Double Page Spread Analysis #2

Double Page Spread Analysis

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Page 1: Double Page Spread Analysis

Double Page Spread Analysis #2

Page 2: Double Page Spread Analysis

It is not clear as to where this double page spread comes from, but due to the layout and the font of the page numbers, it is clear that the double page spread is from We Love Pop. So does the text font, as it looks like the text font on existing We Love Pop double page

spreads. The double spread is about Dappy and how he has recently ‘grown up’, as before he was “rough, angry and crazy” but now things have “thankfully changed for the better”.

The articles general appeal is putting Dappy in a positive light due to his previous bad reputation, allowing the audience to understand that he is now a changed person. The audience will be interested in this because he featured a lot in the music industry and was very high profile in the band N-Dubz, and now he is a solo artist with changed ways the audience are going to be interested in how and why he has changed and whether it is because the band split up that caused him to change.

General Layout This double page spread follows some conventions of a general double page spread, these include having a quote written in a large font as a tease for the audience to want to read more, which is also known as a pull quote. This overall entices the audience to want to read this specific article. The use of images are used in order to interest the reader and highlight who the article is actually about - it is clear to the audience that this article is about Dappy through the use of images. The two images of Dappy also contrast each other which help the audience to establish his change. The large, main image of Dappy consist of his new self whereby he is dressed up smartly, wearing a suit. Where in the other image of him and his mother he is wearing a hoodie, a snapback and sun glasses.

The use of starbursts with more pull quotes inside breaks the article down more and makes it more presentable and fun, showing that the magazine does take the audiences age into consideration. Additionally, it would make the audience want to read more after finding out more “goss” on what the article contains! So they are able to piece what section the pull quote came from and more, detail information about it.

The length of the article suggests the audiences age as it is broke up like an interview and is only covering half of the double page spread. This reflects the age of the audience because they are still young in age and although they want to read about their favourite artists they would not want to read two full pages on Dappy. The layout makes the text more digestible for the reader, and they will be able to read it without losing interest or becoming overwhelmed with how much is left to read.

It is evident to the audience that this a double page spread because there a clear continuation across both pages in theme, colour, font and design, with the images used matching these components. The colours used on this double page spread are mainly: pink, yellow, purple, and white. The colour pink is the main colour that features and is the background colour for the article (the whole left side of the double page spread. The colour pink is a colour of nurturing and unconditional love. This could relate to the love that Dappy shares for his parents as one of the pull quotes says “If it wasn’t for my dad, I’d probably be in jail” and just below this to the right is an image of Dappy and his mother.

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Title Before we read the title the standfirst is placed just before it, leading onto the title of the double page spread. The standfirst says “He used to be “rough angry and crazy,” but DAPPY reveals things have thankfully changed for the better, as we find him…” this gives the audience an insight as to what the article is going to be about. It also creates an interest for the reader, as they are going to be intrigued as to what it was the changed him for the better and why, as the audience are used to his “bad boy” reputation, they are going to know what has changed. After this, following the ellipses in the title of this double page spread: “All Grown Up”. Each word of the title is written in a different colour - but in the same font. The colours used are pink, purple and white. These three colours contribute to the theme of the double page spread and crop up a lot. These colour all have some sort of contribution and meaning to live - pink relates to unconditional love, white relates to the idea of new life and purple represents being spiritually, all these factors could contribute to how Dappy managed to grow up. Around the ‘O’ in ‘Grown’, it is spray painted yellow - which could perhaps refer back to his past in which he used to get into a lot of trouble. Contradicting and mimicking the idea that he has in fact grown up. Also,at the end of the title there is an exclamation mark. This is to finish the sentence with a bang - making it more of a statement, a bold statement. It would therefore make the audience believe that he has in fact ‘grown up’ and it is not a joke.

Above both the standfirst and the title of the double page spread there is a text box with the text “Exlcusive Interview”. This will make the audience be more likely to want to read the interview based on the word ‘exclusive’, as in their minds they will believe that it if for their eyes only. Therefore convincing them to want to read it even more.

In general the title is written in a display font and is the thing that stands out the most on both sides of the page. It is therefore the first thing the audience will read so it has to be intriguing for them to want to read more. I believe that it is enticing as it the presentation of the title, making it look attractive to the audience, so they will pay more attention to that page in particular and read the title before continuing to read on.

ImagesThe first main image on this double page spread, takes up the whole of the second A4 side (half of the double page spread). The image itself is a contrast. It shows Dappy neatly shaved wearing a smart blue suit with two buttons on the front that are done up. The suit is worn with a white shirt that is done up, all the way to the top, with a white handkerchief in the pocket on his left hand side matching the shirt. From what we can see, the white shirt is also tucking in nice and neatly. The suit is topped of with a skinny black tie to create his overall classy more ‘grown up’ look. He has not however ditched his sunglasses that he is very fond of - as well can tell in the other image of him and his mother. This connects him to when he was a “bad boy” highlight that although he has now grown up, he still continues some things on from him past. His hair cut, is similar to a shape up, which he has predominantly had throughout his career in N-Dubz, however, we never usually see his hair as he is usually wearing a hat. This shows that he has grown up and he has managed to ditch his hat.

