Edf2085 assignment 4

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Somerset Academy


Mission: Our mission at Somerset Academy SoMi is to bilingually foster student achievement by providing a technologically, innovative and challenging educational environment; to develop high academic standards; to instill a sense of compassion and understanding for others, facilitated by a highly qualified staff.

Vision: Our vision is to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment, which will maximize individual achievement and the potential of each child.

There are 650 students from PreK3- 8th grade.

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Day 1 in 4th grade

My first day of doing service learning hours, I got to get familiar with all 4 fourth grade classes. In each class there was 25 students and the boy/girl ratio was pretty much equal.

The classes were separated by low, moderate and high students which I found cool because teachers can take more time with students if needed and do not have to hold back any other more advanced students.

I graded papers mainly, and got to help students with the lesson the teacher taught in math if they did not understand.

I also got to realize that all the fourth grade teachers had different teaching techniques, but I related to the teacher with the moderate class which was very hands on and took everything step by step.

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Day 2

My second day, I got to sit in a math lesson about area and perimeter. This was such a great opportunity to learn different teaching techniques because math is the subject I want to do in the future.

I also learned that they do something called mathletics each morning which is a math competition game online and they compete with students all around the world that are their age as well.

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Day 3

Today I got to work one on one with kids showing them what they did wrong on the tests I graded. I got to show them the right way to do it and let them have the opportunity to redo the problem for half credit which I think is awesome of my teacher because it shows effort from the kids.

My teacher actually made me make up a project for the kids to in social studies to see what I came up with. Since they were learning about St. Augustine, I had them make a fort map of Castillo de San Marcos which they thought was super cool because they are going on a field trip their in a couple of weeks.

My favorite things I got to do while working at SoMi was make bulletin boards and decorate doors because I am super creative. I even got the opportunity to volunteer to go to St. Augustine on a field trip! My students even through a surprise CONGRATS party for me for getting accepted to the University of Miami!!

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St. Augustine Field Trip!

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University of Miami

Surprise Party!!

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My teachers teaching


My teacher uses a visual and hands on approach with her students. She says that most of her students learn by doing and understand better if they see an example.

Her classroom expectations are model, teach, reinforce, and practice. She also says that she is fair, consistent and firm with her students following through with rewards and or consequences.

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My strengths and weaknesses

While working at SoMi I realized how hard it is to be a teacher.

Some of my strengths are that I am very helpful, I know how to make lessons fun, and I am strict but very caring at the same time.

Some of my weaknesses are that I am a push over at times because I love kids, and I get easily frustrated at times.

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My experience working at


The reason why I chose to work at SoMi was because all the students I teach at the dance studio that I work at go to that school including the principals daughter. I got to work in a class with some of my dancers which I loved and so did they. I couldn’t have chosen a better school to work at with such a friendly, loving and fun environment which makes someone's day that much better. I also liked that it is a very fun and young staff which is very close and have a lot of get togethers out of school and more. After the service hours were done I actually got hired as a teachers assistant and have been working there since!