1 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013. TITLE OF THE WORK: DISSEMINATION PROJECT: GRUNDTVIG ASSISTANSHIP IN THE PROGRAMME OF LIFELONG LEARNING OF AGENCY FOR MOBILITY AND EU PROGRAMMES , Ljudevit Gaj street 22, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia TRAJANJE PROJEKTA: 10.09.2013. - 19.03.2013. HOME ORGANISATION: „Association for preservation of fairy landscapes, life in harmony with Earth and culture of spirit Vilenice“, Address: Vlaška 93 B, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia HOST ORGANISATION IN PROJECT: “Garden academy Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” ("Gartenakademie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gGmbH “), Hofstraße 2, 17 217 Penzlin/Ortsteil Marihn GRUNDTVIG ASSISTANT: Marina Butorac Completed education: o Master of engineering in landscape architecture, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Croatia o Educated geomant, School of holistic approach to space, former „Centre for nature and culture- Sirion“, 2005. /2006.

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Page 1: Dissemination grundtvig assistanship grundtvig assistant_marina butorac_english version

1 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.



MOBILITY AND EU PROGRAMMES , Ljudevit Gaj street 22, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia

TRAJANJE PROJEKTA: 10.09.2013. - 19.03.2013.


„Association for preservation of fairy landscapes, life in harmony with Earth and culture of spirit

Vilenice“, Address: Vlaška 93 B, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia


“Garden academy Mecklenburg-Vorpommern”

("Gartenakademie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gGmbH “), Hofstraße 2, 17 217 Penzlin/Ortsteil



Marina Butorac

Completed education:

o Master of engineering in landscape architecture, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture,


o Educated geomant, School of holistic approach to space, former „Centre for nature and

culture- Sirion“, 2005. /2006.

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2 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.




I. Description of completed activities and results......................................................................................3-15

II. Associates, experts, consultants in preparation of the project

Grundtvig Assistantship before implementation in Germany......................................................................16

II.1. Associates, experts, consultants during implementation of the

project Grundtvig Assistantship in Germany..................................................................................................16

III. List of graphical attachments.......................................................................................................................17

III.1. Drawings in ProgeCad Programme..........................................................................................................17

III.2. Hadwork drawings in the technique of drawing: black felt pen and colored pencils......................17

III.3. Photos..........................................................................................................................................................17

IV. List of used materials in Grundtvig Assistantship project........................................................................18


IV.2. Maps............................................................................................................................................................19

IV.3. Movie...........................................................................................................................................................20

IV.4. Internet........................................................................................................................................................20

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3 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.


Implementation of Grundtvig Assistantship – Lifelong Learning Programme of Agency for mobility

and EU programmes with Association „Vilenice“ as home organisation in project where I was

Grundtvig Assistant was set in a period from 10.09.2013. to 19.03.2013.

Implementation of activities was placed in „Garden academy Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“

(„Gartenakademie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gGmbH “, shortened „Gartenakademie M-V gGmbH“)

with a seat in Marihn in Germany, as a host organisation in a project Grundtvig Assistantship.

Through introductory presentation after arrival to academy and implementation of Grundtvig project

activities was made the exchange of practical experience and theoretical knowledge gathered

through projects in Croatia, in a field of permaculture and application of permacultural principles in

the garden, application of therapeutic garden elements and application of geomantic analysis in

garden design and geomantic routes in landscapes, also geomancy of woods what is the theme of

seminars in Association „Vilenice“.

Exchange and update of knowledge in garden culture of Croatia in Grundtvig project with knowledge

of garden culture, learning gardens, gardens by historical castles, socially-sensible gardens, gardens

for young people, theme gardens of Germany, was provided by representatives of „Garden academy

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“ („Gartenakademie M-V gGmbH “), „Garden academy Sachsen-Anhalt“

(„Gartenakademie Sachsen – Anhalt gGmbH e.V.“) from Zichtau, working team of „HORTEC“ from

Berlin and members of „Garden network of Germany“ ( „Gartennetz Deutschland e.V.“), and other

partners in project.

Theme of Grundtvig Assistantship programme of Agency for mobility and EU programmes is Lifelong

learning, and through implementation of main activities was learned about methodology and

specificities of lifelong learning in a field of garden culture and ecological garden design and

maintenance on the example of learning gardens and educational programmes of garden academies

of Germany. These educational programmes bring learning about cultivation of edible and decorative

gardens in ecological ways that results in landscape preservation, preservation of landscape units,

woods and living elements of nature as are old trees, in preservation of whole ecosystem as well as

its recovery (Photo 8.).

Learning about aesthetic values of garden is also very important as German garden culture cherishes

above all enjoying the view of the garden. There is not only important visual aesthetics of garden but

insight in soul of the garden, as could be found in a literature about castles and gardens of

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. When speaking about aesthetic of garden it is word of activation of all

senses. Culture of enjoyment in the garden was also reflected in the history of garden culture

through „Gardens of pleasure“, that encompassed gardens of Europe of 16th century, including

gardens of Germany (germ. „Lustgarten“= „Pleasure garden“). That was an expression for landscaped

parks by the objects of living, in the beginning, castles, and in the 19th Century also parks for citizens

or public parks, primarily intended for enjoyment in partly or fully landscaped landscape, also for

concerts, theatre, and poetry reading and similar. In order to continue this aspect of garden culture

and preservation of aesthetics of historical-architectural and garden-architectural matrix of objects of

garden academies that I had opportunity to visit, in academy „Garden academy M-V“

(„Gartenakademie M-V gGmbH“) and „Garden academy Sachsen – Anhalt“ („Gartenakademie

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4 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

Sachsen – Anhalt e.V.“) is nurtured knowledge about cultivation and creation of disposition of plants

in garden: herbs, vegetables, fruits in specific ways and specific cut, which is then all combined in

garden design (Photo 10.). Preservation of old sorts of varieties of garden plants is also important,

inter alia, because of their natural immunity to pests.

