CD Cover By Aimee Watson


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CD Cover

By Aimee Watson

Page 2: Digipak

Bold writing

There is a direct link between the font on the album cover to the font on the single release of ‘Trouble maker’, which is a song from his Album ‘Right place right time’. The Artist is also being marketed in the

same way, star construction is maintained in both album cover and single release, with the use of similar costume and expression.

Shadowing is used on both to make the artist stand out from the album cover itself.

The colours used are simple for most of the text (majority black and white) but the other colours used, particularly for the backgrounds, highlight his persona, as it means that he does not come across as being a serious artist, compared to other artists like Sam Smith. Also, the Album title ‘Right Place Right Time’ is the name of a song on his album; often the artists will choose a popular song as the album title in order to promote the album better.

The outfit used in the cover is similar to the outfits he wears in his video ‘Trouble maker’ showing a direct link between the single debut and album release.

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Easier as Us

Easier as Us

Easier as Us

Easier as Us

Easier as Us

Easier as Us Easier as Us

Easier as Us

Easier as Us

Easier as Us

Easier as Us

Easier as Us

Easier as Us Easier as Us

Since our artists is not a serious artist, but is typically associated with love/romance songs (both upbeat and downbeat), some fonts we will consider will be ones which are simple, yet have a bit of style which indicates romance, as well as bolder fonts for titles.

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Distant Memories Love ForeverEasier as Us L.O.V.ELong Nights Thoughts of YouAll My LifeLet Me KnowMissing YouThree Little WordsYou’re the One


Since our artist often sings love songs, but yet keeps most of them light hearted (like one direction) we would like to perhaps go for simple colours, but show his personality through the poses he has.