Sam Duxbury Contractual A contractual brief is a type of brief or contract where a media company is employed by the client in order to complete a project within the brief which is set to specific guidelines which the media company must follow. It will be very important for the media company to follow these guidelines and do exactly what the client states within the brief, if they fail to do so this can result in a breech of contract and the company could face legal actions. http://creativemediaatjt.blogspot.co.uk/search?q=contractual A contractual is when a media or creative company is employed by a company or client to complete a project to meet there brief guidelines, the company must follow these. The media company must follow these as it’s a very important part as if they fail to follow these it could result in a breech of contract and could lead to legal actions taking place. Communication: This is important within a contract so that the company and client can communicate with each other about the current task. Time Management: Time management within a contract is highly important as the company need to keep a schedule and stay on track to meet the clients deadline. Technical Skills: The company or client will need a set of skills to complete the task they have been given; this will help improve existing skills and help learn new skills. Career Progression: The more jobs they receive will help their career progression due to the more work experience and skills they gather making more jobs available. Negotiated This type of brief will be brought up if the co-operative brief given to the two of more media companies that are competing. The project have any issues between them selves about the brief or anything they would like to clear up with the client. Through the negotiations the brief can then be changed in order to suite every party taking part in the production. This could be anything from

FMP Task One

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Sam Duxbury


A contractual brief is a type of brief or contract where a media company is employed by the client in order to complete a project within the brief which is set to specific guidelines which the media company must follow. It will be very important for the media company to follow these guidelines and do exactly what the client states within the brief, if they fail to do so this can result in a breech of contract and the company could face legal actions.


A contractual is when a media or creative company is employed by a company or client to complete a project to meet there brief guidelines, the company must follow these. The media company must follow these as it’s a very important part as if they fail to follow these it could result in a breech of contract and could lead to legal actions taking place.

Communication: This is important within a contract so that the company and client can communicate with each other about the current task.

Time Management: Time management within a contract is highly important as the company need to keep a schedule and stay on track to meet the clients deadline.

Technical Skills: The company or client will need a set of skills to complete the task they have been given; this will help improve existing skills and help learn new skills.

Career Progression: The more jobs they receive will help their career progression due to the more work experience and skills they gather making more jobs available.


This type of brief will be brought up if the co-operative brief given to the two of more media companies that are competing. The project have any issues between them selves about the brief or anything they would like to clear up with the client. Through the negotiations the brief can then be changed in order to suite every party taking part in the production. This could be anything from changing the appearance of the product to changing the products content as well as keeping it to the guidelines set in the brief.


This type of brief is when two or more companies are hired to complete a project. During the negotiation part the companies will make any changes to suite there part within the project. These changes could be anything from changing products to just the appearance, but without breaking the project guidelines set by the project creator.

Communication: The entire brief will be about the client and company resulting in lots of communication between about the project and any changes made or which need changing.

Time Management: The client will inform the production companies of their required deadlines and these companies will have to meet these. This will have to use the companies time management skills to keep on top of everything.

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Sam Duxbury

Technical Skills: When in a negotiation brief one of the most important skills would be communication skills due to the vast amount of planning between the client and company when planning the project.

Career Progression: When doing a negotiation brief the skills learned can help both the client and companies by improving communication skills and the ability to work well with others.

Formal Brief

This is where a media company is given a brief by the client which outlines the product which they are wanting to be made. This brief is very open and only gives enough information to be able to produce the product, any issues or information that the media company would like to go over can be discussed during the negotiations with the client. Both the client and the company employed by them will formally agree on the project and the brief but it cannot always be legally binding.


This type of brief is very open and explains basically what the client requires from the company. Any problems before or during the project can be brought up and come to agreement, But this type is not always legally binding.

Communication: When the task is given, the company will communicate with the client explaining how they will produce the product to meet there requires. This shows the communication within the project as the client is explaining what he needs and the company is taking that information and expanding on it.

