer perimeter of the area to be cooled. This is the total length of fog line you will need to assemble. Make sure you are providing fog for all open sides of the patio or area to be cooled. Measure the height from the ground to where the mist line will be installed. Using the table below, determine the suggested nozzle spacing. This is a recommendation only. Ideal nozzle spacing is dependent on local conditions and could vary widely. Mounting Height Recommended Nozzle Spacing 8 feet – 10 feet/2.4m to 3.0m 30 inch/76cm 10 feet – 12 feet/3.0m to 3.6m 24 inch/60cm For Mistscaping® applications, place the nozzles close together within the landscaping in the general area where cooling and special effects are desired. For more information, visit our website at www.fogco.com.

Installation Instructions

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Slip-Lok Nylon System – Assemble the fog line by pushing the end of the pre-cut lengths of tubing into the Slip-Lok fitting. Continue until the required length of fog line is assembled. Copper System – Assemble the fog line by soldering Fogco 10’ prefabricated lengths together. Custom projects may require fabrication of the copper lines on site. Double ferruled compression fittings can be used to simplify the installation. Stainless Steel System – Assemble the fog line using brass or stainless steel double ferruled compression fittings. The stainless steel tubing can be bent around corners for a clean profiled installation. Compression fittings are available in all necessary fitting configurations.

Ending the system – For Slip-Lok systems, insert the scored side of the end-plug into the end of the last Slip-Lok fitting. For copper or stainless steel systems, use a compression cap fitting. Mounting the fog line – Mount the fog line on the bottom of the supporting structure around the perimeter of the patio area using insulated wrap-around clamps. Secure the line with screws (use anchor inserts and screws for masonry installations) approximately 4 inches/10cm on either side of each nozzle fitting. For Slip-Lok systems, make sure the clamps are only loosely attached. These will be secured after the pump has been tested and the system has been pressurized. Point the threaded opening in the fog line straight down or 45 degrees below horizontal. This can be adjusted as needed by rotating the individual fitting or the entire fog line. The first nozzle should begin at least 24 inches/60cm from any structure. Installing the High Pressure feed line – Using a 3/8” compression fitting (92820), connect the nylon feed line (92700) to the mounted fog line. For Slip-Lok systems, no compression fitting is needed. Simply push the feed line into the first Slip-Lok fitting on the mounted fog line. Run the feed line tubing over to the pump location securing as necessary with the insulated clamps. Connecting to the pump – Thread a 3/8” male adapter (92707) into the threaded fitting marked ‘Outlet’ on the side of the pump. Make sure the end of the nylon feed line (92700) is cut straight. Insert the end of the tubing into the Slip-Lok fitting (92707). Keep any excess tubing coiled at the pump location to help absorb vibration. Connecting to the water supply –It is recommended that the Fogco Filter Starter Pack be used for connecting all pumps up to 5 GPM / 19 LPM to the water supply. Larger pump will require the use of different fittings and tubing large enough to provide the needed water flow.

1. Thread the ½” male adapter (92854) into the fitting marked ‘Inlet’ on the side of the pump. This is where the ½” low pressure feed line will be inserted. Create a hose adapter assembly by threading the Slip-Lok x male adapter fitting (92855) into the hose adapter (92544) fitting. Use Teflon tape and tighten securely to prevent any leaking. Insert one end of the Fogco ½” LP tubing (92853) into the Slip-Lok side of this assembly. Thread the hose adapter assembly onto a standard hose spigot. Do not connect the other end of the tubing to the Slip-Lok fitting on the pump until after the filter has been flushed.

2. Cut the ½” low pressure tubing to allow for inserting of the sediment or polyphosphate

canister filter. The tubing should be cut at a location that allows for proper mounting of the filter housing. Thread the Slip-Lok fittings (92855) into either side of the filter housing. Insert the ends of the cut ½” feed line into the fittings. Turn on the water supply and flush the cartridge for 30 seconds to remove any debris or sediment. Connect the open end of the ½ feed line tubing to the Slip-Lok fitting marked ‘Inlet’ on the pump.

