The Business Plan

Enterprise in Action: Group PowerPoint Presentation

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The Business Plan

Meet The Team■ Alexander Qualter (Founder)■ Adam Thompson (Design and IT Specialist)■ Ashley Graham (Financial Director)■ James Oakes (Project Co-ordinator)■ Jack Legge (Operations Manager)■ Rory Philbin (Marketing Specialist)


Wobbly: The Idea, The Product, The Brand■ Essentially Wobbly started as an idea thought up by our founder

Alexander Qualter during a university class activity. In essence, Wobbly is a board game which wobbles. 4 platforms, linked to a vibration motor, act as a base for players to build a tower. Once all towers are built, a button is pressed and the board begins to wobble. The aim of the game is to build a tower able to withstand the vibrations, and the last tower standing will win!

■ The idea developed, after receiving positive feedback from peers■ After much deliberation, the idea was planned, and turned into a

product set to be sold in the Toys and Games industry■ Wobbly has a strong brand image, created using a combination of

bright colours and fonts in our aesthetic logo

Industry Analysis■ Wobbly is competing in the Toys and Games industry

Industry Analysis

Industry Analysis

Industry Analysis■ Major competitors in the toys and games industry include:

- Activision- Hasbro- Lego

■ The trio hold a combines industry share of 13.8%

Industry AnalysisPorter’s 5 Forces

Marketing Analysis■ Our target market are families of 4 or more, in the UK■ The market segment is broken down into children ages 6 – 12, and

families of 4 or more■ The market segment is also only UK based

Marketing Analysis■ Behavioural variable segmentation helps us to identify customer

behaviour towards Wobbly■ Usage: One off purchase, especially popular around Christmas time■ Brand Loyalty: Good quality product and service will lead to brand

loyalty■ Readiness to Buy: Knowledge of benefits creates initial interest and

preference over competing products■ Market size: The board game market was at its peak in 2009, before

declining in 2013, and begin its recovery in 2014

Market Analysis■ We analysed Wobbly’s main competitors in the market, based on their

operational performance

Marketing AnalysisLego■ Lego scored highest in flexibility, with many different products in many

markets ■ Lego scored high in dependability and product quality■ Lego scored lowest in cost and speed of productionWobbly■ Wobbly scored the same as Lego for product quality and dependability ■ Wobbly scored higher in speed of production and cost, compared to LegoJenga■ Jenga is the cheapest and fastest product to produce■ Jenga had an average product quality■ Jenga has low flexibility

Marketing Plan■ Wobbly will be competing in the board games market

Marketing PlanMarketing MixProduct:■ Wobbly is a unique product in the board game market■ High quality materials used in the production of WobblyPrice:■ Wobbly undercuts the electronic board game competitors with a price of

£24.95Place:■ Wobbly is based in Manchester, which boasts transport and

communication links with the UK and EuropePromotion:■ Our main methods of promotion are TV advertising and social media

Marketing Plan Growing Market Size – 20% Year on

Year Increase Easy Start Up – Low Overheads Unique Design – Unlike Anything Available In


Market Saturation – Number of Competitors

Size of Competitors – Large Customer Base

Marketing PlanPoints of Differentiation

Marketing Plan■ We have decided to sell Wobbly online due to positive and

encouraging research

Management Team and Company Structure■ Our team was formed from a selection of peers at university, who all

hold the sought-after and necessary skills needed to make Wobbly a success

■ Our team members also have unique specialisms to help perform exceptionally

Shared skills and values of Wobbly employees include:■ Teamwork■ Communication■ Commitment■ Professionalism■ Positivity

Management Team and Company Structure■ The company structure is hierarchical with the Founder at the peak■ Each employee invested an equal amount in the startup therefore the

percentage of ownership is equal

OperationsOperations Process

OperationsCommunication Channels:■ We have various communications channels which customers can use

to get in contact■ Our phone lines are in operation 9am – 5pm, Monday to Saturday■ Once opened, our social media presence will be large, with customers

able to communicate with us 24/7

Resources:■ We have a premises which will be rented in Manchester acting as our

HQ, and our production centre■ This premises will house a large A2 Epson 4880 printer, and our stock

of games and materials, with additional area for our production employee to work

OperationsSupplies Imported From China:■ Copper wire■ Battery holder■ Coloured bags

Supplies Domestically Sourced:■ Vibration motor■ Cardboard sheets■ Printer card■ Printer ink

Product Development PlanDevelopment Status and Tasks■ Conception (September 2015) – Alexander Qualter came up with the

concept of Wobbly whilst taking part in a class activity at university■ Prototype/Testing (March 2016) – This stage of development was

researched effectively where all materials sourced were based on quality and price. requirements. The prototype passed all tests, and once the license is granted, it will be ready for market

■ Production (January 2017) – We envisage the initial stage of production to take place in January, so that orders can be met

Challenges and Risks■ If the product license is delayed, the Company cannot begin to trade■ Its hard to estimate the precise number of orders we will receive

FinancialsBalance Sheet and Ratios■ No long term liabilities such as

loans because we invested personal funds to start-up

■ Looking to increase assets by more than £195,000 in 3 years

■ Current Ratio measures our ability to cover short term liabilities with short term assets

■ The ratio is relatively stable, with a slight potential decrease of 0.05 in 2 years

FinancialsCash Flow■ Our closing

balance for year 1 is predicted to be £57,801

■ Takings for year 2 are set to increase leaving our closing balance to be £106,670

■ Cash flow is again forecast to be positive for year 3

FinancialsProfit and Loss■ Gross profits for

year 1 are set to equal £17,575

■ Revenues again increase in year 2 making a gross profit of £20,080

■ Year 3 sees another growth in sales and profits for Wobbly

Corporate Social Responsibility■ Here at Wobbly, we believe that ethical business and sustainability is

important for the success in building brand image and customer supportEconomic:■ We produce and purchase our goods and supplies in the UK, helping to

boost the UK economy and helps us to save on import costsEnvironmental:■ We ensure our board game is as environmentally friendly as possible

researching our materials for the most efficient and least harmfulSocial:■ Our game promotes family fun and sociability for players■ Wobbly also helps children to learn creativity and simple construction


Exit Plan and MilestonesVision/Goal:■ To make Wobbly a 1st choice for family fun. Strategies (Expansion):■ Different coloured blocks and shapes■ Limited edition Wobbly board sets■ Wobbly ApplicationKey Milestones:■ Initial Funding Secured – February 2016■ Prototype Tested and Completed – March 2016■ First Product Produced and Shipped – January 2017Exit Planning:■ Agreement between the Wobbly Team

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