Welcome to your Portfolio Midterm! There are three sections to your midterm. Please read instructions in each section and follow the directions. Section One : By (Denise Hawkes) It is important that you make a commitment to succeed in your college education. A good way to finish what you start is to start well! In one paragraph or more write what your intentions (right under this paragraph) are for this class and your college education. Intention statements are commitments you make to do a specific task or to take a certain action. Remember to be effective your Intention Statements must begin with "I will" or "I intend to" NEVER "I WILL TRY". Saying you will try is not good enough to bring about change.

E portfolio midterm-denise hawkes

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Page 1: E portfolio midterm-denise hawkes

Welcome to your Portfolio Midterm!

There are three sections to your midterm. Please read instructions in each section and follow the directions.

Section One:


(Denise Hawkes)

It is important that you make a commitment to succeed in your college education. A good way to finish what you start is to start well! In one paragraph or more write what your intentions (right under this paragraph) are for this class and your college education. Intention statements are commitments you make to do a specific task or to take a certain action. Remember to be effective your Intention Statements must begin with "I will" or "I intend to" NEVER "I WILL TRY". Saying you will try is not good enough to bring about change.

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I intend to do great during my college education. I will graduate with a 3.5 or 4.0

gpa. I intend to have much better study habits than I have right now.

I will organize my schedule a lot better so I can submit all my assignments and

homework on time. I don’t think I will ever try to work two jobs while I’m in school

because this really interferes with my study habit with my classes.

Once I prioritize my life, my college education won’t be too hard to complete.

I am so determine to be successful so I’m not going to allow little things to

distract me from my main goal, which is focusing on degree and going off to

medical school. I know that I will get tested a lot while I’m in college so I intend to

start now with dealing with every obstacle in a mature and calm manner. I CAN’T

CRACK UNDER PRESSURE. Success is the key to my future all I need to do is

unlock the door.

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Section Two: There are three Learning Style inventories in this section. Please read the instructions and follow the directions for each:

One tool that students find most valuable is discussed in Chapter 1 and that is DISCOVERING HOW YOU LEARN. This information will help you to take advantage of your strengths and shore up your weaknesses in both school and daily living situations. Knowing this information will help you choose activities that match your learning style. It will also help you understand why you struggle with some activities, professors, and courses and not others. You may also begin to understand why you get along, or work better with some individuals than others (it may help explain why you might disagree with those you are close to as well).

Learning Style Assignment #1: VARK

Refresher - VARK is a questionnaire that provides users with a profile of their learning preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to take-in and give-out information. Here is your assignment:

1. Copy and paste or type your VARK results.

Your scores were:

Visual: 4 Aural: 8 Read/Write: 10 Kinesthetic: 6

2. Now answer the following questions:

a. What are your two highest VARK scores?Aural; Read/write

b. What are your two lowest VARK scores?Kinesthetic; Visual

c. Read the Help Study Sheet a Guide to Learning Styles at: http://www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?p=helpsheets

Click on each of the Leaning styles and read the study strategies.

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d. Use one or more of the Learning Styles study strategies that you feel would be most helpful to you and write a paragraph about each of the following:1. taking in information;2. using information for effective learning;3. communicating more effectively;4. performing well in tests and examinations.

Write your Paragraph here:

1. Taking in information: When I’m learning something new or I’m trying to gather information for something, I tend to go to google.com or I look the dictionary online. I take information in better when I see it online rather than reading it in a book. My only source for taking in info will be going online.

2. Using information for effective learning I’m always looking for new ways to learn which can turn out to be better for me or faster for me to grasp information. As a college student I need to be able to accurately remember as much info as I possible. Nine times out of ten I will see this information again.

3. Communicating more effectively: I have learned that the way I communicate sometime is in a positive way. Some things I may say the wrong way when I didn’t intend it the way it was interpreted. I have to listen better. I have learned to be sense towards other because I know I have an aggressive tone.

4. Performing well in tests and examinations. I have to study in quite places with absolutely no noise and it has to be 2 days before the test and the day before the test or exams I only study half a day so I won’t forget the material.

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Learning Style Assignment #2: Myers/Briggs

The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people’s lives. The essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variation in the behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, being due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment.

1. Do the following:

a. Copy and paste or type your Score and Personality Type:

Score: Strength of the preferences %

22 25 50 11

Personality Type: ENFJ=

Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Judging

b. Since you have taken the Jung Test and know what your personality type is go to this Website: http://www.personalitypage.com/html/portraits.html to Identify careers for your Jung Personality Type – you will see a list of Personality Type Portraits.

What is your Personality Type Portrait?

Answer: The Giver (Very true)

c. Next click on what your Personality Type is; a new window will open. Read your Personality Type Portrait.

d. After reading the “Personality Type Portrait;” go to careers to learn some of the careers that are possible for your personality type.

To do this: at the bottom of the article in the center of the page you will see this

image click on the image to open the careers for your personality type, a new window will open. What are the careers paths possible for your personality type? writers

Facilitator; Teacher; consultant; Clergy; human resources; social worker; sales representative; psychologist; consultant; teacher; clergy; sales representative;

Human Resources;manager; events coordinator;sales representative;politicians/

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Learning Style Assignment #2: Myers/Briggs (Continued)

2. Now answer the following questions:

a. Do you agree or disagree with the results – why or why not

Answer: I agree with some of the results but majority of the personality traits are very true because that’s exactly how I am and it’s exactly how I handle certain situations.

b. Do these careers match the careers you have chosen for yourself?