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Inserting the Auto Drain Valve – The auto drain valve should be inserted at the lowest point between the pump and the fog line. It should be as close to the pump as possible. This valve will release water each time the system is turned on and off so make sure it is located in an area that can accept water run-off. The valve will allow the system to be fully drained and thereby reduce calcium build up from plugging the nozzles. In some cases, it may be necessary to install an auto drain valve on the end of the fog line to allow for two different drainage points for the system. Install the drain valve by cutting the 3/8” nylon high pressure feed line at the best location (see notes above) and inserting a Slip-Lok T (92630). Thread the drain valve into the threaded opening on the side of the T. The auto drain valve uses the same thread size as the fog nozzles so a second auto drain valve can be inserted into any nozzle position on the fog line. Flush the system – Once all connections have been made (See Starter Kit – Part # 92000 - and Tubing Kit instructions for additional detail), you are now ready to flush the fog line. Turn on the water supply and the pump and let it run for 30 seconds. Once flushed, turn off the pump and thread the nozzles into each nozzle fitting on the fog line. The Premium and Professional pump range includes an electric solenoid valve mounted to the pump. This valve will open and close as the pump is turned on and off eliminating the need to turn the water supply off seperately. The water supply should be left on. Only turn the water supply off if the feed line will be disconnected from the pump or if the filter cartridges are being replaced. Completing the installation (For Slip-Lok systems only) – While the system is operating, check to ensure that each section of tubing is fully inserted into each Slip-Lok fitting on the system and that there are no leaks. If there are any leaks, remove the clamps, unassemble the fitting from the tubing and re-assemble ensuring that the tubing has been fully inserted into the fitting (approx. 7/8" of an inch). Let the system operate for a few minutes. You will notice that the tubing will begin to sag between the clamps. This is normal and is a result of the fittings expanding and locking in place on the tubing. Turn off the pump. Go to the end of the system and begin tightening each clamp while pulling the tubing to remove any sagging. Continue until all the clamps are secure. The system installation is now complete.

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Read all labels and instructions before beginning installation. Check local codes to ensure compliance and always use a licensed contractor for water and electrical hook-ups. Use proper safety equipment during service work. All pump repair and replacement service work must be done by a Factory Authorized Service center or a Factory Authorized Contractor. Contact Customer Service for more information.

Equipment Use The Fogco pumps are designed for use with the appropriately rated tubing and fittings to create a fog system for outdoor cooling, humidification, dust and odor control, fire suppression, and mistscaping. The pumps should never be operated above their rated pressure or for applications beyond those provided by Fogco. All Safety Instructions and Installation Instructions should be followed to ensure safe operation of the equipment.

Operation of the Pump The pump should be installed above top grade level on a solid foundation. It should be in a cool, dry location with easy access to water and power. It should be located near a drain. If the system will be used in freezing conditions, the pump should be located in a place where the temperature can be maintained and all water lines should be drained after each use. It is recommended that the power supply to the pump be a dedicated circuit with a breaker capable of 1.5 times the rated full-load amps of the pump. The water supply should be a constant and should provide 2 times the pumps rated flow with the appropriately sized feed line as prescribed in the Installation Instructions. Before starting the Premium and Professional Series pumps, replace the red shipping cap with the yellow dipstick supplied with the pump. Check the oil level with the dipstick and the sight gauge. The proper level is ½ full on the sight gauge. Check the belt tension on all pulley driven units to insure the belt is tight (no more than ½” deflect). See the Maintenance Instructions for details on adjusting the belt tension. Water filtration is required for every pump. A Fogco Filter Starter Kit is recommended for pumps up to 5 GPM. Larger pumps will require specific components including the appropriately sized low pressure feed line and filter cartridge and canister. When installing the filter, flush for thirty seconds before connecting to the pump. Replace cartridges annually. When connecting the pump directly to any rigid line, always install a flexible tubing or discharge hose on the pump. This will reduce the vibration transferred from the pump to the rigid tubing. The On/Off switch for the Premium Series pump is a 2 position switch and is located on the opposite side of the cover containing the inlet fitting, the outlet fitting, and the pressure gauge. The switch for the Professional Series Pulley Driven pump is a toggle switch located on the pump housing. The switch for the Professional Series Direct Drive pump is a toggle switch located on the motor housing. The switch for the Premium, the Professional, and the Promotional Series medium pressure pump controls the electric and the water supply to the pump. Turning the switch on will allow the electricity to power the unit and will also open the solenoid valve located on the pump thereby allowing the water to flow through the pump and into the fog system. This solenoid valve eliminates the need for turning the water supply on or off. The water supply should be constant.

