Patient-centric Care in Pharmaceutical Sales & Marketing

ESL Pharmaceuticals: Patient-centric care

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Patient-centric Carein Pharmaceutical Sales & Marketing

Think about the product(s) you represent.

How much patient-data do you know(average age, income, health history)

Is patient information helpful in training medical reps?How so?

Does your company invite patients (or former patients) to speak at any company events?

What do you think the purpose of this would be?

Are there companies that train their medical repsto change the way doctors interact with patients

Ex: Questions to ask patients (diagnostic q.)How to explain the disease / drugSensitivity-training?

Is Patient Compliance an issue that affects sales?

How can a pharma companies ensure patients followthe doctor’s prescribed course of treatment?

What does “Patient-Centric Care”mean?

“________ - Centric” is a way we can describe something that a business/product/person focuses on.”

Examples:“Our company is an employee-centric organization. Happy employees lead to happy customers.”

“Apple products are famous for their user-centric design – easy enough for young children to use…”

“Patient-Centric Care” is when a service or solution is designedaround a patient’s experience and needs.

Since you began working in the pharmaceutical industry, how has theoverall sales strategy/model shifted?

(How have med reps their changed approach towards physicians?)

Ex: physician-centric to patient-centricincentive driven to education drivenbrand-focused to research-focused…

In an ideal world, Patients should be the #1 concern of organizations/members of the healthcare industry

Nowadays, pharmaceutical companies want to express theirmission to put patient care first.

Have a look at these examples:

“UCB is inspired by patients and driven by science. Patients are at the heart of everything we do.”

“Making the most meaningful difference to patient health through great medicines.”

Mission Statement

“a global integrated healthcare leader focused on patients' needs”

“Our mission is to help people do more, feel better, live longer.”

“To improve patients' lives by providing customers with innovative science and differentiated healthcare solutions…”

In reality, pharmaceutical companies and their employees face daily business pressures that often make staying s truly patient-centricorganization very challenging.

The Old Models:“Product/brand”-centric

The traditional pharmaceutical sales model emphasizes the product and its clinical benefits across the broadest possible audience.

The Problem:This product-centric approach plays to the pharma industry's emphasis on “blockbuster” drugs, but it may not be well-adapted to changing product portfolios and physician access restrictions.

Physician-centric sales forces work to overcome access challenges by meeting doctors' education and treatment needs. Physician education is key in driving proper treatment.

The Old Models:“Physician”-centric

Patient-Centric Model:

Patient-centric sales forces focus their promotional efforts on the ultimate end user. Instead of physician data used to create a strategy, teams start using patient-level data to identify sales opportunities within a physician's patient group.

Often, sales reps target physician education to specific case studies and draw attention to products' supplemental initiatives — including websites or tracking applications.

So, the BIG QUESTION is:

How can pharmaceutical companies & their employees be truly patient-centric when their reason for engaging customers is a brand, not a disease?

Or in simpler terms: How can a pharma sales strategy keep patient needs at the center ofeverything – designing services and solutions with the patient in mind?

What are some of the biggest challenges?

Here are some examples:

• Moving away from a product / physician focused sales approach

• Barriers between pharmaceutical companies & patients

• Measuring Patient behavior to identify patterns (in order to customize treatment / support)

What are some ways pharmacompanies can become more patient-centric?

1) Be aware of corporate reputation

• As patients are gaining power through increasing their knowledge & having a bigger influence on others throughsocial media – today’s companies need to reach out and provide more services and support for patients.

What are some ways drug companies can create a positive reputation among patients?

2) Discover unmet patient needs• R & D can work alongside patients to gather key

insights for brands

• Form new partnerships with payers, providers, etc.to find out more information about patients.

• Patient-centered services (home delivery, support groups, community programs), etc.

• Patient involvement in planning marketingactivities

2) Reduce Patient Burdon

• Accessing information, understanding options• Drug affordability• convenience

*Many companies emphasize that they’re a “Healthcare Partner”, invested in patient’s health & putting the patient’s best interest first.(opposed to a vendor, selling drugs)

3. Identify & distinguish Physician needs

*Brand needs*Product needs*Educational needs* Incentives

*physician time is limited with patients – med reps can provide innovative solutions that help them better serve their patients.

4. Perfecting delivery of care

• Integrate marketing efforts (between hospitals & patient programs)to include patient insights.

• “break down walls” between teams, departments, etc. in order to put patient care first and deliver products seamlessly

Can you think of any other ways pharmaceutical companies can become more patient-centric

*Proposal regarding reimbursements & pharmaceutical company incentives based on patient improvements