Flower quest By Samuel Newton and Sebastian Horne

Flower quest by sebastian and samptx

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  • 1. Flower quest By Samuel Newton and Sebastian Horne

2. Chapter 1: Poison Marching up and down, the kings loyal guards stomped sternly in front of the royal wooden doors of the palace. Despite looking fearless, they were as soft as a dog and as week as a ball of cotton wool. Slowly, a dark sinister shadow crept up on the innocent guards. The moment the guards saw the shadow, they turned and fled to the left and to the right. The shadow slunk through the doors Party music filed the room, as the king and his people celebrated the harvest season,hemera Suddenly, the wooden doors were flung open to reveal a hooded figure, the entire room went silent. Manu, (a small shy boy) tiptoed towards the king to mention that the figure was Sir Lin. Before Manu could say anything, the king took a swig of his wine, took one step and collapsed, choking on the poison Sir Lin had placed in his drink 3. Queen Adolf quickly ran forward to examine the body. Still alive just, she stated seeming very upset Go, she said to Manu, "Go to Sir Lins secret fort and retrieve the Flower Staff Do I have a chose? asked Manu I offer you a choice but know that you have none, announced Queen Adolf. Manu understood. Manu marched out of the city gates paused and then started the long hike towards the little speck of Kalahari mountain in the distance 4. Chapter 2: MONSTER!!! Later on that day, Manu arrived at the edge of the Adoponian forest (a deadly and mysterious place). BANG! What was that? BANG BANG BANG!!! There it was again Manus heart began to beat like a big brass drum. Slowly and quietly, Manu crept towards the dark petrifying trees. The moment Manu stepped in, everything went black Quietly, Manu sneaked through the terrifyingly calm forest. All of a sudden, Manu heard a tree collapse nearby. Manu zoomed behind a tall oak tree. Five minutes past Before soon, a small head poked around the side of the tree and looked at Manu. Moments later, fourteen more heads, a huge body, wings and six legs came round the side of the tree It was the Adoponian Monster Manu ran like the wind, the Adoponian monster thundered after him. Sprinting around the corner, Manu fled over a red brick bridge, but 5. the Adoponian monster didnt. It took one step onto the bridge, the bridge collapsed, and the monster was swept away towards Otti McCray waterfall. Manu turned and walked unsteadily onwards. Soon, Manu came to a set of cross roads. There was a yellow bridge that lead onto a yellow brick road and there was a purple bridge that lead onto a purple brick road.Which way does he go? Choose wiselyYellowpurple 6. Chapter 3: watch out below (yellow) After making a hard decision, Manu took the yellow road. Before long, Manu came to a gorge, he looked carefully upwards; he noticed giant statues of great kings sitting on rock thrones. Manu looked at the thin ledge that hed be walking across. At the end of the ledge he saw a little glowing stick. Immediately, he realised what it was! H e quickly stepped onto the ledge and started side stepping across it. What he did not notice was a Rock Giant staring right at him Out of nowhere, a boulder fell almost on top of Manu! Manu cocked his head upwards to see the most magnificent thing. The Rock Giants were throwing boulders at him. A small stone knocked Manu off balance He fell clean off the ledge. One of his flaying arms caught the ledge and held Ten minutes past. Later, a hand clasped around Manus. It was a small boy. The boy hoisted Manu up onto the ledge. Manu realised he was on a green hill, where the glowing stick was The stick was a wand- a wand that could be used to kill sir Lin. Click here for Chapter 4 7. Chapter 3: Grrrrrrr (purple)After a while, Manu came to a mysteriously looking cave. Manu started to sweat and his knees trembled. He stepped into the cave, and the entrance sealed up Slowly, Manu tiptoed through the damp mossy cave. Soon, he came to a giant furry rug? He felt all over (he did not know what it was for he was in the darkness of hoping cave) and eventually found a fluffy bobble. Manu gave it an enfustiastic yank Two red eyes opened and the room was filled with light it was a Grizzly Bear! Manu sprinted out of the cavern and hid behind a huge boulder. GrrrrrrRRRROAR!!! Growled the brown lump of fur which unravelled itself to reveal a humongous grizzly bear. It came grunting and sniffing into the next cavern where Manu was hiding. Suddenly, Manu spotted a spot of light and ran into it He saw a wand lying on a rock, he picked it up I could use this to defeat Sir Lin, he thought. Suddenly, a boulder moved a side to reveal grassy green hills, the sun, the Kalahari mountain in the distance and a small boy. Out of no where, the boulder rolled shut behind Manu. The boy picked up a stone and wrote on a boulder. Can I help you with your quest? Manu slowly nodded. Click here for Chapter 4 8. Chapter 4: Charge! After hours of walking, the two boys arrived at the Kalahari mountain Soon, after they had climbed the mountain, the boys tiptoed into the dungeon, consequently not Knowing what lay ahead of them Out of no where, an eagle swooped past Manu and transformed into Sir Lin! You shall never take the Flower Staff from my hidden fort, screamed Sir Lin drawing his four daggers. Manu grabbed his wand and the boy grabbed a nearby brick. The fight began Sir Lin was throwing his daggers all over the place, the boy was whacking sir Lin around the head with his brick and Manu was trying to work out what the wand did. All of a sudden, sir Lin flung the boy off and charged at Manu Manu hit sir Lin with his wand Sir Lins arm fell clean off. AAAGGGHHH screeched Sir Lin looking at where his arm once was. Manu thought for a moment and hit Sir Lins head with his wand clonk, Sir Lins head fell to the ground and dissolved into ash. As did his body and daggers 9. Chapter 5: home sweet homeFinally, Manu could get what he came for the Flower Staff. Carefully, Manu stepped over the ashes of Sir Lin and picked up the Flower Staff. He turned around to see the boy staring at the pile of ashes which were Sir Lin, Manu looked down and saw a beautiful fire red phoenix rising out of the ash The phoenix looked at Manu, spread wide its wings and took of taking Manu and the boy as it went and flew NNW (north north west) towards Atlantis. Before long, Manu, the boy and the phoenix arrived at Atlantis. The phoenix dropped Manu and the boy into the town square, fluttered down and started to wash its wings. Manu rushed inside the palace, the boy hot on his heads. Manu, dashed into the kitchen, poured a splashy cup of water, topped the glass with the staff and poured the water into the kings terrifying dry mouth Two days later, the king slowly awoke to find himself in his white bed. He now felt much better. He got out of bed, got dressed (stumbling over a few times) and went downstairs to see everyone having a party for himself and Manu. 10. Later on that day, Manu was knighted as Manu the great. Meanwhile, somewhere in the Adoponian forest, the Adoponian monsters body was walking quietly Sir Lin had taken over its body. Mwahaha mwahaha MWAHAHA MWAHAHAThe end or is it?