Operating Instructions

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Operation of the System The nozzles and the auto drain valve may periodically become clogged due to minerals in the water. If necessary, remove them from the system and soak in Fogco Nozzle Cleaner for 30 minutes. Always remove the nozzles and auto drain valve from the system during the winter months or if the system will not be used for a prolonged period of time. Flush the system before re-installing. Always drain the water from the pump if there is a danger of freezing. The Slip-Lok system can be dis-assembled if replacement of the tubing or a fitting is required. To remove the tubing, place an open-end wrench over the tubing and slide it until it is against the fitting. Pull the tubing away from the fitting. Always cut the end of the tubing to obtain a clean edge before re-inserting. If a leak develops at the point where the nozzle threads into a fitting, check to see that the o-ring is present and is not cut or torn. Replace the o-ring if necessary and re-insert the nozzle into the system. Never remove nozzles while the system is under pressure. The Premium Series Pumps and Booster Pump have been tested by Underwriters Laboratory and Consultants Europe and are UL Listed and CE certified. For additional information about this and other Fogco Systems, Inc. products, visit our website at www.fogco.com. Data Tables and Diagrams The following Electrical Data and Specifications tables; the pump diagram and Replacement Parts Table, and the pump wiring diagrams provide detailed information regarding the Premium, Professional, and Promotional Series pumps. Additional information is available upon request from our Customer Service department

Premium Series Electric Data and Specifications

Pump Model 60 Hz

Size GPM

Motor HP Unit RPM

Volts / Phase

Full Load Amps

Dimensions Inches

Weight Lbs

92506 1 1 490 110-1 12.6 26 x 16 x 12 110 92676 1 1 490 220-1 6.3 26 x 16 x 12 110 92511 2 1.5 930 110-1 15 26 x 16 x 12 118 92677 2 1.5 930 220-1 7.8 26 x 16 x 12 118 92531 3 3 1475 220-1 13.5 26 x 16 x 12 130 92540 4 5 930 220-1 23 36 x 19 x 15 250 92550 5 5 1360 220-1 23 36 x 19 x 15 250

Pump Model 50 Hz

Size LPM

Motor HP

Unit RPM

Volts \ Phase

Full Load Amps

Dimensions Centimeters

Weight Kg

92541 4 1 580 220-1 6.8 66 x 41 x 30 50 92542 8 1.5 1015 220-1 11.5 66 x 41 x 30 54 92543 12 2 1530 220-1 12 66 x 41 x 30 59

92673 15 5 1125 220-1 22 94 x 50 x 39 113

92674 19 5 1050 220-1 22 94 x 50 x 39 113

All pumps specified for pressure output of 1000 PSI / 70 BAR. Feed line inlet pressure should not exceed 100 PSI / 7 BAR

Pump options include the addition of a thermal relief valve, electric drain valve, low water safety switch, and special voltage motors. Contact our Customer Service Department for special builds and for Specifications on pumps larger than 5 GPM / 19 LPM

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Professional Series Pulley Driven Electric Data and Specifications

Pump Model 60 Hz

Size GPM

Motor HP

Unit RPM Volts -

Phase Full Load

Amps Dimensions

Inches Weight

Lbs 99100 1 1 490 110-1 14 21 x 16 x 11 92 99120 1 1 490 220-1 7 21 x 16 x 11 92 99200 2 1.5 930 110-1 21 21 x 16 x 11 100 99220 2 1.5 930 220-1 10.5 21 x 16 x 11 100 99300 3 3 1475 220-1 17 21 x 16 x 11 112 Pump Model 50 Hz

Size LPM

Motor HP

Volts - Phase

Full Load Amps

Dimensions Centimeters

Weight Kg

98400 4 1 580 220-1 6.5 53 x 40 x 28 41 98800 8 1.5 1015 220-1 11.5 53 x 40 x 28 45 98120 12 2 1530 220-1 12 53 x 40 x 28 49

All pumps specified for maximum pressure output of 1000 PSI / 70 BAR. Feed line inlet pressure should not exceed 100 PSI / 7 BAR

Pump options include the addition of a Thermal Relief Valve, Electric Drain Valve, Low Water Safety Switch, and special voltage motors. Call Customer Service for specifications and pricing.