Answer: No

c. If no, will you change your career choice?

Answer: No it will remain the same.

d. What can you do with this information?

Answer: I will remain the same person I am but I will try to change some of the things that were said about my personality in the results.

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Learning Style Assignment #3: True Colors:

Are you a thinker, always analyzing, like a GREEN? Do you prefer inspiring people and building their self-esteem as a BLUE? Are you the responsible one who is always on time and keeping everyone else on time like GOLD? Or do you thrive on entertaining and persuading people, like an ORANGE? Take the FREE quiz now and find out what color you are. True Colors, a personality system, has been around since 1979 when Don Lowry modeled it as a graphical presentation of both Keirsey’s Temperament and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The True Colors descriptions are listed at the end of this document.

Learn how to:

Discover your unique gifts and talents Soar with your strengths Discover your passionExpress your heart and soul in what you doIncrease self-esteem, creating a positive, clear self-image Become successful in spite of your fears

Do the test at the website: http://www.truecolorscareer.com/quiz.asp

After you have completed the test:

1. What is dominant color (your highest score).

Answer: Blue

NEXT: Open and read the PowerPoint Presentation that is attached to this assignment.

2. After reading the PowerPoint Presentation: Choose a color that is different from your dominant color and explain how you would handle the following situations: Gold

A. Plan a trip to Europe.

Answer: I will make sure I have my pass port ahead of time. I will reserve the hotel in Europe. I will always make sure I have pamphlets so I can already know what I want to visit while I’m there.

B. Diffuse an argument at work with an irate co-worker.

Answer: I will apologize for the inconvenience, then resolve the customers issues to the best of my abilities and make sure that once the call has ended that the customer is calm and satisfied with the customer service that he/she has received.

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C. Communicate with a supervisor, whose ethnicity is different from yours, to solve a scheduling problem.

Answer: I would inform my professor of my religion. Explain the things I can and can’t do on certain days because it’s very important and serious to my family. If I do certain things it will cause bigger issues for me at home which will cause even bigger issues for me at school.

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The National Student Success Institute The National Student Success Institute

Section Three: Emotional Intelligence Activity: Tapping into Emotions

Directions: The following are examples adapted from Joshua Freedman's At the Heart of Leadership: How to Get Results with Emotional Intelligence. He argues that we often experience emotions in a pattern. For example, similar situations will trigger a type of response. It will help us, he argues, if we learn to recognize the pattern and to dig deeper to explore the reasons why we feel the way we do. Then, we should look for the wisdom in the situation and response; in other words, we should look for a lesson to learn to improve ourselves.

Using the following "typical" college student examples, reflect on your emotional reaction to these types of situations and what you think the wisdom, or lesson, is in each.


TYPICAL SITUATION: You walk into a class for the first time and the professor seems uninterested to teach or uninteresting in general. You suddenly get worried that you will not enjoy this class—and you have to have it for your degree.

YOUR EXPERIENCE IN THIS SITUATION: I would automatically switch out of his class and go to a different professor. Before I go to the new class I will first look the new professors up on the rate your professor review board and make my next move.

THE LESSON TO BE LEARNED: That you don’t have to sit back and settle for something that’s not worth the stress. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

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TYPICAL SITUATION: You walk into class where the professor explains everything that you are going to do this semester. He talks about a 15-page research paper, field studies, and weekly journals. You don't even have access to a computer.

YOUR EXPERIENCE IN THIS SITUATION: I will just go to the library at the school or the public library or I could even try going to a friend or family member’s house.

THE LESSON TO BE: Even though you may not have access to a computer at your home doesn’t mean anything. There are a lot of public places that have access to computers.

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TYPICAL SITUATION: You find out that you won a scholarship that will pay for books, tuition, and fees when you transfer to a four-year university next semester. You can't wait to share the good news with your family because they were having a hard time helping support you while you were in college.

YOUR EXPERIENCE IN THIS SITUATION: I would be so relieved because now I won’t have any stress or concerns hanging over my head or my family’s and now all I have to do is finish up this semester with good grades then transfer over to the new university where I can get my degree. That’s a walk in the part all I have to focus on is passing all my classes and keeping a high gpa so I won’t lose the scholarship.

THE LESSON TO BE LEARNED: When you do well in school you will be rewarded. Hard work pays off.

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TYPICAL SITUATION: You have taken your last final exam and will be graduating next week in front of your family, friends, and co-workers—and a few people who thought you wouldn't make it. You have a job ready and waiting for you in your field of study. While the pay may not be high, it offers great opportunities for advancement. Your two children are proud to tell everyone that their mom has a college degree, and you know that they will be more likely to attend college because you did.

YOUR EXPERIENCE IN THIS SITUATION: I will be VERRRRY PROUD of my my accomplishments because it isn’t easy having kids a job and other responsibilies. There are a lot of distractions that can hinder your main focus in college with causes you to either drop out or not go ever semester you may go ever other semester. I was forced into a certain situation where I had to choose if I was going to go back to school for physician assistant or change my field to something else that I really didn’t have any interest for. I stuck to my plan and I’m still in school going towards my goal and that’s graduation.

THE LESSON TO BE LEARNED: Anything is possible. It takes a lot of dedication hard work and support from family and friends.