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Evaluation: Question 7

Evaluation: Question 7By Erin Hunter

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

At the beginning of the course I had very few media skills, my only real experience with the media was television and social networking sites on my mobile phone and on laptops. Within the first media lesson, I had gained skills and knowledge as my teacher taught me about fonts-serif and sans serif- terminology such as mastheads, pugs, cover lines and about the structure of magazines- e.g. hotspots and columns. Then as I moved onto the research and planning stages of creating a magazine front cover and double page spread I began to asses much more observantly looking at school magazines and trying to pick them apart applying some of the knowledge that I had learnt in class as well as the independent research that I had done. In order for me to create any products I had to take some photographs and this required my use of a camera. I used a camera to capture some staged and some natural images of students around me thinking about the lighting, mise en scene the angles that I was taking the pictures at. This really helped me to develop my thoughts and I began to piece together what I wanted my magazine to look like, who would feature on my magazine and what representation I was going to portray through the use of colour imagery and house style of the magazine. I then moved on to creating my three preliminary products and used adobe Photoshop for the majority of this. When i had finally created my products I was impressed with the progression I had made from not even being able to use software such as Photoshop to being competent enough at it that I was able to produce something that replicated real products that I had based my preliminary work on. However now reflecting on my work at the end of the course and looking at my preliminary products, I can see that my skills were very limited and restricted my abilities to create a realistic product. Now, at the end of the course I would say that my skills have improved massively. The photographs that I took at the beginning of the course are now much better as I was able to apply my wider knowledge of how cameras worked and which backdrops looked best when taking pictures. I was able to position the camera at high and low angles and take a wider range of long shots and close ups to create empathy and emotion contrasted with emotionless pictures creating the impression of solitude and mystery. I am also now much more experienced when it comes to editing and photographs and creating products. At the beginning of the course I tended to inly use the spot healing tool, the magic wand tool and the plaster tool, whilst of course adding text boxes and text. By the end of this course I am now able to go further with those skills adding drop shadows, adding layers playing around with the contrast and saturation on the images as well as thinking in depth about the use of colour and font and being able to understand the different effects that might have on the genre of my products thinking about certain representations and connotations and about how it may affect the way that my product is presented. The overall presentation of my products is also better, not only do my products look professional and fitting to the music genre, I am also now able to present them using software such as slide share, indesign, bubble.us and Emaze. My new skills have helped me to find many different types of software enabling me to expand my skills and learn more and more about the media industry. I have found that meaning and representation is very important when creating any media product as the primary attraction is graphology therefore for example the use f colour really needs to be thought about as it will be the first thing that the audience sees and thus create a lasting impression.

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