INTERACTIVE DIORAMAS nicki bertsch museums & interactive technology fall 2011 http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/sepavo/sepavo1103/sepavo110300305/90202 18-dioramas-in-the-american-museum-of-natural-history-in-new-york-city-se ptember-24-2010.jpg http://www.sloverlinett.com/files/AMNH%20penguin%20diorama,%20 courtesy%20of%20museum%20archives.jpg

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nicki bertsch

museums & interactive technology

fall 2011



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primary subject

painted backdrop

secondary objects

“From their very first appearance in science museums in the late 1800s, dioramas have been designed to nurture a reverence for nature. The best ones duplicate the wonder of an intimate, personal encounter with a real creature in its habitat. Many visitors come away transformed by the simulated wilderness world: A silverback mountain gorilla pounds its chest in a threatening display of dominance.”-Steve Quinn, The Worlds Behind the Glass

interactive dioramas

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GOALS:- greater user control and manipulation of the content by making the visitor make choices- used as a supplement to the traditional diorama- serve as an updated version of the traditional diorama- expand the opportunity for greater interpretation of the depicted scenes, for example feeding and sleeping patterns depending on variables chosen for projection

TARGET AUDIENCE:- users comfortable with touch-screen technology- both children and adults- audience can choose the level of engagement

RATIONALE:To supplement traditional dioramas for visitors who may not be interested in the traditional methods of display.

interactive dioramas

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OVERVIEW DIAGRAMinteractive dioramas

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WIREFRAMESinteractive dioramas

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WIREFRAMESinteractive dioramas

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interactive dioramas PROOF OF CONCEPT

USER-CENTERED DESIGN“A broad term to describe design processes in which end-users influence how a design takes shape. It is both a broad philosophy and variety of methods.” Abras, Maloney-Krichmar, Preece; User-Centered Design

- make it easy to determine what actions are possible at any moment- make things visible, including the conceptual model of the system, the alternative actions, and the results of the actions- make it easy to evaluate the current state of the system- follow natural mappings between intentions and the required actions; between actions and the resulting effect; and between the information that is visible and the interpretation of the system stateWilson, Norman; The Psychology of Everyday Things

INFORMATION ORGANIZATION:- for education: organize in a meaningful way, consider info to be conveyed, show linear org- for focusing visitor attention: goal is to gain access, do that through following steps and making decisions, user will accomplish a task

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interactive dioramas PROOF OF CONCEPT

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interactive dioramas LINKS & SOURCES


SOURCES:Abras, Chadia, Diane Maloney-Krichmar, and Jenny Preece. "User-Centered Design." Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction. Bainbridge: Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication, 2004. n/a. Print.

Bauers, Sandy. "As Museums Look to Future, They Discover Dioramas Aren't a Dead Issue." chicago tribune 14 Nov. 1996: n. pag. Chicago Tribune. Web. 1 Nov. 2011.

Neu, Danny. "Conceptualizing interactive media for museums." Museums and Interactive Technology. New York University. 240 Greene St, New York City. 7 Oct. 2011. Class lecture.

Peart, Bob, and Richard Kool. "Analysis of a natural history exhibit: are dioramas the answer?." International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship 7.2 (1988): 117 - 128. Print.