Professional Series Direct Drive Electric Data and Specifications

Pump Model 60 Hz

Size GPM

Motor HP

Volts / Phase

Full Load Amps

Dimensions Inches

Weight Lbs

92683.OV ½ ½ 110-1 7.7 8 x 22 x 10 55 92505.OV 1.05 ¾ 110-1 11.2 8 x 22 x 10 60 92510.OV 2.1 1 ½ 110-1 18 8 x 22 x 10 65

92510.0V.220 2.1 1 ½ 220-1 9 8 x 22 x 10 65 93089.OV 2.8 2 220-1 10.5 8 x 22 x 10 75 93090.OV 3.8 3 220-1 17 8 x 26 x 12 75 93598.OV 5.5 5 220-1 19.8 8 x 28 x 12 85

Pump Model 50 Hz

Size LPM

Motor HP

Volts \ Phase

Full Load Amps

Dimensions Centimeters

Weight Kg

92921.OV 1.5 ½ 220-1 4.1 20 x 56 x 25 25 92521.OV 4.5 1 220-1 6.4 20 x 56 x 25 27 92549.OV 8.9 2 220-1 10.7 20 x 56 x 25 29

93595.OV 11.1 2 220-1 10.7 20 x 56 x 25 34

93596.OV 17.4 5 220-1 20.5 20 x 66 x 30 38

All pumps specified for maximum pressure output of 1000 PSI / 70 BAR. Feed line inlet pressure should not exceed 100 PSI / 7 BAR Pump options include the addition of a Thermal Relief Valve, Electric Drain Valve, Low Water

Safety Switch, and special voltage motors. Call Customer Service for specifications and pricing.

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Promotional Series Electric Data and Specifications

Pump Model 60 Hz

Description Size

GPM Motor HP

Volts / Phase

Full Load Amps

Dimensions Inches



92504 160 PSI Booster Pump .18 1/20 12 AC .18 9 x 5 x 3 11

92512 160 PSI Booster Pump .18 1/20 110-1 .18 15 x 7 x 4 22

92532 160 PSI Booster Pump .18 1/20 220-1 .18 15 x 7 x 4 22

92501 250 PSI Medium Pressure Pump .38 ½ 110-1 7.2 14 x 10 x 8 32

92502 250 PSI Medium Pressure Pump .75 ½ 110-1 7.2 14 x 10 x 8 32

92503 250 PSI Medium Pressure Pump 1.1 ½ 110-1 7.2 14 x 10 x 8 32

Pump Model 50 Hz

Description Size

LPM Motor HP

Volts \ Phase

Full Load Amps

Dimensions Centimeters



92532 11 BAR Booster Pump .65 1/20 220-1 .18 38 x 18 x 10 10

92924 18 BAR Medium Pressure Pump 1.4 ½ 220-1 3.6 36 x 25 x 20 12

92925 18 BAR Medium Pressure Pump 2.8 ½ 220-1 3.6 36 x 25 x 20 12

92926 18 BAR Medium Pressure Pump 4.1 ½ 220-1 3.6 36 x 25 x 20 12

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Reference # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bare Pump

Electric Motor

Solenoid Valve

Unloader Valve

Pressure Gauge

Rubber Feet

On/Off Switch

Power Cord

Drive Belt

Exhaust Fan

Motor Pulley

Pump Pulley

92506 92508 93170 93082 93521 93108 93102 93109 93174 93173 N/A 93171 9317292676 92508 93170 92596 93521 93108 93102 93109 93153 93173 N/A 93171 9317292511 92508 93175 93082 93521 93108 93102 93109 93178 93110 92995 93176 9317792677 92508 93175 92596 93521 93108 93102 93109 93153 93110 93148 93176 9317792531 92508 93103 92596 93521 93108 93102 93109 93153 93110 93148 93105 9310792540 93586 92858 93233 93521 93108 93102 93109 N/A 93236 93148 92943 9317792550 93586 92858 93233 93521 93108 93102 93109 N/A 94114 93148 92943 9358892541 92508 92933 92596 93521 93108 93102 93109 93153 93110 93148 92782 9330492542 92508 93221 92596 93521 93108 93102 93109 93153 93173 93148 92781 93177


p M



92543 92508 93220 92596 93521 93108 93102 93109 93153 93110 93148 93176 93177 92673 93586 93224 93233 93521 93108 93102 93109 N/A 94114 93148 92943 93588 92674 93586 93224 93233 93521 93108 93102 93109 N/A 93057 93148

All pumps specified for pressure output of 1000 PSI / 70 BAR. Feed line inlet pressure should not exceed 100 PSI / 7 BAR Pump options include the addition of a thermal relief valve, electric drain valve, low water safety switch, and special voltage motors.

