Tending your digital presence Religious Education Association 6 November 2014

Digital Presence

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Tending your digital presence

Religious Education Association6 November 2014

a digital presence is...

• a way for people to find you

• a way to build context for your work intentionally

• no longer a choice

• an opportunity

a path forward...

• identity markers (orcid): how do people find YOU? how do they know it’s you?

• social media

• formal publication (institutional archives, cloud archives, emerging formats)

• popular publication (Huffington Post, Religion Dispatches, etc.)

• institutional presence

• teaching portfolios

• managing your time and attention

remember: these are simply examples and opportunities, no one would use all of them!


• ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-based effort to provide a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.

• individuals can register to acquire a unique id which can then can be used with multiple digital tools

• ImpactStory, FigShare, SlideShare, etc.

formal publication

informal publication

your own sites (blogging, pinterest, instagram, etc.)

institutional support

open access

• open access policies, COAPI

• institutional archives (Harvard, MIT, etc.)

• reporting on institutional archives and open access

• and also some ideas about impact factors…

• a teaching portfolio is a structured way to reflect upon your teaching practices

• when built using mentoring and collaboration, it can be a robust form of assessment practice

• such a process builds capacity for reflective teaching, and an institutional culture focused on learning

• does not need to be digital, but is perhaps more portable in digital form

teaching portfolios


• Creating a teaching portfolio (Washington University)

• Developing a teaching philosophy statement (Washington University)

• Vanderbilt University’s Center for Teaching portfolio resources

• Peter Seldin’s book The Teaching Portfolio

time and attention management...

• find ways to use your writing in multiple formats (blog something, and have the post sent automatically to your social media status; tweet something and have it go automatically to your blog)

• use social media to listen, at least as much as to express

• make clear your policies about social media and email at the beginning of classes

• schedule time for your online work -- and then do not let it bleed into your other work/writing practices

• build e-notifications that help you rather than distract you