Utilizing the Tools to Achieve Success How ePortfolio and Linkedin can be used harmoniously for your benefit

E portfolio and-linkedin

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Academic Technology @ Pace U

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Utilizing the Tools to

Achieve SuccessHow ePortfolio and

Linkedin can be used

harmoniously for your


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Why Use Linkedin & ePortfolio?

0Meet new contacts0Expand your

network0Promote essential

skills0 Increase your

sphere of influence

0Define your identity

0Express academic, business, and personal strengths

0Develop a profile of outstanding achievements

Most importantly…

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Stand Out!Recruiters who would look at ePortfolio

recruiters who would click an ePortfolio link ini-tially

recruiters who would view the Portfolio to research a candidate before an interview

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Operating Linkedin

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Functions of Linkedin

Browse Jobs0Search for prospective businesses

using advanced properties like0 Location0 Experience level0 Industry

0Acquire applications and referrals0Make a name for yourself!

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Functions of Linkedin

Stay Informed0 Join a group or survey

prominent figures in your industry

0Follow the moving trends to remain involved

Express Yourself0Outline your accomplishments

and skills on your profile

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Operating ePortfolio

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Functions of ePortfolio

Create a Plan0Outline the steps necessary to accomplish a goal0Schedule task dates to ensure timely completion of


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Functions of ePortfolio

Display a Resume0Generate a Mahara-friendly

resume onto your ePortfolio page

0 Include an original paper resume as a downloadable option

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Combining Both Systems

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Create a Hub of Activity

0Provide a hotlink to your Linkedin account on ePortfolio

0Enter the ePortoflio address to “websites” under your profile on Linkedin

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1. Network and expand your contacts with Linkedin

2. Provide new prospects with an aesthetically drawing and compressive list of your experience from ePortfolio

3. Separate yourself from other candidates in the competitive job market

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More Information…

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Website Addresses



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Beth Gordon KlingnerExecutive Director, Academic

TechnologyCo-Director, ePortfolio

[email protected]

Linda Anstendig Department of English Co-Director, [email protected]

Michelle Pulaski-Behling Media and Communication Arts

[email protected]

Hillary Knepper Public [email protected]