Contact our Customer Service Department for special builds and for Specifications on pumps larger than 5 GPM / 19 LPM

Premium Series Pump Replacement Parts

Bare Pump (1)

Electric Motor (2)

Solenoid Valve (3)

Unloader Valve (4)

Pressure Gauge (5)

On/Off Switch (7)

Power Cord (8)

Drive Belt (9)

Pump Pulley (12)Motor Pulley (11)

Drain Hose

Pump Valves

Exhaust Fan (10)

Vented Oil Cap

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All pumps specified for pressure output of 1000 PSI / 70 BAR. Feed line inlet pressure should not exceed 100 PSI / 7 BAR Pump options include the addition of a thermal relief valve, electric drain valve, low water safety switch, and special voltage motors.

Contact our Customer Service Department for special builds and for Specifications on pumps larger than 5 GPM / 19 LPM

Reference # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Bare Pump

Electric Motor

Solenoid Valve

Unloader Valve

Pressure Gauge

Rubber Feet

On/Off Switch

Power Cord

92683.OV 92931 92785 93082 93521 93585 93183 93190 9317492505.OV 92783 92785 93082 93521 93585 93183 93190 9317492510.OV 92784 92786 93082 93521 93585 93183 93190 9317493089.OV 93533 93538 92596 93521 93585 93183 93190 9315393090.OV 93563 93539 93233 93521 93585 93183 93190 9315393598.OV 93564 93540 93233 93521 93585 93183 93190 9315392921.OV 92931 93593 92596 93521 93585 93183 93190 9315392521.OV 93533 92672 92596 93521 93585 93183 93190 9315392549.OV 93533 92670 92596 93521 93585 93183 93190 93153


p M



93595.OV 93565 92670 92596 93521 93585 93183 93190 93153

Professional Series Direct Drive Pump Replacement Parts

Bare Pump (1)

Electric Motor (2)

Solenoid Valve (3)

Unloader Valve (4) Pressure Gauge (5)

On/Off Switch (7)

Power Cord (8)

Rubber Feet (6)

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Reference # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Bare Pump Electric Motor

Solenoid Valve

Unloader Valve

Pressure Gauge

Rubber Feet

On/Off Switch

Power Cord

Drive Belt

Motor Pulley

Pump Pulley

99100 94055 94067 93082 94056 93108 94078 93190 93174 93173 93171 93172

99120 94055 94067 92596 94056 93108 94078 93190 93153 93173 93171 93172

99200 94055 94068 93082 94056 93108 94078 93190 93178 93110 93176 93177

99220 94055 94068 92596 94056 93108 94078 93190 93153 93110 93176 93177

99300 94055 93103 92596 94056 93108 94078 95003 93153 93110 93105 93107

98400 94055 92933 92596 94056 93108 94078 93190 93153 93110 93304 92782

98800 94055 93221 92596 94056 93108 94078 93190 93153 93173 92781 93177


p M



98120 94055 93220 92596 94056 93108 94078 95002 93153 93110 93176 93177

Professional Series Pulley Pump Replacement Parts

Bare Pump (1)

Electric Motor (2)

Solenoid Valve (3)

Unloader Valve (4)

Pressure Gauge (5)

On/Off Switch (7)

Power Cord (8)

Drive Belt (9) Pump Pulley (11)

Motor Pulley (10)

Pump Valves

Rubber Feet (6)

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Premium Series Pump Wiring Diagram

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

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Professional Series Pulley Pump Wiring Diagram

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

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Professional Series Direct Drive Pump Wiring Diagram

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

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Promotional Series Medium Pressure Pump Wiring Diagram

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

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Promotional Series Booster Pump Wiring Diagram

©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

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Read all labels and instructions before beginning installation. Check local codes to ensure compliance and always use a licensed contractor for water and electrical hook-ups. Use proper safety equipment during service work. All pump repair and replacement service work must be done by a Factory Authorized Service center or a Factory Authorized Contractor. Contact Customer Service for more information.

Changing Pump Oil (Premium & Professional Series only) __________ ___ 1. Run pump for 30 minutes prior to changing the pump oil. This will warm the pump allowing the oil to

flow better when draining from the pump. 2. To avoid electrical shock, always disconnect the plug before removing the pump cover. 3. Remove the yellow breather cap located on the topside of the pump head. 4. Locate the oil drain hose or plug on the bottom side of the pump, remove the drain cap and drain the oil

into a container. Dispose of the used oil at a proper oil disposal facility. 5. After draining is completed, replace drain cap and fill pump with FOGCO Pump Oil 93222. You may

substitute Mobil 60018-9 or Chevron 232105. The pump will take 15 ounces. Oil will show ½ full in sight window when pump is full.