Activity implementation of Grundtvig Assistantship mostly based in „Garden academy M-V“ (was

related to garden of historical-cultural good of Marihn in the place Marihn – named “Garden of

Marihn” (“Der Garten von Marihn”), which is used for running of educational programmes of


Park is in romantic style with woody parts which contains 20 historically old oaks, linden and plane

trees, in which are incorporated two restored landscaped lakes, that through choose of coastal lake

vegetation mimic the natural lakes. (Photo 3., Photo 4., Photo 5.). Lakes are connected with

landscaped water channels that go through park and village of Marihn (Photo 1.). Due to level

differences of parts of water channels in winter and spring months when are filled with water give

visual and auditory experience of small waterfalls. In the middle of the park is dominating strong

view built from landscaped zone planted with sort of rose “English rose” and its varieties, of grower

of roses David Austin from England. Rosarium of this sort of roses, where are planted in specific

order by design of Michael Marriot, designer of David Austin, is nurtured with ecological methods.

Here we find, for example, rosaries with composition of rose varieties ´Lady Emma Hamilton´ in

company with ´Port Sunlight´, ´Molineux´ and ´Comte de Champagne´.

This central, elevated part of the park that are creating organically shaped wings of park axis filled

with roses are continued on an imagined, over the park lake air flowing line, toward geometrically

shaped element of the park located on the opposite elevation, built from linear elements that follow

it. Linear elements are positioned in rows from the inside out, in order from a row of higher

evergreen plants toward double row of lower evergreen plants which creating arms of the imagined

triangle placed on the surface ground, without inscribed base, which empty top is also ultimate focus

of the central visual axis (Photo 2.).

Photo 1. Village Marihn Photo 2. Garden„Garden of Marihn“, central park

axis park

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5 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

Through the winding gravelled walkways that lead through the wooded parts of the south-western

part of the park (Photo 6., Photo 7.), reaches to a geometrically shaped zones of aromatic herbs that

alternate with beds of roses, and garden beds for breeding seedlings of vegetables, which alternate

with mixed border planted plants that enhance and restore soil. This area includes also zone for

compost where takes place the preparation of horse manure from horse droppings of the horses of

the estate and the preparation of fertilizer from organic waste. Northern and newly formed part of

the garden, designed from Mr. Horst Forytta, also member of movement “Slow food Germany”

(„Slow Food Deutschland“) is built from several geometrical style garden zones, edible gardens,

vegetable, aromatic garden and orchard and experiential labyrinth garden. Thereby garden elements

of an edible, vegetable, aromatic and aesthetic-experiential labyrinth garden are composed in a

frames of tall hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) hedges, also boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) and

European jew (Taxus baccata) that form a sort of garden rooms (Photo 9., Photo 11., Photo 13.,

Photo 14., Photo 15., Photo 16.).

Viticulture is also one sort of the agriculture which is nurtured in the garden and is also an element of

garden design (Photo 10.). According to that in whole landscaping of that part of park are

implemented classical and decorative-cultivated garden elements of vine.

Garden paths are intertwined with flower beds and perennial plants that attract insects pollinators:

bees and bumblebees. Borders between decorative and utilitare plants are imagined to be almost in

all garden fluent and to reflect harmonious coexistence that stands in central point of the concept of


As was learned from books about the history of garden academy inspiration for garden where so far were conducted trainings of „Garden academy of MV" ("Gartenakademie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gGmbH“) was the estate Highgrove of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall with farm and an organic garden.

Photo 3. Big lake, „Garden of Marihn“ Photo 4.Big lake, Plant by the lake, „Garden of Marihn“

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6 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

Photo 5. Small lake with sculpture, autumn, “Garden of Marihn“ Photo 6. Wooded part of park, autumn, „Garden of Marihn“

Photo 7. Old tree into his garden, view from rosarium, Photo 8. Molehill in the garden, Signs of healthy soil,

“Garden of Marihn“ “Garden of Marihn“

Photo 9. Garden room of aromatic plants, „Garden of Marihn“ Photo 10. Vineyard garden-design elements

”Garden of Marihn”

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7 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

Activities of the „Garden academy Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“("Gartenakademie Mecklenburg-

Vorpommern gGmbH“) in educational gardens from the time of its establishment 2009. and opening

2010. influenced on approach to garden design and maintaince of the owners of gardens in wider

region to become more ecological. Place Marihn joined with an independent proposal to become

“Cittaslow” community. „Cittaslow“ is continued application of „Slow food“ philosophy, which

teaches about domestic and cooked food as healthy nutrition. For this purpose and in order to

preserve regional cuisine as cultural diversity in the “Garden academy M-V” (“Gartenakademie

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gGmbH“) through existing educational programs except, about the

garden design with nature, biological gardening, aesthetic and stylistic diversity was taught about

processing and marketing variations regionally-typical food.

