EMERGING AREAS OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Made by : Vershul jain MHSc (human development) IIIrd semester 12265

Emerging areas of guidance and counselling

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Page 1: Emerging areas of guidance and counselling


Made by :Vershul jain

MHSc (human development) IIIrd semester


Page 2: Emerging areas of guidance and counselling

INTRODUCTION Guidance is a process of letting an individual discover himself i.e.

his endowments, potentialities, aptitudes, etc. and then to provide proper environment to help individuals to arrange for the proper accomplishment and utilizations of those potentialities to the best advantage of the individual and the state.

Counselling is an interactive process characterized by a unique relationship between counsellor and client that leads to change in one or more of the following areas:-1. Behaviour2. Beliefs and values 3. levels of emotional distress

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1. Pre college guidance2. Educational guidance3. Vocational guidance4. Occupational guidance5. Guidance for populations with special needs

• Disadvantaged Groups: Social, Economical and Educational (Over Achievers and Under Achievers

• Women: Exploitation at Home and Work • Senior Citizens: Emotional, social and Physical Problems

6. Avocational guidance7. Social guidance8. Moral guidance9. Health guidance

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1. Personal counselling2. Genetic counselling3. Rehabilitation counselling4. Behavioural counselling5. Adult counselling6. School counselling7. Online counselling8. Marriage counselling9. Counselling for special need children and their parent10. Career guidance and counselling

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Pre college guidance Assisting students in reaching their full potential requires the

cooperative efforts of school administrators, teachers, community representatives, government officials, parents, and the students themselves, as well as a trained staff of school counsellors who are able to facilitate student development and achievement.

Of particular importance to student success is access to a strong precollege guidance and counselling program that begins early in the student’s school career.

Early planning (e.g., secondary school course selection and precollege enrichment programs) can insure that students pursue the most challenging curriculum that results in enhanced postsecondary educational options.

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Educational guidance Educational guidance is related to every aspect of education

school / colleges, the curriculum, the methods of instruction, other curricular activities, disciplines etc.

Educational guidance is the assistance given to the individual To understand his/her potentialities Have a clear cut idea of the different educational opportunities and

their requirements To make wise choices as regards to school, colleges, the course :

curricular and extra curriculum

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Some of the aims and objectives of educational guidance are: • To assist the pupil to understand him/herself i.e. to understand

his/her potentialities, strength and limitations. • To help the child make educational plans consist with his/her

abilities, interests and goals. • To enable the student to know detail about the subject and courses

offered. • To assist the student in making satisfactory progress in various

school/ college subjects. • To help the child to adjust with the schools, its rules, regulations,

social life connected with it. • To help the child in developing good study habits. • To help the child to participate in out of class educational activities in

which he can develop leadership and other social qualities.

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Vocational guidance Vocational guidance is a process of assisting the individual to

choose an occupation, prepare for it, enter upon it and progress in it.

It is concerned primarily with helping individuals make decisions and choices involved in planning a future and building a career.

The purpose behind assisting the youth to choose, prepare, enter and progress in a vocation is the optimum growth of the individual.

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Some of the aims and objectives of vocational guidance are: • Assisting pupil to discover his/her own abilities and skills to feet them into

general requirements of the occupation under consideration. • Helping the individual to develop an attitude towards work that will dignify

whatever type of occupation she/he may wish to enter. • Assisting the individual to think critically about various types of occupations

and to learn a technique for analysing information about vocations. • Assisting pupils to secure relevant information about the facilities offered by

various educational institutions engaging in vocational training• At the elementary stage, although no formal guidance programmes are

needed, the orientation to vocation can be initiated at this stage. At this stage some qualities and skills which have grater vocational significance viz.

love and respect for manual work training in use of hands spirit of cooperative work sharing appreciation for all works good interpersonal relationship are to be developed.

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Avocational Guidance The individual student spends only a small portion of his time i.e. 4 t0 6

hours per day in school. The rest of the time needs to be effectively managed and utilized by the

child for his/her progress and development. Avocational guidance helps the child to judiciously utilize the leisure

time. The other co-curricular activities play an important role in all-round development of the child .

But many parents, teachers and children put secondary importance to these activities.

The students need to be properly guided for effective participation in varied types of avocational pursuits so that they are able to shape their interpersonal behaviour in desirable direction and widen their outlook.

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Social Guidance School/educational institution is a miniature society and pupil from

different socio-economic status, linguistic and socio-cultural background read there.

Students some time may face problems in adjustment and social relationship. It is very important that the students to be helped in acquiring in feeling of security and being accepted by the group in developing social relationship and in becoming tolerant towards others.

This is the task of social guidance. Formally social guidance can be given by educational institutions whereas informal guidance may be provided by Family, religious institutions, Media etc.

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Moral Guidance Moral values occupy an important place in our life. Some times due to influence of diverse factors students tell lies and

indulge in undesirable practices. Moral guidance helps in bringing these students in to proper track and

help in their all round development.

