The New Learning Industry Do we need a revolution?

Do We Need a Learning Revolution?

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Do we really need a learning revolution? Why does the new learning industry has to change so much?

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The New Learning Industry

Do we need a revolution?

The New Learning Industry...

...is a new paradigm...

...that it is still in its early...

...stages of development...

...and whose core concept...

...is based on...


...the vast web resources...

...to build...

...learning journeys...

...able to target...

...with accurate precision...

...the needs of...

...specific groups...

...and also offer...

...each learner...

...the ability to adjust the journey...

...to personal preferences like...

...to zip through essentials...

...or to go slower...

...to explore...

...and get the answers...

...to the questions...

...that always arise...

...on the mind...

...of the most curious.

Uhmmmmm...do we really...

...that much of a revolution?

The sort answer is...

Would you like to know why?

There are endeless...

...reasons why...

...the learning industry...

...has to evolve...

...but we'll keep...

...to essentials:

(1) permanent change...

...requires permanent learning;

(2) skyrocketing costs...

...make learning too expensive;

(3) the world is about "anyhow"...

...learning is not!

Wait! It can't be just that!

Other industries...

...were faced with...

...the exact...

...same challenges...


...were able...

...to use the...

...web to create...

...economies of scale...

...optimized processes...

...to mass-customize delivery...

...and increased quality...

...by leaps and bounds...

...passing the savings...

...back to customers.

So...why didn't learning...

...do the same?

Well...the learning industry

...as a whole...

...got entangled...

...in zero sum games...

...over traditional learners...

...(the young)...

...old delivery practices...

...(capital intensive)...

...and old quality assessments...

...(the exam)...

...while the cheap, fast and better...

...train passed by.

You don't?

Ok. Tell me about it...

...or reach me...

...@ http:Filipe-Pinto.com...

...before I go...

...Thank you!

Attributions#01-N/A#02-cmaccubbin#03-julianol#04-Warm n' Fuzzy#05-Hong Kong Dear Edward#06-jetboy2006#07-Justin Beck,Rasso,Fire Monkey Fish,TotalAldo#08-AutoCycle#09-N/A#10-Mr. G's Travels#11-Frarytd#12-sebrenner#13-michelphoto53#14-mattburns.co.uk#15-il_tommy#16-silverlinedwinnebago#17-Carib#18-joero#19-Guille#20-Still Burning#21-David Gurteen#22-woodleywonderworks

#23-Beverly & Pack#24-teemow#25-Oberazzi#26-BottleLeaf#27-Yersinia#28-3six0Architecture#29-N/A#30-Mike Love#31-Tinker Taylor#32-marc0047#33-Darwin Bell#34-sheriffmitchell#35-Brendio#36--eko-#37- lrargerich#38-Beezum#39-BcCostin#40-David Reece#41-lolodoc#42-Powerhouse Museum#43-Carbon NYC#44-BushLeagueTV