Participation of organisation „Garden academy M-V“ (“Gartenakademie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

gGmbH“) in German federal garden exhibition 2009. („Bundesgartenschau 2009. Schwerin“)

contributed to ecological design becomes widespread in the region. That was extremely important in

a region of Lake plateau of Germany (Die Mecklenburgische Seenplatte), that is named by natural

landscape phenomenon created of glacial lakes where almost every city and village have one or

more natural lakes of big biodiversity inside of its urbanised structure. Wooded and water landscapes

are criss-crossed with agricultural land spread between villages and towns with cores of unique and

preserved historical-architectural and historical-landscape-architectural complex that are build up

with new urban matrix.

About specificities of region Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, especially its rural and agricultural aspect

was learned in visit to agricultural fair „Die MeLa - 2012“ in place Gülzow-Prüzen OT Mühlengeez .

Photo 11. Rosarium with aromatic plants, „Garden of Marihn“ Photo 12. Apples, orchard, „Garden of Marihn“

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8 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

Photo 13. Raised beds with strawberries, early autumn,“Garden of Marihn“ Photo 14.Raised beds with strawberries, late autumn, „Garden of


Photo 15. Vegetable garden, „Garden of Marihn“ Photo 16. Zone with fruit trees, „Garden of „Marihn“

Except learning about garden academy and maintenance of existing gardens, implementation of

Grundtvig activities with the theme of lifelong learning was following preservation of earlier

mentioned ecological, aesthetic and cultural values.

Through implementation of Grundtvig activities was processed aspect of garden pedagogy – planning

and shaping learning garden with a theme of ecological design and use of permacultural principles in

the garden, permacultural design and preparation of following educational programmes and

workshops through which implementation garden would be put in space.

Philosophy of design of learning garden was to create original design that will preserve natural

attributes of habitat, and will use knowledge about processes in nature, which is one of the

fundamental principles of permaculture.

The result of activities is created template for landscape design of learning garden for education in

ecological design and use of permacultural principles in garden including edible garden by the

method „Forest garden“of Robert Hart, which copies processes of growing plants in wood system as

one of the most perfect ecosystems of the planet Earth, and where are in planting plan used many

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9 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

plant species in a past used as edible, today forgotten and used only as wild meadow plants or

decorative plants (III.1.Graphic attachment 1. Ground plan_Landscape design of educational

garden_permaculture and ecological design_ Grundtvig –Dissemination - Grundtvig Assistant - Marina Butorac,

III.1. Graphic attachment 2. 3D model - concept - Educational garden with theme_permaculture_Grundtvig -

Dissemination - Grundtvig Assistant - Marina Butorac, III.1.Graphic attachment 2.1. 3D model of the concept-

Educational garden with a theme – permaculture_Grundtvig – Dissemination - Grundtvig Assistant - Marina

Butorac, III.1. Graphic attachment 2.2. 3D model of the concept-Educational garden with a theme –

permaculture_Grundtvig - Dissemination_ Grundtvig Assistant - Marina Butorac, III.1. Graphic attachment 2.3.

Plan for permaculture and ecological design educational garden - Construction detail for Hugelkultur

bed_Dissemination_Grundtvig Assistant-Marina Butorac, III.2. Graphic attachment 3. Drawing_Educational

garden_permaculture and ecological design_detail - clime and butterfly garden _Grundtvig - Dissemination -

Grundtvig Assistant_Marina Butorac, III.2. Graphic attachment 3.1. Drawing_ educational

garden_permaculture and eco-design_detail – butterfly garden _Grundtvig–Dissemination-GA-Marina Butorac,

III.2. Graphic attachment 3.2. Drawing_Educational garden_permaculture and ecological design –detail –

butterfly garden_Grundtvig - Dissemination - Grundtvig Assistant_Marina Butorac).

In region of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) meadow wild plants are

recently more often integrated in touristical offer in restaurants as delicacies.

The plan of new learning zone includes also covered educative-working and resting garden pavilion

and energy supply plan from natural sustainable, primarily local resources and their use through

establishing a cycle of circulation of energies in the garden and by utility elements like classroom

outdoors, which is also one of the premises of permacultural design.

Learning garden design was developed on the basis of learning about specificity of learning gardens

of visited garden academies during Grundtvig Assistantship activities. Learning garden design also

respects specificities of existing historical park and its later upgrades and renovations of neglected

parts of park and former garbage place through adding on new shaped parts that followed its

historicist syllable. For implementation of this activities were also obtained for the first time

historical maps of the garden of the estate Marihn with accompanying castle and were learned about

protection of parks by the castles.

Preparatory activities for creating suggestion of design of the learning garden included also visit to

existing gardens in a region, and collecting opinions and suggestions of their potential users. In order

to create quality learning space of garden, with the theme: creating of ecological edible garden,

were collected opinions and suggestions, from lot of different groups of its potential users in closest

region of the village Marihn, as well as for wider region of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, with precious

contribution of cooperants from Berlin, a city closely connected with this region.

With participation of senior group of the quarter of centre of Berlin and their trainer dr. Wolfgang

Kramer in an interview about learning of gardening and garden design it was found out about

possible interest for this themes and visit to learning garden. It was also learned about potential role

of education in gardening and garden design and centres with edible gardens in care for seniors with

lower rents as one of the solutions for care and ensuring the quality of life of that population in the

future. Furthermore was learned about specificities of lecturing to seniors on an example of lecture

with segment of interactivity that brought space for possibility for shorter discussions about themes

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10 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

topical for their age. In a visit to recreational centre for seniors of Berlin city quarter was also learned

about newly expanded lifelong learning programmes for people of different ethnicity which supports

their better integration in this quarter. By the recreational centre is also intercultural community

garden that is part of other programmes organised in this quarter.

