2012.4.27 서서 서서서서 서 서서 Flexor Tendon Injury

Flexor Tendon surgery

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Flexor tendon surgery & it's anatomical basis

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Page 1: Flexor Tendon surgery


서울 현대병원 정 순영

Flexor Tendon In-jury

Page 2: Flexor Tendon surgery

Anatomy of Flexor Tendon

Page 3: Flexor Tendon surgery

Hand Anatomy


2 muscle bellies

- medial epicondyle

- radial shaft

* tendons arise form separated muscle bundles

act independently


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* Origin

ulna & interosseous membrane

* commom muscle origin for several tendons

Hand Anatomy

act simultaneous flexion of multiple digits

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ZonesHand Anatomy

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Pulley SystemHand Anatomy

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Hand Anatomy

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Tendon Nutrition

1. Synovial fluid :produced within tenosyn-ovial sheath2. Blood supply provide by vincular circula-tion

Hand Anatomy

Vascular supply to flexor tendon

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Tendon sheath

Suprative tenosy-ovitis Kanavel’s 4 cardinal sign

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Hand Anatomy

Vincular system

Nutrition of tendon

Suspensory ligament of ten-


Stabilization of tendon

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Flexor Tendon Excursion

9cm : wrist & digital flexion 2.5cm : full digital flexion with wrist neutral posi-tion

DIP ( FDP ) & PIP ( FDS,FDP ) joint motion 10 degrees : 1.5mm ex-cursion MP motion : no flexor tendon excursion

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Welcome to Real World !

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What can I do for you?

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Physical Examina-tion

Is it necessary ?

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FDS intact

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FDS + FDP severance

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Timing of Flexor Tendon Re-pair

* primary tendon repair : < 12 hrs

( 24 hrs )

* delayed primary repair : 24 hrs ~

10 days

* early secondary repair : 10 days ~

4 weeks

* late secondary repair : > 4 weeks

MyofibrosisPrefer tondon graft

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How ?

( suture technique )

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To obtain exposure

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Flexor tendon retrieval

Sourmelis and McGrouther’s Method

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A. Conventional Bunnel stich

B. Crisscross stich C. Mason-Allen( Chicago )

stich D. Kessler grasping stich E. Modified Kessler stitch

with single knot at re-pair

F. Tajima modification of Kessler stitch with dou-ble knots at repair site

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- Tajima core sutures in place- Back wall running-lock peripheral epitendinous stitch- Mattress core suture- Completion of running-lock peripheral epitendinous suture

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Ultimate Strength and Repair Tech-nique*Proportional to number of strands

- 6 and 8 strand repairs


steep learning curve

4-strand repair adequate strength without complexity of 6 ~ 8


• increased bulk and resistance to glide• increased tendon healing and adhesion for-

mation• May not be necessary for forces of early ac-

tive motion

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Flexor tendon repair : strength vs force

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Suture knot location

Inner side

Outer side

: interference with healing

: interference with tendon gliding

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Repairing the sheath ?

*Providing a barrier for adhesion formation

*Restoring synovial fluid nutrition

*Restoring the sheath mechanics

Technically difficult

Increased foreign material at repair


May narrow sheath and restrict



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Tendon Healing

*Intrinsic tendon healing

: differentiation of fibroblasts from epitenon ( tenocyte )

: collagen synthesis occurred primarily within the endotenon cells

: vascularity of tendon bed - important

*Extrinsic tendon healing

: activity of peripheral fibroblast

: peripheral adhesions

No Adhesion

Take Home Mes-sage !!

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Phases of tendon healing

* Inflammatory phase

: phagocytosis

3 ~ 5 days

* Fibroblastic or collagen-producing phase

: neovascularization, peripheral adhesion

5 ~ 3-6 weeks

* Remodeling or maturation phase

: arrangement of fiber

6 ~ 9monts

Tendon weakest at 10 ~ 14 days Take Home Mes-

sage !!

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Something SpecialZone I : distance < 1cm direct insertion into distal phalanx ( Advancement repair )

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Uneven tension : too tight

lengthen of tendon at wrist tendon graft

Quadriga effect

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Something Special : FPL

• Can be advanced without disturbing its blood supply ( does not have vinculum )

• Lengthening of tendon at writ by Z plasty may be re-quired

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Post-Operative Rehabili-tation

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Stressed tendons

* Heal faster

* Gain tensile strength faster

* Have fewer adhesions

* Better excursions

Take Home Mes-sage !!

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Post OP Protocols

* Kleinert : Active extension,

Passive flexion by rubber bands

* Duran : controlled passive motion

* Strickland : early active ROM

Goal : Full active ROM at 10 ~ 12 weeks

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Duran proto-col Wrist 30 flexion

MP joint 50~70 flexion IP joint allow to exten-sion

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Kleinert Protocol

Wrist 35 flexionMP joint 60~70 flexion IP joint full extension Elastic band : proximal 8~10cm from wrist joint

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The ideal treatment

of flexor tendon in-

juries under almost

every circumstance is

primary repair

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Hope the Best Prepare the Worst

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Too little motion Too much motion

Stiffness Rupture

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Secondary Surgery

*Severe injury

*Make excessive amounts of scar tissue

*Have not co-operated with therapy

: low pain thresholds

social circumstances


Mostly complication of primary re-pair : ruptured & adherent primary re-pairs

Healings of either “ bad injuries ” or “ bad patients ”

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Reconstruction of Flexor Ten-dons

One stage

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Universal tendon spacer

By 4 ~ 6 weeks, pseudosheath forma-tion

two stage

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Pulley reconstruc-tion

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*The skin is pliable

*Any wounds are well healed

*Edema has subsided

*The joints allow a full passive range of mo-


*Sensation in finger is normal ( at least

one )A2 & A4 pulley systems also should be intact


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Donor tendons for Graft-ing* palmaris longus

* plantaris tendon

* long extensors of toes

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Pulvertaft interlace su-ture

Take Home Mes-sage !!

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Determining tension in a reconstructed flexor sys-


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Thumb located In front of indexIP joint : 30 degree flexion

FPL tension adjustment

Wrist neutral position

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Isolated FDP loss but good retention of FDS function

Tendon reconstruction risks worsening finger function

Tenodesis Arthrode-sis

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Lumbrical plus finger

*Paradoxical extension of the IP joints while attempting to flex the fingers

*Most commonly caused by FDP laceration distal to the origin of limbricals

3rd finger m/c involve

Tenodesis of FDP to terminal tendon Reinsertion to distal phalanx Lumbrical release


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Flexor tenolysis after repair and grafting

* at least 3 months pass

* some situations 4 ~ 6 months may be re-quired to make an accurate assessment of pa-tient’s progress

Take Home Mes-sage !!

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Extensive shortage of skin

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Do you know ?

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What I want to be

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Thank you for your at-tention