Explore the use of sound & music in two different trailers

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Page 2: Explore the use of sound & music in two different trailers

The Dark Knight: Batman

Page 3: Explore the use of sound & music in two different trailers

From this trailer we find out that the genre of this film is action. There are many genre indicators in the trailer, one of which is that there is a lot of stunts and explosions. The stunts in this trailer include lorries being flipped over and 'Batman' smashing through windows, explosions and stunts are stereo typically shown in almost all action films. Also another genre indicator is that you can clearly see that there is a Hero and a

Villain. The hero shown in this trailer is Batman, and the villain is 'The Joker'. Both of these characters get a lot of screen time in the trailer, this would give the audience the

impression that they would both play integral parts in the film. It is easy to see that 'The Joker' is the villain as the things he does come across as creepy and villainous, this would make the audience detest this character. On the other hand the audience would warm to 'Batman', this is because he is shown to be against 'The Joker' which

would mean the audience would grow to like his character even more.

As for sound, there's The non diagetic sound in this trailer is very mysterious in the beginning of the trailer, it seems as if it is building up to something, in the middle and

end of the trailer the sound speeds up, when the sound speeds up the amount of shots increase. In the end of the trailer fast paced editing is used, which links well with the upbeat, fast paced sound. Fast paced editing makes it seem more entertaining and

exciting, it is conventionally used in action films. as it makes the film seem more modern and it makes it stand out and sound and music could possibly be seen as a

unique selling point.

Page 4: Explore the use of sound & music in two different trailers


Page 5: Explore the use of sound & music in two different trailers

From this trailer we can see that the film is an Action. One genre indicator would be that there is violence shown in the trailer, fighting is a common theme in action films. Another genre indicator would be that there was

explosions shown in the trailer, explosions are stereo typically shown in action films. This film does not conform to all stereotypes. One thing that subverts a stereotype is retired people being secret agents. This could be

seen as a unique selling point as it makes the film stand out.

The non diegetic sound in this trailer is not the same throughout. In the beginning of the trailer, the sound is very elegant and it seems as if they are trying to perceive the two characters as a harmless retired couple, which they are not... In the middle of the trailer the non diegetic sound

begins to be more mysterious, this would link with the characters as they are shown to be secret agents. At the end of the trailer the sound is more fast paced, this links with the shots as they are both fast paced. Also there is more violence and explosions at the end of the trailer so the more fast

paced sound fits in well.