In a preparation of new learning garden for adults with a specific themes of garden culture:

ecological design and permaculture was also included informing with Mr. Haris Piplas, member of

“ECLAS-European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools” and leader of the initiative Le: NOTRE.

On that occasion was learned about education in landscape architecture in a region of Mecklenburg-

Vorpommern and in Germany, as well as other countries of Europe and about possibilities of

inclusion of student population in educative programmes with themes of educational garden of

permaculture through workshops.

Gardens with use of permaculture principles are considered to be gardens for the „lazy“ people or

gardens that don’t need „too much work“. Although in permacultural garden has also work, because

of its simple methods of work of the land cultivation and cultivation of edible plants and agriculture,

made work with land and the idea of agriculture attractive again, which in some parts of Croatia

brought young people back to village, revived some villages and stopped their decay, also spurred

establishment of new, so called eco-villages. Implemented garden workshops in Croatia also

encouraged interest by young people for work in the garden and with a land. That working

experience and gathered knowledge in a field of lifelong learning in Croatia were through Grundtvig

activities transferred to „Garden academy M-V“ („Gartenakademie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

gGmbH“) in a place Marihn.

Based on preparatory analysis learning garden is adopted to learning of new garden maintenance

techniques for adult users with a private gardens and agricultural land and one significant social

group of region: seniors, furthermore socially sensible groups of young people-young adults,

especially unemployed in general and unemployed women with interest in work of garden culture,

agriculture and agritourism. It was also created one suggestion of agricultural-art workshop with a

programme intended for women victims of violence. Because of its segment of sustainable use of

natural resources garden design with used permaculture principles in praxis showed also as helpful

to home budget.

With use of gender-sensitive approach was created design of learning garden that respects

specificities of needs of groups of users. While taking into account groups of young people, young

adults, their attention should be more focused while learning in the garden. Paths wide enough

beetween shaped educational zones that provide overview and clarity (for spatial quality of clairtiy -

for example: curbed individual learning zones) would help in that as well as resting place and roofed

place for learning outdoors. Paths and patios of educational zones are designed to be accessible for

people with disability and for wheelchair in motion. Furthermore, by design of learning garden was

used gender - sensitive approach for beneficiary of the garden of the female population, with, for

example, use of vertical educational garden elements adapted to the average height of adult women,

which makes them more practical for use. Garden structures and elements that provide overview,

accessibility and place for resting will create learning garden practical for use of seniors. About the

youngest visitors of the garden, children, that would possibly come to visit as accompaniment to

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11 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

adults during educational visits was thought in a plan through creating safe spaces, especially, by the

resting place by the water channel.

In the design of learning garden was used wide base of collected data about garden culture of

Neubrandenburg, including recently published studies. There are used data about nature, flora and

fauna of this region and data about specific water natural habitats that prevail on a Lake plate of

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Die Mecklenburgische Seenplatte), lakes and swamps which habitats in

this region are successfully preserved and integrated in a cities and are very visited landscaped or

partially landscaped and partially natural park ensembles that have important role in tourism of this

region (Photo 17., Photo 18.).

Photo 17. Glacial lake, Penzlin Photo 18. Birds on the water channels park lakes, Castle Park


For needs of preparation of garden learning zones for adults with a theme „Forest garden“ was made

analysis of specific wood habitats of Germany, especially in the region of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,

through visit of park-woods of “Zoological garden Ivenack” (“Zoologische Gärten Ivenack”) with

wood animals and domestic animals, like Turopolje pigs, in which cultivation were used woods.

Visited are also educative routes of “Botanical garden and botanical museum Berlin-Dahlem”

(„Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem“) in Dahlem in Berlin, with a theme:

woods, and other zones of specific plants for formation of edible “Forest garden” adapted to terrain

of assignment and its natural characteristics. About the theme of educational garden of aromatic

plants, and about indigenous edible and aromatic plants was learned also through example of

educational-decorative garden of museum „Museum of magic and persecution of witches in

Mecklenburg“ in city Penzlin (“Museum für Magie und Hexenverfolgung”) in historical-architectural

complex „Old castle“(„Alte Burg Penzlin“) in a city Penzlin in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). Educational-exhibition interiors of „Nature Discovery Centre

Müritzeum“(„Das Naturerlebniszentrum Müritzeum“) in city Waren, shaped with multisensory and

interactive segment contributed to update of knowledge in shaping learning zones with a theme

garden and nature.

It was made a comparison of visited educational gardens and gardens designed for learning of

"Garden Academy M-V" („Gartenakademie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gGmbH“) where approach to

design to gardens for education is design without labeling the individual units or marking them with

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12 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

educational tables and descriptive panels as in other visited gardens made with purpose of education

about parks and nature.

Design of learning garden, subject of Grundtvig activity was connected to water channel landscape

and existing wooded landscape, and was shaped by principles of design with nature, with selection

and use of edible plants that we find in wild nature and their cultivated garden sorts. Specific

formatting plant order was meant to induce the self-sustainability of the garden, which would also

reduce the input of resources for their survival. Also would be used natural characteristics of plants

in their self-protection and the maintenance. By the design were used also the more recent

published researches, knowledge and thesis about the possibilities of growing cranberries on

wetland soils, acid soils of water channels, as a form of agriculture with an integrated aspect of

environmental protection, meaning, cultivation of edible plant species for which is not needed

change of the basic components of the soil but are used intrinsic soil characteristics.