Time management: When the project is set it should explain the time limit that the client wants. With this the company then use time management to make sure they meet these.

Technical Skills: When completing a formal brief it gives the client and company a better understanding of how it work and negotiated, helping both sides for projects in the future.

Career Progression: Due to formal brief being a very professional project brief it helps the company/client stand out within the industry.

Informal Brief

An informal brief is not documented and is usually of the verbal kind. It is where the client and the company which they have employed simply discuss the requirements for the product they will be making and ultimately agrees upon the project.


This type of brief is entirely organised by communication between the client and company, nothing is documented, but talks are done until the project is agreed upon.

Communication: Due to informal briefs mostly being verbal agreements. It requires good communication between the company and client

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Sam Duxbury

Time Management: Whilst taking part in a informal brief the client may negotiate how long the company has so that it can prepare and manage their project to meet the deadlines set.

Technical Skills: When taking part in an informal brief the main component is communication, improving the companies and clients negotiating skills.

Career Progression: The informal brief is a good way to improve your progression as it shows the willingness to be able to negotiate and come to agreements with external companies.


This brief is where a large media company will employ an other independent media company to create and produce the product for them, and after the product has been made the larger company may go on to be use the product for an external client who will pay the independent media company for making the product and they could even get a cut of the royalties too. The brief is not negotiated between the company and the client, however is negotiated between the two media companies.


A commission brief is when a large media company hires an independent media company to plan and produce a product for the company’s needs. Once the company has completed the product they may go on to use this to an external client.

Communication: When participating in a commission it will desire communication between two companies so that negotiation can talk place and they can come to an agreement.

Time Management: This is an important factor due to the client wanting to have a time-frame for the product so the media company will have to create a schedule to meet that deadline.

Technical Skills: Main skills learnt during this type of deal are mostly communication due to having to keep in contact to discuss the ideas and so on.

Career Progression: The positive to doing a commission brief is that the bond will be built between two companies achieving return services.


This is where a client will advertise their brief and a production company will bring together a proposal that they will pitch to the client, there could be multiple pitches to the client from many different companies, so the client will then get the chance to choose the proposal that they think best suits their brief and offer the job to that production company.


A Tender brief is when a client who needs work will post an advertisement containing there brief and numerous media companies will have to pitch their idea to the client and the client shall decide from the following companies.

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Sam Duxbury

Communication: Communication is an important factor when coming to this type of brief due to it having companies having to come up with a good enough argument to pitch the idea to the client to ensure that their ideas are chosen.

Time Management: The client will most likely state a deadline for the product to complete e.g the client may be attending a meeting and will need the product for a certain time.

Technical Skills: This type of brief will help the client improve decision making due to having to pick from various companies and be able to spot out the companies that will produce a successful product.

Career Progression: Due to having to pick a certain company this may cause a bond between the company and client and may expand to more business taking place within the future.


Within this type of brief there are usually two or more companies that are hired by the client to work to the brief they have written for the specific project they re wanting to be completed. After both companies have received the brief they can then proceed to work together to produce the product. If there is a disagreement or conflict in ideas there can be a negotiated brief in order to resolve these issues.


This type of brief is where a client will produce a plan and then two or more companies which will have to work together to complete the product within the given timeframe. If a disagreement between the companies occurs a negotiation brief can be taken place to resolve the issues.

Communication: A high amount of communication will take place during this type of brief due to two or more companies having to work together and use teamwork.

Time management: As there shall be more than one company participating within this plan, all companies would have to work on a schedule to plan out there uses of time and make sure there linking with each other.

Technical Skills: Teamwork and communication would be two of the main skills shown in this type of brief due to having to work together throughout and decide on plans.

Career Progression: Co-operation skills will surely be improved when completing these, making it clear that the companies are capable of working within a team.


