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  • 1. Technology is Changing the Classroom Climate 2010 and Beyond

2. District Mission and Vision

  • Mission
  • To graduate all of our students andprepare them for success in higher education.
  • Vision
  • Our primary purpose of improving lives through a quality education is driven by an unrelenting determination to graduate all of our students andprepare them for success in higher education . Our ideology is reflected in our fundamental beliefs, commitments and core values that guide us in our daily practices.

3. Core Values

  • Student Centered
  • High Expectations
  • Commitment
  • Passion
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Teamwork

4. Core Beliefs

  • Every student can learn and achieve at high levels.
  • We are responsible for the education and safety of every student.
  • We are responsible for the efficient and effective operation of the school system.
  • Everyone should be treated with respect.
  • People support what they help create.

5. Technology Mission

  • Enable students, teachers, and administrators of SAISD to effectively integrate technology into the teaching and learning in the District
  • Enhance learning through the use of digital content. Digital content changes the learning process, allowing for greater levels of inquiry, analysis, interest, collaboration, creativity, content production, and student achievement.

6. Technology Mission Contd

  • Integrate digital content when appropriate into content area, or discipline, so as to meet individual student learning needs outlined in the personal graduation plan and state and local education objectives
  • Ensure schools will have in the Campus Improvement Plan a technology plan to integrate digital content and current hardware into teacher instruction and student learning.

7. Restructuring Plan Underway

  • Save money by consolidating resources
  • School closures mean more money per schools
  • Some of the monies saved will be used improve the programs offered to students, which includes technology.
  • SAISD restructuring plan video

14.5 36.7 Total 9.2 10.7 2009-2010 (Phase III in progress) 5.3 16.1 2008-2009 (Phase II) 9.9 2007-2008 (Phase I) Re-Investments Savings (in millions of dollars) School Year 8. The District Has Applied Some of the Money Saved Into Technology

  • To date, $3,000,000 in technology, including more than 3,000 computer, technology support and programs.
  • New technology programs:information technology software, information technology hardware, architecture, environmental design, automotive technology, graphic design, welding technology and animation.

9. Whats Next?

  • Close additional elementary, middle, and high schools
  • Use saved monies to improve existing facilities, which includes adding technology
  • Monies will be used to make schools equitable or better than others in neighboring districts
  • Click on this link to view anSAISD restructuring plan videothat explains the plan and goal of the restructuring plan.

10. WHY IS THER SUCH AND URGENCY ? Its simple, to meet student expectations 11. Student Expectations

  • Upon Completion of Grade 2:
  • Students are expected to:
  • Have a solid understanding of use and function of input devices as related to computer usage
  • Have the ability to use a variety of technology resources to complete independent projects as assigned within the classroom
  • Have the ability to effectively use technology terms and utilize those terms when discussing technology applications or projects

12. Upon Completion of Grade 2 Continued:

  • Identify and use appropriate media and technology resources to enhance learning
  • Demonstrate an understanding of Acceptable Use
  • Demonstrate an understanding of computer etiquette
  • Have the ability to work in cooperative groups to complete projects utilizing technology and media resources to enhance the learning experience
  • Use technology resources to solve problems and acquire information
  • Use technology resources as a means to publish and communicate ideas
  • Use technology to collect and distribute information

13. Upon Completion of Grade 5:

  • Students are expected to:
  • Utilize input and output devices at a mastery level.
  • Have the ability to discuss the use of technology as related to daily activities
  • Have the ability to discuss issues related to responsible use of technology and describe the consequences for improper use.
  • Use productivity tools to support personal productivity and facilitate learning within the curriculum
  • Use technology tools to create knowledge products for publication and display

14. Upon Completion of Grade 5 Continued:

  • Have the ability to access information remotely and communicate with others to support independent learning
  • Use technology resources for problem solving and extended learning activities
  • Have the ability to select the appropriate productivity tools to express and idea or complete an electronic project
  • Have the ability to determine usefulness of a technology resource as related to individual learning
  • Have the ability to evaluate the accuracy, relevance and appropriateness of an electronic resource
  • Have the ability to access a variety of media types to be used as resources to facilitate individualized learning

15. Upon Completion of Grade 8:

  • Students are expected to:
  • Apply strategies for identifying and solving routine hardware and software problems
  • Demonstrate knowledge of current changes in information technologies and their effects on society and the workplace.
  • Demonstrate and exhibit legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology
  • Use content-specific tools, software and simulations to support learning and research
  • Demonstrate an understanding of Acceptable Use

16. Upon Completion of Grade 8 Continued:

  • Have the ability to work in cooperative groups to complete projects utilizing technology and media resources to enhance the learning experience
  • Design, develop, publish, and present products using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts
  • Research and evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness,comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information sources
  • Select and use appropriate tools and technology resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and solve problems.

17. Upon completion of Grade 12:

  • Students are expected to:
  • Identify capabilities and limitations of contemporary and emerging technology resources and assess the potential of these systems and services to address personal, lifelong learning, and workplace needs.
  • Make informed choices among technology systems, resources, and services
  • Analyze advantages and disadvantages of widespread use and reliance on technology in the workplace and in society as a whole
  • Demonstrate and advocate for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family,and community, regarding the use of technology and information.

18. Upon completion of Grade 12 Continued:

  • Use technology tools and resources for managing and communicating personal/professional information
  • Evaluate technology-based options, including distance and distributed education, for life long learning
  • Routinely and efficiently use online information resources to meet needs for collaboration, research, publications, communications, and productivity
  • Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem solving,and decision-making in content learning
  • Investigate and apply expert systems, intelligent agents, and simulations in real-world situations

19. Upon completion of Grade 12 Continued:

  • Collaborate with peers, experts, and others to contribute to a content related
  • knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and
  • disseminate information, models, and other creative works

20. Brief List of District Goals to Meet Student Expectations

  • Purchase up-to-date software to replace outdated programs
  • purchase software applications for use by students during reading and math interventions
  • Provide professional development to all teachers
  • All the schools in the district will integrate technology within all content areas to help students meet the expectations
  • Proceed with the restructuring plan to acquire the funding necessary to support learning with technology

21. 22. References

  • Picture of hand on keyboard
  • www.
  • Cartoon of boy reading a book amongst the technology
  • Cartoon image of boy amongst technology