Suggestion of the plan of the learning garden for ecological design and permaculture in the final,

according to the characteristics of terrain and permaculture basic 5 zones approach, depending on

need for water, compost and intensity of maintenance, integrated following garden structures:

compost, raised beds by Hugelkultur method, that one was made in the garden during duration of

Grundtvig activity, furthermore, box for growing Californian worms, herb mandala, butterfly garden,

plant cleaner of gray waters with a lake, herb spiral and mixed beds, edible and mixed hedge,

mushroom on logs cultivation, useful and edible meadow plants, repellents, and commonly and

traditionally used horticultural species, which are edible and can be grown successfully, as they are

pests resistant, for edible products.

Edible learning garden is designed to function also as „climate garden“, and to use existing and newly

created microclimate zones in growing species like pumpkins and other vegetables and fruits.

In learning and cultivating zone with a theme „Forest garden“ are used native plant species, wood

fruits and their cultivars and traditionally used decorative park species, which fruits are edible raw or

processed. Described design with mulching techniques enables the application "No- dig" gardening

method, which preserves the basic structure and properties of the soil. Ecological infrastructure of

learning pavilion includes use of straw bales and wood materials, solar collectors, ecological plant-

based grey water cleaner, composting toilet and an open oven.

In a sense of aesthetics was thought about transitions from one system of park to another and about

colour interest through the seasons. Communications are defined with organic shapes and

transitional views from part of park for walk and enjoyment in views, toward learning part of park

with a theme Forest garden integrated in existing woody part, are built with traditional decorative

park species, species of edible fruits like Thunberg's barberry (Berberis thunbergii) and Oregon grape

(Mahonia aquifolium). These species have decorative leafs, Oregon grape also evergreen, and

flowers that turn into fruits in colors. These species are followed with fruits like cranberry (Vaccinium

vitis idea), Aronia – the chokeberries (Aronia sp.), loganberry (Rubus x lohanobaccus) and edible

ground cover plants in the inner part of the garden.

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13 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

Southern part of learning garden builds on woody part of the northern part of the garden, on existing

wild bushes of blackthorn or sloe (Prunus spinosa) which is used for forming of second part of

thematic “Forest garden”. Southern part of the garden is separated with shaped hornbeam hedges

and tall green hornbeam wall from existing geometrically shaped zones of aromatic plants and

rosarium, flower meadow with orchard, and lawn with orchard. Garden elements of this part of

learning garden, except based on the permacultural principles, are designed to be integrated in

existing geometrical garden syllable, and are following it with geometry in center of it. In other zones

of this garden, garden elements follow configuration of existing landscape by advice of permaculture,

while borders with existing park zones are in soft lines of mixed hedges.

Choice of decorative plants , by the water channel, planted with indigenous species of edible plants

we find along coasts of natural lakes, like the European dewberry (Rubus ceasius) and watermint

(Mentha aquatica), are dwarf rhododendrons (Rhododendron sp.) which also provide shade to plants

that grow in a level under them.

In learning garden zones are planned specific plant species attractive to bees, of which several

species over the centuries disappeared from the region. Also are planned plants attractive to other

insect pollinators in the garden. In this purpose is also used bug hotel. Learning garden design is also

planned taking into consideration birds of the region, with the aim to create balance between their

natural habit and need for plant preservation and future products of the garden.

Pursuing this goal, planting plan of garden design integrates plants like sunflower and contains a pool

for birds.

Implementation of permaculture principles which respects traditionally used building techniques of

local community, in garden structure of learning garden plan are also integrated traditional stone

walls which can be found in landscape of surrounding region. Furthermore, about this theme and

other specific traditionally used building techniques with natural materials, like use of straw in roof

building and earth building techniques was learned from collected literature and through visits to

agricultural estates in a region.

Applying the principles of permaculture, as previously demonstrated in practice, prevents lake,

swamp and other waters pollution. Through that waters are preserved as one of the most important

natural and landscape element of the region, but also contributes to healthy soil and / or recovery of

soils contaminated by culturing processes of conventional agriculture. Edible garden design that

includes a comprehensive environmental approach, and cyclic use of water including the use of

plant-based cleaner contributes to preserving the purity of the Eastern and Baltic Sea as an important

part of the landscape of north of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern),

which is also potentially threatened by untreated utilitarian agricultural water as it was found in the

learning garden project preparatory activities.

In creating learning garden there are also integrated results of geomantic analysis and is created

suggestion of geomantic route with potential use in educational and recreational purposes.

About education in area of geomancy during Grundtvig activities was learned from trainer of

geomantic workshops in Berlin, Suzanne Lutz and other geomants, also participants in seminars in

Berlin, as well as through Internet analysis. By the implementation of Grundtvig activities was

informed about the themes of geomancy also from the literature in German language provided from

the member of „Garden network Germany“(„Gartennetz Deutschland e.V.“). In Germany there are

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14 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

several academies, groups and schools where one can find teaching about use of geomantic

knowledge and that have educational programmes with themes of use of geomancy in the garden,

architecture, maintenance of the woods etc.

Exhibitions would be for the products made through the workshops and training cycles, which would

connect art and knowledge of ecological design and organic edible garden. Through these activities

would be activated new spaces for participation by local artists from narrower and wider region.

Products of the garden would also be in offer for visitors and could be tasted in thematic sections of

the garden or existing garden cafe, which would encourage further sustainability of the garden in the

overall garden system where are in offer at the moment products of roses: soap, liqueur, petal jam

and seedlings of rose “English rose”.