This is where a client can put their brief out so it can be accessed by all of the different production companies that are participating. It can sometimes been seen as a free competition as each production company will complete the brief and the client can then judge which company has the best project and as an award they have it published.


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Sam Duxbury

This is when a client will produce a brief so that it can be accessed by all types of production companies. The production companies will then complete the brief to the requirement needs and then the client will make a decision and the reward would be the client having the certain production companies idea published.

Communication: This would appear when the client has to choose the best ideas by the companies and then discuss how theirs is better than everyone else.

Time Management: Time management is a key factor when taking part as the companies will have to ensure they have completed the product within the specific time frame given by the client.

Technical Skills: The progression of being able to create a professional high standard brief to make your certain company to stand out over the rest and result in your idea being chosen.

Career Progression: Well if successful this would show that the company’s skill to be able to stand out above the rest would improve and they will know how to do this against more challenging companies. This would result in more clients wanting to hire the certain company.

Game Jam

Who is the client?

In this case the client for the certain production would be the Game Jam founders and their staff.

What media product(s) does the client require?

The requirements show that they are after a video game. Groups will be required to create a game each.

What is the timescale to deliver the product(s) to the client?

The time scale given is 48 hours, the groups would have to completely finish and finalize their game before the time ran out.

Who is the intended target audience the client wishes the product(s) to appeal to?

It depends on which type of game the group decide to create for example if they choose to create a fps it would most likely have a teenager related target audience.

What are the legal and ethical issues relating to the production?

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Sam Duxbury

GGJ research strives to explore, understand and grow the art of games and game jamming. We do everything possible to protect the rights, welfare, and well-being of subjects involved in research conducted or supported by Global Game Jam and the various researchers by adhering to strict legal and ethical protocols. Research is primarily conducted via survey, or observation. GGJ participants may choose to opt-out of interviews and observations by advising their local organizers or by not taking the survey. http://globalgamejam.org/legal-policies

What constraints do you have to work within (budget, length of product, format)?

One of the main constraints given is the time limit which is 48 hours effecting how much detail can be placed into the game, meaning that the final product may not be very lengthy.

Saxxy Awards 2014

Who is the client?

The main client within this would be valve who are the creators of steam.

What media product(s) does the clients require?

The client would require a short 5 minute clip to show the companies creativity and skill when it comes to creating a product to the client’s needs.

What is the timescale to deliver the product(s) to the client?

The event starts on the 24th July until the 24th

September giving them two months to create their clips and hand them in for voting which begins on the 24th.

Who is the intended target audience the client wishes the product(s) appeal to?

As there are four categories to choose from the target audience will change depending on the categories chosen, these categories are Short, Action, Comedy and Drama.

What are the legal and ethical issues relating to the production?

The clip creators must be authorised by the company to be able to use their copyrights within their clips. All clips must be appropriate and not contain rude scenes or anything offensive.

What constraints do you have to work within (budget, length of product, format)?

Firstly they must complete it within a two month time limit and be able to fit everything into a 5 minute clip. As there is only 4 catergories to choose from it doesn’t really expand the full imagination of some creators and they creators are only able to use Source FilmMaker.

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Game Jolt Jams

Who is the client?

Both Game Jolt and Pewdiepie are the clients in this case as they are working with each other.

What media product(s) does the clients require?

The client needs a game created by Pewdiepie and the public to meet the standards of the rules.

What is the timescale to deliver the product(s) to the client?

The creators of the game will have a total of 72 hours to completely finish their game.

Who is the intended target audience the client wishes the product(s) appeal to?

The target audience will depend on what time of game they decide to make, but all the games are indie based.

What are the legal and ethical issues relating to the production?

As we can see on the picture the rules are pretty easy to understand, they would need to follow these rules for the games to be published.

What constraints do you have to work within (budget, length of product, format)?

Firstly the main constraint is that they only have 72 hours to complete their game to the best of standards. Over constraint may be the budget they have to create it, the limitation to the content they’re allowed and the programs.