Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? Evaluation question 7

Evaluation question no 7

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Evaluation question 7

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About the preliminary task.

In my preliminary task we only used three to four basic shots in our clip.

Match on action, shot reverse shot, two shot were the shots that were mostly used.

In the preliminary task we did not need any props.

Editing procedure was also very different from the movie, how ever different effects were used in the movie clip.

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About the opening sequence. The opening sequence was way different

from the prelim as it had a variety of shots used.

Almost every shot has been used in the clip including the shots used in the prelum.

The final clip needed more props and different location to make the movie interesting.

However much more concentration was needed in the opening sequence.

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The final clip helped me do my work on a variety of shots and use the camera effectively.

While I was shooting my prelim I had no idea about the paper work I have been doing for my final product.

While shooting my prelim I was facing difficultly in holding the camera as I did not use a tripod

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In my final product I used a tripod and therefore my movie was stable and I had no issues in holding the camera as I had a tripod to handle it.

The prelim was shot in an empty room because of which I had no issues in the sound of the dialogues, how ever when I had to shoot my final, I had to use microphones in order to get high quality sound and clear dialogues.

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Minal Neel

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