Permaculture design principles include thinking of how elements of the landscape are connected,

and except including thinking of connection between human and nature, should also include

approach of connection with, primarily local community and factor of human relations and care for

them (learning non-violence communication, principles of cooperation etc.).

Furthermore, Grundtvig activity included participation and learning about promotional activities of

garden academies, but also historical parks by the castles, therapeutic parks, gardens for young

people and theme parks in Germany. These activities are carried out in cooperation with „Garden

network Germany“ („Gartennetz Deutschland e.V. “) which gathers regional garden initiatives, and

included participation to a meeting of “Garden network of Germany” (“Gartennetz Deutschland

e.V.”), where I had opportunity to learn about international award founded in UK „Green Flag

Award“, with a goal to recognise and reward the best green spaces, gardens and parks. It is also seen

as a way of encouraging others to achieve high environmental standards, setting a benchmark of

excellence in recreational green areas.

Furthermore, Grundtvig activities with “Garden network Germany” ("Gartennetz Deutschland e.V.")

included work in Internet project „Garden assistant“ („Garten Assistant“), and participation in the

biggest fair of nutrition, agriculture and gardens in Germany „International green week

Berlin“(„Internationale Grüne Woche Berlin“) (Photo 19.). Carried out activities, except work

together with representatives of the members of “Garden network Germany” ("Gartennetz

Deutschland e.V.") on a presentational stand included participation in the development of design of

presentation stand of "Garden network Germany” ("Gartennetz Deutschland e.V.") and building of it

in a team.

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15 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

Photo 19. 78. Fair „International green week Berlin“(„Internationale Grüne Woche Berlin“), presentation stand „Garden

network Germany“(„Gartennetz Deutschland“) with representatives of organisations, Berlin

Implementing activities together with representatives of the members of "Garden network

Germany” (" Gartennetz Deutschland e.V.") was exchanged knowledge of permaculture through

short introduction in permaculture that I prepared and carried out for working team “Hortec” from

Berlin. During activities is also exchanged knowledge about garden culture of Croatia, renaissance

leisure gardens and renaissance gardens of monasteries of Dubrovnik as well as about gardens of

Dalmatia and Kvarner, their sea coast walkways, parks by the castles and historicist and secession

gardens of urban assemblies of continental and eastern Croatia.

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16 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

II. Associates, experts, consultants in preparation of the project Grundtvig Assistantship before

implementation in Germany:

Mrs. Angelika Groh, dipl. oecc., Independent consultant, Germany

Marijana Kondres, Head of Grundtvig Programme Unit, Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes

from Zagreb, Croatia

II.1. Associates, experts, consultants during implementation of the project Grundtvig Assistantship

in Germany:

Mr. Horst Forytta, director of the „Garden academy Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania“

(„Gartenakademie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gGmbH“)

Mrs. Verena Hoppe, landscape architect in „Garden of Marihn“(„Der Garten von Marihn“) and

working team for garden maintenance in „Garden of Marihn“ („Der Garten von Marihn“)

Mr. Dr. Wolfgang Kramer, grad. Sociologist, Master of philosophy, geronto-sociotherapist and senior

group of Recreation centre for senior citizens in Berlin Schreinerstrasse 53, Berlin,


Mr. Haris Piplas, Dipl.-Ingo., Mag.Sc. Urban design,

Researcher and assistant at the Technical Institute in Zurich, Head of initiatives Lenotre: a group of

young academics and virtual online Phd events (workshops, seminars) in ECLAS - European Council of

Landscape Architecture Schools, Editor of IFLA Europe Online Journal Europe, IFLA – International

federation of landscape architects

Mrs. Christa Ringkamp, landscape architect and work teams "Hortec“, Berlin and "Garden Academy of Sachsen-Anhalt" (Gartenakademie Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.”), Zichtau Mrs. Petra Derkensen, landscape architect and representatives of the member organizations of the “Garden network Germany” ("Gartennetz Deutschland e.V."), Berlin Mr. Torsten Weiss, B. Sc. biologist, head of educational programs, "Centre of discovering nature - Müritzeum", („Das Naturerlebniszentrum Müritzeum“/Müritzeum gemeinnützige GmbH (Müritzeum gGmbH), Waren Mrs. Monika Vibrans, BSc. librarian, "Centre of discovering nature Müritzeum“, („Das Naturerlebniszentrum Müritzeum“/Müritzeum gemeinnützige GmbH (Müritzeum gGmbH), Waren Mrs. Susan Lambrecht, librarian, City Library Penzlin (“Stadtbibliothek Penzlin”), Penzlin Mrs. Suzanne Lutz, geomant, spatial planner, and members of „Geomantic group Berlin" ("Geomantiegruppe Berlin"), Berlin

Librarian stuff, ”Hochschule Neubrandenburg”, University of applied science , Neubrandenburg

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17 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

III. List of graphical attachments

III.1. Drawings in ProgeCad Programme

Graphic attachment 1. Ground plan_Landscape design of educational garden_permaculture and ecological

design_ Grundtvig –Dissemination - Grundtvig Assistant - Marina Butorac

Graphic attachment 2. 3D model - concept - Educational garden with theme_permaculture_Grundtvig -

Dissemination - Grundtvig Assistant - Marina Butorac

Graphic attachment 2.1. 3D model of the concept-Educational garden with a theme – permaculture_Grundtvig

