Evaluation Question Two- How does your media product represent particular social groups? (Representation)

Evaluation question two

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Question Two-How does your media product

represent particular social groups?(Representation)

Page 2: Evaluation question two

Before making my project I had to consider who my target audience would be.

I decided my target audience was going to be older teenagers. Teenagers aging from around 15- 19. Mostly for those interested in Indie music but also for most over genres of music. I feel this is a good choice of target audience, as I am included in this age range and therefore I feel I will be able to create a more relevant magazine

suited to this.

This is a Google image, I found online. I feel this is a great image to represent my target audience.

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I chose to have a young female to model as my ‘artist’ on the cover. I felt this would be more appealing to my target audience as my model would reflect someone from that target audience.

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• My model was dressed in skinny jeans and a cut-off top.

• I chose this as I felt it represented the style of clothes worn by an artist of the indie pop genre

• I also chose them as I felt this would represent her as a strong, confident successful young woman; a very modern representation of women.

• The choice of the cut-off top could reflect a more traditional representation of women, as her being shown as a sex object, due to the sex appeal through the choice of the top being ‘Cut off’.

Here is an example, of where my inspiration came from. This is a Google image of Lily Allen in ‘Skinny Jeans’.

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I chose these and the earrings because I felt they reflected the indie style that my model was modelling as an Indie-Pop artist. This could also be seen as a modern representation of women having their own style, rather than following alongside the traditional look.

I chose this hairstyle as I felt this represented much more confidence; a very modern representation of young women.

The use of the crop top could be seen as a more traditional representation of women being sex objects, as through this top, I tried to create sex appeal; to attract male audiences, as I feel this magazine would be stereotyped to be aimed towards a female audience.

The way in which I asked my model to pose, can also reflect a modern and traditional representation of women. Traditional, again, in the sense of sex appeal and modern in the sense, again, of confidence; a strong, successful business woman

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I chose this outfit for this image, as I felt the use of ‘Builder Boots’ and the ‘Summer Dress’ reflected the indie pop style

I also feel it created a modern representation of women, having their own style, and being unique rather than following the traditional look, which is seen as a very traditional representation of women.

I feel like my choice of words on this page, also created a representation of it’s own.

The choice of ‘Beautiful Mess’ as the album cover creates a positive image that I aimed to be shown through the ‘artist’. Suggesting that ‘flaws’ are good rather than bad. This creates a modern representation of female artists being a positive model to look up to rather than bad influences.

I chose the word ‘relationship’ rather than using slang words as I felt that although this may reduce appeal I feel it instead creates a modern representation of young people who are ‘together’ and this being seen as positive and healthy rather than negative and wrong.

I feel like the posing of each of my models creates a modern representation of women also.

I feel that through me asking them to smile and stand confidently in the images I created a traditional representation of women who still have their ‘innocence’, in contrast to a modern representation of women who can be seen to use their bodies to get what they want in life.

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I feel the interview on this double page spread reflects a modern representation of women.

It reflects women being the ‘breadwinner’, and being independent, successful and having large careers, that they’ve built on their own.

This is in contrast, to a traditional representation of women being housewives, that stay home, clean and take care of their families.