6. Replace breather cap (hand tight) and pump cover. 7. The pump oil should be changed every 500 hours of operation. External Water Filter Inspection 1. Shut down water supply to pump before inspecting the filter element. 2. To insure the long life of the pump the external filter element needs to be inspected and/or replaced

every 6 months or as needed. The time in between replacements will vary depending on the use of the system and the condition of the water.

Drive Belt Inspection (Premium & Professional Series only) Whenever changing the oil, check the belt tension and inspect for cracks or abnormal wearing. The belt should deflect ½”or less. If the belt has more than ½”deflect, loosen the mounting bolts for the motor and slide the motor away from the pump to create the necessary tension. Tighten motor-mounting bolts securely. Fog System The nozzles, anti-drip valve, and auto drain valves should be inspected twice a year to ensure proper performance. If mineral deposits affect the operation of these items, the component should be removed from the system and cleaned using the Fogco Nozzle Cleaner. If cleaning does not improve the performance, the components should be replaced. Pump Component Replacement Fogco pumps are engineered and built to exacting specifications. Fogco Premium and Booster pumps are engineered and built to exacting specifications based on independent testing and evaluation by Underwriters Laboratory (UL). To maintain the integrity of the pump, all repair or replacement of components must be completed by a Fogco Authorized Factory Service Center or a Fogco Authorized Contractor. Contact our Customer Service Department for more information.

Maintenance Instructions

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Problem Cause Remedy Pump runs normally but does This problem can be a result of several different factors. It will usually be caused by not achieve full pressure a lack of sufficient back pressure on the pump to achieve the rated PSI output.

Pump is sucking air through Verify all hoses and fittings are airtight.

the inlet side and is unable to pressurize. There is a leak in the line on discharge Inspect all nozzles, lines, and fittings side of the pump preventing sufficient for water leaks. back pressure to achieve the rated PSI. There is insufficient supply of Check the flow of the water supply. water to the pump. It should be twice the rated flow of the

pump. Check to make sure there are no

restrictions to water supply. The unloader valve is not properly Contact the factory for adjustment adjusted or is malfunctioning. procedure. The pump has worn piston packing and Check and replace. Contact the factory is unable to build pressure. For specific instruction. The filter has a dirty cartridge and is Check and replace. restricting the water flow to the pump. Valves are worn or dirty. Check, clean or replace.

Water continues to run thru There is contaminant lodged in the Disassemble the solenoid valve and the system after the pump is solenoid valve or the valve is remove any foreign matter. Contact turned off. malfunctioning. the factory for further instruction if cleaning does not correct the problem. The pump stops running. The circuit has overloaded Confirm a properly sized dedicated circuit breaker and correct voltage. The thermal overload in the pump’s Let the pump cool down and reset the

motor has tripped. thermal relief switch. If the problem persists, contact the factory.

There is an oil leak The drain plug is loose. Check and tighten drain plug. The yellow dipstick is loose. Check and tighten dipstick hand tight. The pumps oil seals worn. Check and replace. My pump is pulsating. The pump’s valves are worn, dirty Check, clean, or replace. or stuck. The pump is sucking air. Verify hoses and fittings are airtight.

The pump has worn piston packing. Check and replace. Contact the factory

for specific instructions. The pump has a dirty filter cartridge. Check and replace.

System Troubleshooting

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My pump is pulsating. The pump is not receiving sufficient Verify water flow and increase as (Continued) water supply. necessary.

The incoming water pressure is too Install a pressure reducer on the feed line. high The incoming water pressure should not exceed 100 PSI. The system flow is too low for the Increase the system flow or reduce the rated pump flow. pump size or pressure output. The unloader valve is malfunctioning Replace as necessary

Water is leaking from under The piston packing is worn. Check and replace. the pump. The pump has a cracked plunger. Check and replace. The piston guide O-rings are worn. Check and replace. The piston retainer is worn. Check and replace. The feed line going into the pump Check and replace is cracked or loose. The solenoid valve is leaking or Check and repair or replace as is malfunctioning. necessary The pressure gauge is leaking. Check and repair or replace as necessary. There is water in the oil. You have high humidity in the air. Increase oil change intervals. Piston packing and oil seals are worn. Check and replace. Pump is excessively noisy. Pump is sucking air. Verify hoses and fittings are airtight. The pump valves dirty or worn. Check, clean or replace. The pumps bearings are worn. Check and replace if necessary. There is a dirty filter that is Check and replace. restricting the water supply to the pump.

