Evaluation Question 2

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My first character ‘Jay’ was a meant to represent a young youth getting introduced to a gang. This is shown by his unwillingness to learn, by skipping school, His anger shown by the way he stamps on a can and also his appearance of having a scraggy unkempt uniform. This allows for a very careless character type who doesn’t care about his future. This then sets up for the rest of the film, by setting up the characters to display their feeling towards different things it makes it easier to show the path they are going to take in later life.

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My second character is ‘Terri’, she is meant to represent a typical gang members. I have shown this through the clothes she is wearing, she wears tracksuits and a jumper, the tracksuit is a very stereotypical thing for a gang member to wear since it is prominent in delinquent society. While sitting down she also spits out chewing gum, this shows her lack of respect for society, her body language is also very relaxed and laid back this shows that, she genuinely don’t care about anybody or anything other than herself.

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I have used the camera movement to reinforce the stereotypes, I used a hand held shot twice while walking backwards, not only does this link the characters but it also makes you see them as more rough. Adding to the stereotype I am trying to reinforce within the characters. I have had more static shots to the beginning of the intro and more dynamic shots towards the last half of the intro. This gets the feel that the characters get more active towards the end of the day adding to the stereotypes. I also kept the camera far away from the main character to show, how he is distancing himself from everyone, the only close shot is before Jay meets with Terri and the Anarchy symbol showing they are the two things he is getting closer to.

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I used the setting and location to my advantage, during my first scenes with Jay, the setting in the school were really run down and ridden with rubbish, this shows that the school is quite a shoddy one. This helps to back up the evidence that it is a bad area. It also acts as a metaphorical prison for Jay, He feels trapped and lonely while at school and when he jumps into the field he raises his arms and that shows that he is victorious in escaping the prison and he feels more free.

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Terri, My second character is seen on a scratched and graphitised bench, this gives a certain feel to the scene, the derelict building behind also adds to the scene because it has chipped bricks and seems very uninviting. Also when Terri is walking down the road she is standing in the middle of the pavement, this although it seems very unimportant, it shows her confidence and strength because people would have to move out of the way of her and it shows a sense of strenghin the character.

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Many well known social realism films focus on gang culture and violent youths. These include FishTank and This is England, these create a more in your face, violent showing of youth whereas mine only has one in your face youth at the beginning, this will develop with the character Jay as the plot moves on but Terri already has the same attitude as most stereotypical youths in films. This also shows a negative representation of the lower class , but it only shows one side of the lower class which means that it is only a small minority of people in the lower class.

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In my representation I wanted the audience to feel connected to Jay, I wanted them to feel as if they don’t want Jay to throw his life away. Where he starts out as a rather mild mannered teenager he will get to a point where he has to make a choice and I wanted to set and example that you should not always cause generation conflict but rather we should go with the help given to him, but when he chooses that and also gets another big point to chose that he can redeem himself and become a better person rather than just another vandal.

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I wanted to make the character likeable but also give him hard choices. This is because in most films the character would continue to make bad choice after bad choice till they eventually came into massive self conflict. With mine I tried to show that even if you choose the right option it will not always be easy to follow up on your decision but if you stick with the decision then the outcome would probably be better in the long run, even if it was very hard to stick with it in the start.