Ekoskola Committee Qormi San Ġorġ

EkoSkola Committee Qormi San Gorg

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Ekoskola Committee

Qormi San Ġorġ

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SCHOOLLet’s make a difference!

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How can we manage all this litter around the school?

Ecoskola members


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REDUCE• Choose things with less packaging.

• If you can do without the package, then don’t use it.

• Check if the boxes you buy food and other things,

are made from recyclable material.

• Make crafts out of things you are not going to use

any more Example: puppets from old socks or

baskets from cartons.

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You can reuse almost anything!

• Reuse PAPERS from both sides. Everyone needs a rough paper or a picture!

• Reuse CEREAL BOXES! Instead of a chart we can use a cereal box during Crafts

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Let’s protect our environment !

Let’s Recycle !!!

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We have Bring-in Sites so you can put clean, segregated recyclable


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Saving Energy

Ekoskola Committee

Let’s make a difference!

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At night, and during the colder months, we need light and warmth from other sources…

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…. and we also need heat for cooking.

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Since early times, people have lit fires ….…. but fires make smoke, and are not convenient in modern homes.

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Clue 2Clue 1

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The electricity which we use is mostly made by burning coal or gas in power stations.

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And our central heating boilers usually burn gas or oil.

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The trouble is, this makes lots of ‘greenhouse’ gases which scientists believe are warming up the Earth and the air around it.

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The ice in the arctic is melting, and the polar bears’ habitat is shrinking.

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So what can YOU do to stop global warming?

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You can turn off the lights when you don’t need them!

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Suggest that the grown ups who do the shopping buy energy saving light bulbs.

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Ask an adult to turn the heating down a notch …

and set the clock so that it is on for less time.

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Remind everyone to keep the doors and windows shut when the heating is on, to keep the warmth in.

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You wear clothes to keep in your body heat.

Find out if your home is insulated to keep the warmth from escaping through the roof.

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Ask the people who put the kettle on to fill it only with the amount of water that is needed.

That way it will take less energy to bring it to the boil.

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Remind the people who do the cooking to put lids on the saucepans to keep the heat in while the food is cooking?

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Switch off! Don’t leave it on standby!

If you can see a light like this when the TV is off, it is using almost as much energy as if it was on!

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Let’s make a difference!

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The Water Meter…

Reading a water meter is not as

difficult as you might think! All you

have to do is to note down the

numbers you can see in the small

window on the top or bottom of the


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Why do we need water?1. To drink and to eat – a lot of food has water in


2. To wash ourselves.

3. To cook

4. To flush toilets!

5. For plants – they also need water to drink

6. To clean our houses.

These are a few of our everyday chores!!!

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Did you know?

•A normal shower uses 35 litres of water!

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Did you know?

•To wash your hands and face – 9 litres of water

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Did you know?•To wash your teeth with tap left open you use 5 to 15 litres of water

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Did you know?•To wash your teeth with tap closed you use 1 to 2 litres of water

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Did you know?•To flush the toilet you use 9 – 10 litres.

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Did you know?•To flush the toilet with a water hippo you use 7 litres.

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Water HipposWe have water hippos in our school. We use them so the toilets use less water to flush and so we are saving water.

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How to save water…No cost

• Report leaks and drips

• Turn off taps fully - no drips!

• Put the plug in the wash basin

• Get showered quickly

• Only run water as much as you need

• Use a bowl in a large sink

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How to save water…Low Cost

• Fix leaking taps

• Fit Water Hippos in toilet cisterns

• Investigate leaks

• Fit plugs in wash basins

• Buy a water tank to use rain water

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How to save water…High Cost

• Fit push taps

• Fit flow restrictors in pipes - slow the flow!

• Fit efficient automatic flush controls on urinals

• Replace old inefficient fittings with modern water-efficient ones

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What did our Eco school do?1. Read the water meter every week to check

how much water we are using/wasting.

2. Put water hippos in each toilet.

3. Talked with the head of school about buying a water tank to collect rain water.

4. Checked for leaks so we can report them.

5. Monitor for open taps.

6. Write about and draw posters about water

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What can you do to help us?

Remember to close the taps after washing your hands.

Keep the toilets clean. Flush when necessary and don’t throw things in the toilets.

Report any leaks and get a handyman to repair them.

Respect and keep the environment clean!

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