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Health Guidance Health is regarded as the wealth. Total health i.e. preventive and curative is the goal of health guidance. The health guidance may be a cooperative effort of Principal, Doctors,

Counsellor/psychologist, Teachers, Students and parents. For promoting preventive care the conditions of school hostel, canteen

needs to be checked. Similarly health education through formal classes and information is essential in school education stages.

In the present day the concern of health guidance also pertains to guidance in HIV/AIDs, sexually transmitted diseases

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Guidance for populations with special needs

Disadvantaged Groups: Social, Economical and Educational (Over Achievers and Under Achievers • Overachieving and underachieving are two conditions which are experienced

by many people. • These are most commonly noticed in children, in terms of academics, sports

and other activities which they take part in. • Over-and-underachieving are issues that must be addressed by confidence

building. • There are various ways helping a child become more confident, and these

should be seriously considered if parents hope to see him or her grow into well-balanced adulthood.

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Senior citizens: emotional, social and physical problems

• Senior citizens provide much needed comfort and wisdom to their families and communities, but there are also times when they need assistance.

• The guidance centre can help them with certain needs. • If a senior citizen is struggling to pay his or her rent, a worker at the guidance

centre can point him or her to local non-profit groups that may offer utility vouchers

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Genetic Counselling

Genetic counselling is a process by which patients or relatives at risk of an inherited disorder are advised of the consequences and nature of the disorder, the probability of developing or transmitting it, and the options open to them in management and family planning.

This complex process can be separated into diagnostics(the actual estimation of risk ) and supportive aspects.

Testing enables women and couples to make a decision as to whether or not a continue with their pregnancy, and helps to provide information that can be used to prepare for the birth of a child with medical issues.

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Personal counselling Personal counselling is an opportunity to resolve problems, improve

understandings and learn new skills. It provides supportive and confidential environment where you can talk

openly about your concerns and feelings The overall aim of personal counselling is to provide an opportunity for

you to work towards a more satisfying and resourceful experience of life. Personal counselling is usually concerned with

Personal development issues Addressing and resolving specific issues Making decisions Coping with individual or family crisis /stress/ anxiety/psychological trauma Developing personal insight and knowledge Working through feelings of inner conflict Improving relationships with others

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Rehabilitation counselling

It focuses on helping people who have disabilities to achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals.

Most rehabilitation counsellors focus on vocational services, in some states they qualify as both a certified rehabilitation counsellor and a licensed professional counsellor, enabling them to focus on psychotherapy.

These counsellors can also be placed in social service agencies as administrators and at the collegiate levels as disability counsellors or specialist

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Behavioural Counselling In behaviour counselling, we try to reduce those types of behaviour that

are inappropriate or non-productive and increase those that help children get along well with others and feel good about their accomplishments.

Our role in behavioural counselling is to be a coach or helper, rather than to tell children what to do or not do.

If there are ways that we can change the environment to make it easier for children to achieve their goals, we do that as well.

As counsellors, we help children make connections between the way they would like their lives to be and the types of behaviour that will help them achieve their goal.

Behavioural counselling can be given to the following Drug addicted children or adults Juveniles And many more

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Counselling for adults adopted as children

Adoption is often considered a solely positive event that ensures a child grows up in a family and at the same time allows the creation or extension of a family.

Adults who were adopted as children often find that they struggle which they need support from counsellors who understand adoption.

This counselling is also for those adults who as children were permanently placed in a family other than their birth family, yet not adopted.

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School counselling School counsellors provide appropriate psychological services to students that

address educational , social, emotional, and behavioural needs, either individually or in groups.

Counsellors have a range of skills that enable them to assist students, parents, teachers with issues that can affect the student’s educational progress and adjustment including, for example Learning difficulties Behavioural management Special education services Social skills Family relationships Grief and loss Personal development Study skills Protective behaviours Secondary subject choice and career advice Conflict resolutions Gifted and talented students

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Online counselling

Online counselling is simply communicating with a qualified, professional counsellor/therapist by email or chat through your computer, Instead of having to make a visit to your counsellor‘s office, you can receive the same professional care in the comfort of your own home.

If you have a microphone, you can speak to each other through the computer.

Advantages of using Online Counselling Convenient - any time, any place, whatever suits you Flexible - you control everything, receive help when you want it Can deal with embarrassing issues without having to see anyone Your anonymity is protected

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Get to the root of the problem quicker as writing lets you get in touch with your feelings

More cost and time effective as you can deal with more issues in a session No need to take time off work Receive specialized help no matter where you live in the world. Convenience - takes place in your home or wherever you are 24 hours a day 7

days a week

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Marriage Counselling

Some reasons to seek marriage counselling Communication has become negative When one or both partners consider having an affair When the couples are just occupying the same space. When the partners do not know how to resolve their differences When one partner begins to act out on negative feelings When the only resolutions appears to be separation When a couple is staying together for the sake of the children

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Counselling for special need children and their parents

It is given for 4 reasons School success Social integration To accept their condition Personal wellness health and rehabilitation Emotional wellbeing Anger management and impulse control Family life Parenting and care giving School and employment barriers Community access and inclusion Trauma associated with acquired disabilities and post medical treatment