He is standing in front of a graffitied wall which completely goes against the type of place you would expect to see someone dressed so smartly. This does though, relate to his past where by he grew up in a “hood/street” location. This idea is further influenced by him

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wearing sunglasses and the “U” shaped pose he is doing with his hands. Overall, this photo is showing a contrast between his past and his present, therefore reflecting the rest of the article.

The other image presented on the double page spread is one of Dappy and his mother. The picture is placed towards the left hand third of the article and is placed with in a white border. In the photo they are doing the same pose - which looks to be like they are pointing upwards. Within the frame written in white on a blue backdrop is the text “Dappy is very close to him mum Zoi”. The use of the caption helps us to identify who the woman in the photo is as without it - the audience wouldn’t be able to know, only by a guess. It also gives the audience an insight that the article may have something to do with her, as it is about him growing up, and she played a part, as she is his mother.

Dappy is wearing all black - this suggests his bad and rebellious side, which we can further identify with his choice of costume - a black hoodie, a black t-shirt, a black snapback and black sunglasses which he prefers to call “shades”. This is a complete contrast to his mother who is wearing all white, this can present to the audience that Dappy’s mum is his guardian angel, keeping him safe and away from wrong doing, as well as helping him to grow up and out of his bad habits.

Things regarding Dappy’s appearance such as his hairstyle and his sunglasses reflect who he was previously where the suit reflects his changed ways. However, this also highlights that although he is now grown up, he hasn't completely changed and there are still elements about him that are the same. These also reflect the star image of Dappy, and how he can’t let go of all elements of who he previously was.

Body Copy The body copy consists of an interview, whereby the question is written in yellow with the answer written in white. The questions all relate to Dappy himself - the interviewee is asking personal questions about Dappy himself, his parents and his past (N-Dubz). The fact that is it an interview type article could be attractive to the audience as it covers a variety of different topics and isn't about anything in particular. This means that the audience can get to know the celebrity on a deeper level and find out stuff that they perhaps never knew before. Each question is paragraphed, this is useful for the reader and clearly indicates when a new question is being asked. Rather than it being one big paragraph. This is easier for the reader to go through the article and enjoy it without the pressure of a long and daunting piece of text.

Text Features There are two starbursts on this double page spread. They are both inside a white circle shape and both bits of the text are written in purple - matching the colour scheme of the double page spread.

The first starburst contains the text… “If it wasn’t for my dad, I’d probably be in jail”. The use of this gives the audience more of an insight as to what the article contains and the content of it. It is used as a pull quote, inside of a starburst. It shows the sensitive, grown up and grateful Dappy. Showing the audience that he has grown up and matured for how he used to act and perceive things.

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The second pull quote within a starburst reads… “She left me for some ugly guy”contrasts again the first one we are presented with, it shows the immature, confident and cocky Dappy that he is renowned for.

The pull quotes are both used in order to give the audience an insight into what the article is about as well as Dappy’s life in general. They will help to relate to the audience’s emotions as well as they are heartwarming pull quotes - to an extent. The first pull quote is regarding Dappy’s wrongdoing and the help he received from his dad, this is enticing to the audience as they are going to want to find out what his dad did to help/save him. The second pull quote will have less of an effect on the audience's emotion as Dappy is saying someone left him for an “ugly guy” however, this will still make the audience want to know who this “ugly guy” is and why she left him.

At the bottom of the left hand side of the double page spread, there is a line of text going across near the bottom in a text box. This text says: “SINGLE Rock Star feat Brian May is out 13th February www.thedappy.com RADIO Listen to The Offical Chart, Sundays 4-7pm”. This in itself is promotion for Dappy’s new single and its release date. This is clever as now, a pop magazine’s audience has read that information and will therefore be aware to listen to the track when it is released. Not only that, but they are also convincing the reader to tune in and listen to The Official Chart and tells them the day and the time they should tune in. Not only will this benefit Dappy, but it will also benefit the magazine as more people will be tuning in on the radio station also.

ColoursThe colours that primarily feature on this double page spread are: pink, purple, yellow and white. These colours are very popular and feature a lot within pop magazines and tend to crop up again and again.

In relation to the article about Dappy, these colours do have meanings behind them. The colour white can relate to purity, innocence and new life. Whereby, in this article Dappy is speaking about how he has “grown up” and is pure from what he used to be like, changing his life and staying out of trouble, which he use to tend to get himself into often.The colour pink represents unconditional love and nurturing - which can relate to Dappy’s mother in this article as he shows and unconditional compassion towards and as his mother she is obviously nurturing towards him.

The colour yellow is the colour of mind and intellect, which can relate to Dappy using his initiative and intellect in order to establish that he needs to rest his mind and come to the conclusion that it is infact time for him to “grow up”.

Purple is strong colour and conveys integrity and sincerity. This relates to the new mature rule Dappy wishes to take on and show integrity and sincerity in his new approach to his career.