– Dissemination - Grundtvig Assistant - Marina Butorac

Graphic attachment 2.2. 3D model of the concept-Educational garden with a theme – permaculture_Grundtvig

- Dissemination_ Grundtvig Assistant - Marina Butorac

Graphic attachment 2.3. Plan for permaculture and ecological design educational garden - Construction detail

for Hugelkultur bed_Dissemination_Grundtvig Assistant-Marina Butorac

III.2. Hadwork drawings in the technique of drawing: black felt pen and colored pencils

Graphic attachment 3. Drawing_Educational garden_permaculture and ecological design_detail - clime and

butterfly garden _Grundtvig - Dissemination - Grundtvig Assistant_Marina Butorac

Graphic attachment 3.1. Drawing_ educational garden_permaculture and eco-design_detail – butterfly garden

_Grundtvig–Dissemination-GA-Marina Butorac

Graphic attachment 3.2. Drawing_Educational garden_permaculture and ecological design –detail –butterfly

garden_Grundtvig - Dissemination - Grundtvig Assistant_Marina Butorac

III.3. Photos

List of photos:

Photo 1. Village Marihn

Photo 2. Garden„Garden of Marihn“, central park axis park

Photo 3. Big lake, „Garden of Marihn“

Photo 4.Big lake, Plant by the lake, „Garden of Marihn“

Photo 5. Small lake with sculpture, autumn, “Garden Marihn“

Photo 6. Wooded part of park, autumn, „Garden of Marihn“

Photo 7. Old tree into his garden, view from rosarium, “Garden of Marihn“

Photo 8. Molehill in the garden, Signs of healthy soil, “Garden of Marihn“

Photo 9. Garden room of aromatic plants, „Garden of Marihn“

Photo 10. Vineyard garden-design elements, ”Garden of Marihn”

Photo 11. Rosarium with aromatic plants, „Garden of Marihn“

Photo 12. Apples, orchard, „Garden of Marihn“

Photo 13. Raised beds with strawberries, early autumn,“Garden of Marihn“

Photo 14.Raised beds with strawberries, late autumn, „Garden of Marihn“

Photo 15. Vegetable garden, „Garden of Marihn“

Photo 16. Zone with fruit trees, „Garden of „Marihn“

Photo 17. Glacial lake, Penzlin

Photo 18. Birds on the water channels park lakes, Castle Park Schwerin

Photo 19. 78. Fair „International green week Berlin“(„Internationale Grüne Woche Berlin“), presentation stand

„Gardennetwork Germany“(„Gartennetz Deutschland“) with representatives of organisations, Berlin

Graphic attachments made by Marina Butorac

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18 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

IV. List of used materials in Grundtvig Assistantship project:


• „Architecture in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania“(„Arhitektur in Mecklenburg und Vorpommern 1800-1950“), Bernfried Lichtnau, Steinbecker Verlag, Dr. Ulrich Rose, 1996.

• “Botanical Bulletin of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” (“Botanischer Rundbrief für Mecklenburg –

Vorpommern”), Neubrandenburg, 2009

• „Castles and gardens in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania“ („Schlösser und Gärten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“), Josef Adamiak, VEBE. A.Seemann Verlag, Leipzig

• „Castles and gardens in Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania („Schlösser und Gärten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), Joachim Skerl, Thomas Grundner, Hinstoff Verlag, gmbH, Rostock

• “Contribution to research natural areas "East Coast Müritz" ("Beitrage zur Erforschung des

Naturschutzgebietes" Ostufer der Müritz "), Greifswald 1962.

• “Ecological agriculture”, written lectures in Ecological agriculture Faculty of Agronomy by University of

Zagreb, (“Ekološka poljoprivreda”, pisana predavanja za kolegij “Ekološka poljoprivreda” Agronomskog

fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu), author: Ph.D. Ivica Kisić

• „Edible plants“ („Essbare Wildpflanzen“), authors: Steffen Guido Fleischhauer, Jürgen Guthmann,

Roland Spiegelberger, AT Verlag, 2007.

• “Elemental beings: Emotianal level of the Earth” (“Elementarwesen: Die Gefühlsebene der Erde”),

author: Marko Pogačnik, Verlag: Droemer Knaur, 1995

• “Flora protected areas "East Coast Müritz" („Die Flora des Naturschutzgebietes 'Ostufer der Müritz'.

Beiträge zur Erforschung Mecklenburgischer Naturschutzgebiete 1“) , Jeschke, L. (1962)

• „Garden and park in M-V“ ("Gärten und Parks in M-V„) , Herwyn Ehlers/Teresa Funke, Christian Verlag, Hamburg, 2000.

• „Garden route in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“ („Gartenrouten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“), Wolf

Krage/Jörn Lehmann

• „Germans most beautiful private gardens“ („Deutschlands schönste Privatgärten“), Gary Rogers/Silke


• „Green tools for sustainable revolution“ („Zeleni alati za održivu revoluciju“), Bruno Motik/Dražen Šimleša, ožujak, 2007.

• „Guide for national parks of Germany“ („Der große ADAC – Freizeitführer. Die letzten Paradiese",

Unsere schönsten Natur – und Nationalparks in Deutschland“)

• “How to make a forest garden”, author: Patrick Whitefield, Permanent publications, 2002.

• „Historical gardens of Neubrandenburg“ ("Historische Gärten um Neubrandenburg"), Marens Köhler, 2002.

