DOES THE FOOD YOU EAT AFFECT YOU EMOTIONALLY? By: Ashley Sacks Orcutt Academy High School Frosh Core

Does the food you eat affect you emotionally

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  • By: Ashley Sacks Orcutt Academy High School Frosh Core
  • Did you have breakfast today?
  • Some foods will just affect you physically but, almost all foods will affect you
  • By eating healthy you can get lots of protein and fiber making you feel good about yourself as well as your surrounding. Food really can influences your life and your future!
  • Research has shown that having dietary changes can effect you physically but, also emotionally!
  • Having dietary changes can bring about changes in your brain structure making you confused and forgetful.
  • You are what you eat Even if you eat healthy food excessive calories translate into extra weight for most people.
  • It is very uncommon, but some people may not be affected by the food they eat. This is called having a high metabolism.
  • FISH is known to make you smarter CHOCOLATE is one of the many foods that can affect you!
  • CHOCOLATE Chocolate is one of the many foods that make you feel good about yourself. When you eat it, it releases a chemical that is the same as when you fall in love.
  • fansy restrants food in your house mood swings tiredness healthy food anger fast food 0 50 100
  • Column1 people that eat a good breakfast people that eat a desent breakfast people that eat a bad breakfast people that eat no breakfast
  • Food can influence you!
  • Gans Keri (1998). the small change diet Retrieved augest 30, 2013, from gain control : http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/weight-loss/MH00025 Magee, E. (2005). food and recipies . Retrieved augest 31, 2013, from how food affects your food : http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/how-food-affects-your-moods McKeith, G. (2011). you are what you eat. Retrieved Augest 31, 2013, from Gillian McKeith: http://www.gillianmckeith.info/you-are-what-you-eat-2/ Polansky, J. (1997). how food affects your mind, body,spirit. Retrieved Augest 31, 2013, from food is life : http://www.gillianmckeith.info/you-are-what-you-eat-2/ Pictures by: freepictures.com/videofreepic.com/feefood.com/foodthatsgood.com/healthingeating.com/