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Fogco Systems, Inc. and it’s employees are proud of it's products and committed to providingthe best designed and manufactured high-pressure mist and fog equipment available. We wel-come comments and questions regarding our products.

Scope of Warranty: All Fogco products are warranted against defects in workmanship andmaterials.

Warranty Period: Fogco products are warranted for 12 months from the date of sale. Allwarranty claims must be submitted to the Fogco Service Center prior to the expiration of thewarranty period.

Warranty Validation: To activate the Warranty on Fogco products, customer must submitFogco Products Registration Form within 30 days of receiving product. Include a copy ofPacking list or Invoice.

Procedure to Receive Warranty Service: To return Fogco products for warranty service, callthe Fogco Service Center for a Warranty Authorization number. Customers should then takeor ship prepaid the Fogco product requiring warranty service to the Service Center. Pleaseinclude an explanation of the defect or problem, a description of the way in which the Fogcoproduct is used, and your name, address and telephone number on the warranty claim formprovided.

Repairs by other than the Fogco Service Center: Fogco must approve a repair by anyoneother than the Fogco Service Center.

Repairs or Replacement Within the Scope of the Warranty: If a Fogco product is defectivedue to Fogco workmanship or materials and the defect occurs during the warranty period,Fogco will either repair the product or replace it with a new one, whichever Fogco believes tobe appropriate under the circumstances. Fogco is not responsible for removal and shipping ofthe system to the service center, the reinstallation of the system upon its return to the cus-tomer, or any incidental or consequential damages resulting from the defect, removal, rein-stallation, shipment or otherwise.

Repairs Outside the Scope of the Warranty: Problems with Fogco products can be due toimproper maintenance, faulty installation, inappropriate additions or modifications to the sys-tem, or other problems not due to defects in Fogco workmanship or materials. If the FogcoService Center determines that the problem with the product is not due to defects in work-manship or materials, then the customer will be responsible for the cost of any necessaryrepairs. Customers not satisfied with a determination that a problem is outside of warrantycoverage should contact the Fogco customer service department.

Product Specification: All product specifications, applications and other information providedin Fogco's catalog and publications are subject to correction and change without notice andshould be confirmed with Fogco prior to ordering.

No Other Warranties and Liability Limitation: This Limited Warranty and service Policy rep-resents Fogco's sole and exclusive warranty obligation with respect to Fogco Systems, Inc.products. Fogco's liability to a customer or any other person shall not exceed the purchaseprice of the Fogco system. Fogco disclaims all other expressed and implied Warranties includ-ing the implied Warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability.




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©2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Mistscaping®, Desert Fog®, Fogco® and the Encircled Spray Pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

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Trademark and Copyright Authorization License

This Agreement is by and between Fogco Systems, Inc., hereafter referred to as Fogco, and _____________________, hereafter referred to as Dealer; and concerns the rights and uses of trademarked and copyrighted materials owned by Fogco Systems, Inc.

Whereas, Fogco represents that it is the sole and exclusive owner of various United States and International Trademarks and Copyrights and that it has the sole and exclusive right to grant licenses for the use of these Trademarks and Copyrights; and

Whereas, the Dealer wishes to acquire the right and license to use these Fogco Trademarks and Copyrights in its advertising and promotional literature including their use within the Dealers website;

Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration each has already paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1) GRANT. Fogco does hereby grant to the Dealer the non-exclusive right and license to use the Fogco Trademarks and Copyrights in its advertising and promotional literature, including use within the Dealers website, to the end of the term of this Agreement unless terminated sooner as hereinafter provided. 2) CONSIDERATION. Fogco grants the Dealer the right of use and license in consideration of the following:

A) The Dealer continues to buy Fogco products exclusively and does not purchase, stock, promote, or sell competitive fog related products from any other industry supplier. B) The Dealer agrees that final written approval must be received from Fogco before the Trademarked or Copyrighted items are used in any published or printed piece created by the Dealer.

3) FOGCO TRADEMARKS. Fogco Trademarks include Mistscaping, Desert Fog, Fogco, and the encircled spray pattern. The Dealer recognizes that Fogco is free to amend this list at any time as necessary. 4) FOGCO COPYRIGHTS. Fogco Copyrights include photos, art, text passages and other text and/or drawings, including the Fogco website and the Fogco Interactive CD, originating from Fogco Systems, Inc. and depicting its products or scenes using its products. 5) APPROVED USES. The Dealer may only use the Fogco Trademarks and Copyrights in conjunction with the promotion and sale of Fogco products and all Trademark and Copyright notifications shall be placed in a prominent position. Any misuse of the Fogco Trademarks or Copyrights may result in immediate termination of this agreement and loss of all rights and licenses granted herein and the pursuit of legal action to address trademark or copyright infringement. 6) SUBLICENSE. The Dealer may sublicense any of the rights granted hereunder to advertising or media agencies for the sole purpose of allowing such agencies to duplicate the Fogco Trademarks or Copyrights within the Dealers advertising and promotional literature, including an internet website, as prescribed in paragraph 4. No other sublicensing of these rights is allowed or intended. 7) MARKING. The Dealer agrees to use proper trademark and copyright markings with the use of the Fogco Trademarks as follows:

A) All Fogco Trademarks as listed above or on the attached addendum, shall carry the ® symbol as a superscript or subscript and carry the legend ‘Fogco Systems Inc. Trademarks used with permission’.

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B) All Fogco Copyrights shall include the legend ‘© 2003 Fogco Systems, Inc. Portions used with permission.’ Copyrights include images, photographs, illustrations, text, and any duplication of existing Fogco Copyrighted material.

C) If any Fogco Systems, Inc.’s trademarked terms or symbols are used on the website, then the following disclaimer will be placed on the bottom of the ‘opening page’ of the website:

Mistscaping, Desert Fog, Fogco, and the encircled spray pattern are registered trademarks of Fogco Systems, Inc.

D) If any Fogco Systems, Inc. owned images or copyrighted text are to be placed on the website, than the following disclaimer will be placed on the bottom of any page that contains these copyrighted images:

Portions printed with permission from Fogco Systems, Inc.

8) QUALITY CONTROL. The Dealer shall provide Fogco with initial samples of all items bearing any Fogco Trademark or Copyright for approval prior to printing or publishing. If Fogco Trademarks or Copyrights are to be placed on an internet website, the Dealer agrees to first provide an ‘off-site’ or hidden URL for Fogco to view and approve before the website is posted on the internet. Fogco will have the right of final approval of the quality and appropriateness of the use of its Trademarks and Copyrights. Once approved, the Dealer will be free to produce the approved version of the literature or website.

9) TRANSFER. This agreement is not transferable to any other company, customer, or affiliate of the

Dealer without the prior written approval of Fogco. 10) TERM. This Agreement shall remain in force until terminated or until December 31st, 2004 and shall

be renewable for an additional 24 month period with the written consent of both parties. Fogco may terminate this agreement at any time based on the non-compliance of the Dealer to the stipulations listed herein or based on the Dealers failure to maintain an existing Exclusive Distribution Agreement with Fogco. In addition, Fogco may terminate this license at its sole discretion with 90 days written notice of such intentions.

11) NOTICE. Any notice required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be

served upon the other party personally with authorized signatures receipt or by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested. 12) ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties with reference to the subject matter hereof. No other agreements, oral or otherwise, shall be deemed to exist or to bind any one of the parties and all prior agreements and understandings are superseded hereby. Except for the undersigned representative for the Fogco, no other member, manager, officer, employee, or agent of the Company shall have any authority to make any representation or promise on behalf of the Company. This agreement cannot be modified except by a written instrument signed by all parties hereto.

13) INVALIDITY. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall declare any portion of this agreement invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portion hereof shall remain in full force and effect.

14) GOVERNING LAW: JURISDICTION AND VENUE. This agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona, without regard to principles of conflict of law. The parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts in Maricopa County, Arizona, United States of America, for the resolution of all disputes arising out of or relating to this agreement.

15) ATTORNEY’S FEES. In the event that a party to this agreement must retain an attorney to enforce this agreement, or in the event of litigation as a result of any controversy, dispute, breech or construction of this agreement, the non-breaching or prevailing party shall be entitled to recover, from the other party, all costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys fees in connection with the enforcement or litigation.

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16) CONSTRUCTION. The language and all parts of this agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning and concept. Both parties acknowledge that they have reviewed this agreement and have had the opportunity to have it reviewed by legal counsel, and that the rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply in the interpretation of this agreement or any amendment or exhibit hereto. In Witness Whereof, the parties have executed this agreement on the date written below: _________________________ __________________________ Fogco Systems, Inc. Date _________________________ __________________________ Dealer Date