• „Men and their outstanding gardens“ („Männer und ihre außergewöhnlichen Gärten“ ), Karine von Rumohr

• „Nature protection in Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania“ („Naturschutz in Mecklenburg-

Vorpommern“), E.-W.Rabius/R.Holz (Hrsg.), Demmler Verlag, 1993.

• „Posibilities of use of swamp habitats, impact on the environment, climate impact, effectiveness,

applicability and potential in Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania”, Institute of permanent,

environmentally sound development of the natural areas of the Earth DUENE e.v., Institute of Botany

and Landscape Ecology ("Nutzungsmöglichkeiten auf Niedermoorstandorten, Umweltwirkungen,

Klimarelevanz und Wirtschaflichkeit sowie Anwendbarkeit und Potenziale in Mecklenburg –

Vorpommern/ Institut für Dauerhaft Umweltgerechte Entwicklung von Naturräumen der Erde DUENE

e.V. )

• "Professional papers on the topic of indigenous plant species” / Series Information Centre for Genetic

Resources (IGR), the Center for Agricultural and documentation - data (Zadie)," In situ conservation of

plant genetic resources in the Federal Republic of Germany on the natural site and agricultural farms",

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19 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

Proceedings papers from the symposium from 11 to 13 October 1995 in. Bogensee, Editor: F.

Begemann and R.Vögel, F. Begemann i R.Vögel, /Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen, Schriftenreihe

des Informationszentrums für Genetische Ressourcen (IGR), Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und

– information (ZADI), "In situ Erhaltung pflanzegenetischer Ressourcen in der Bundesrepublik

Deutschland am natürlichen Standort und on farm, Tagungsband eines Symposiums vom 11. Bis 13.

Oktober 1995. in Bogensee, Herausgeber dieses Bandes, F. Begemann und R. Vögel

• „Published works with a landscape themes", Institutes for botany and ecologie of landscape

Greifswald /Institut für Botanik und Landschaftsökologie Greifswald

• „Rebel farmer“(„Der Agrar-Rebell“), Sepp Holzer, 2004.

• „Red list of birds of Mecklenburg Western-Vorpommern“ ("Rote Liste der Brutvögel Mecklenburg-

Vorpommern"), November, 2003., „Ministry of environment Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", Schwerin

• „Red list of endangered day butterflies of Meckleburg-Vorpommern" („Rote Liste der gefährdeten Tagefelter Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns"), The Minister of the Environment of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern , 1993.

• „Red list of endangered species of higher plants Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania”, Umweltministerium, Macklenburg-Vorpommern, Stand March, 2005. („Rote Liste der gefährdeten Höheren Pflanzen Mecklenburg – Vorpommern, Ministry of environment, Mecklenburg.Vorpommern, Stand März, 2005)

• „Sepp Holzer's Permaculture: A Practical Guide to Small-Scale, Integrative Farming and Gardening“ ("Sepp Holzer Permakultur, praktische Anwendung für Garten, Obst und Landwirtschaft"), 2004., Sepp Holzer

• “School of geomancy” (“Schule der Geomantie”), author: Marko Pogačnik”

• „Stone memories of castles and goods in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania“ („Steinernes Gedächtnis Gutsanlage und Gutshäuser in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“), Renate de Veer

• „The parc Alt-Rehse in the change to Tollense Life parc“("Der Park von Alt-Rehse im Wandel zum

Tollense Lebenspark"), Wolfgang Köpp

• “The story of a landscape and its inhabitants around Germany's largest lake Binnensee”, ("Die

Geschichte einer Landschaft und ihrer Bewohner rund um Deutschlands größten Binnensee), Axel


• “Waterplants – lifespace of garden lake” (“Wasserpflanzen-Lebensraum Gartenteich”), Special edition

for Universo (Genehmigte Sonderausgabe für Universo, Karl Müller Verlages-Silag Media AG)

• „Wonderful excursion and hiking destinations around Tollense" ("Wunderwolle Tollense Ausflugs –

und Wanderziele rund um"), Gudrum Mohr

• "Working with a thesis - Part Agriculture, diverging spatial requirements of agriculture, tourism and

health - preventing conflicts, reducing interference potential development synergies", „Work with

thesis – Part Agriculture“, „Diverging spatial requirements of agriculture, tourism and health -

preventing conflicts, reducing interference potential development synergies„ ("Thesenpapier – Teil

Landwirtschaft, Divergierende Raumansprüche von Landwirtschaft, Tourismus und

Gesundheitwirtschaft – Konfliktvermeidung, Abbau von Störpotentialen, Entwicklung von Synergien")

IV.2. Maps

Map of Marihn 1786 - 1788_1: 25 000, (Die Karte von Marihn 1786 – 1788_1:25 000), author: Carl Friedrich Wiebeking Map of Marihn 1788_Grafik_1 50 000, (Die Karte von Marihn 1788_Grafik_1:50 000), author: Friedrich Wilhelm

von Schmettau

Map of Marihn_1877-1888_1 25 000, (Die Karte von Marihn_1877-1888_1:25 000), author: unknown

Source: The Land Archive Schwerin, Schwerin 19053

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20 Dissemination for project Grundtvig Assistantship, Grundtvig Assistant: Marina Butorac, 2012.-2013.

IV.3. Movie

Docufiction “230 – The senior rebellion” (ZDF 2007), (DokuFiction "2030 – Aufstand der Alten" (ZDF 2007),

author: Jörg Lühdorff)

IV.4. Internet

Theme: Award „Green Flag Award“:

URL: http://greenflag.keepbritaintidy.org/

Theme: Education in geomancy:


