Digital Graphic Narrative Development Max Lancaster

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Digital Graphic Narrative


Max Lancaster

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Shape Task

Another animal

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Animal 2

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Shape Task

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?The main reason why I like this image is that the out line of the shapes that I used are are match perfect to the actual shape of the image. For me to get this accurate to actual of the polar bear then I reduced the opacity so that I can see through the shape that I have drawn over the top it. I then went to edit>transform>warp, which allowed me to scale my shape around the outline of the image, reshaping it so it is identical. I also like using the custom shape tools, as it helped me give a different technique to the fur of the polar bear, as this is a style of character creation that I wish to follow. To get the final look of the fur of the animal I went into the shapes drop down box selection and clicked on custom shape. I then went to middle top bar of Photoshop to another drop down box which gave me a option of different shapes which could be applied. I selected the custom shape which is similar to texture of fur.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was going to improve this image of the polar bear, then I think that things I would change would be the detail of texture of the fur, like selecting an option to copy the exact fur to make it more realistic. I would also re-shape some of the parts of the animal as some did look out of place or not re shape to its exact look, which is what I was aiming for.

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?The main look of these images that I love the most out of every other aspect that I use when re creating to look of celebrities is the amount of detail in which was used in the final draft. When I fully outlined the shape of the people, there were gaps, un even outlines and lack of personal detail. I used several tools to over come these problem. For filling out the gaps I had to find the layer in which I had to fill in, this was a problem as I had loads of layers. However when found the layer, I simply just coloured the gaps in when the paint brush affect. To over come the un even shape and out lines I basically had to re structure the shape with the warp capability. Another aspect that I love from these images are the 3D perspective look to the image, using the different colour tones (lighter and darker) to clash with the cartoon look to the character.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I had mention an aspects of these images that I needed to improve that would be to focus on specific areas for detail. For example with the eyes, adding a small white circle on the eyes, gives a 3D appearance for the character, I would want to focus of the detail mainly for the face aspects e.g. ears, nose, teeth and lips.

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Film Quotes

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?This is a interesting film as its content is about ghosts. The aspect of this image that I love is the image of the main character and the see through affect, which is in relation to the film content and shows to the viewer what the content is about. I like how the background is shown in a way to portray the main character and to bring more power and meaning to the quote due to this.

What would you improve if you did it again?Change the text in general. This part of the image was rushed due to time limitation, so I would want to find a new text which would linked in the time period of this movie and make it more stand out in colour and affect.

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Text Based

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What did you like about your image?The main aspect that I look the several looks of the words are the different techniques that I can use for any time when using text. I like it that all have a different look to each other and now I can use these techniques to make text more engaging and interesting, this is so much better than normal boring style techniques. My favourite one is the bottom text, which contains a setting of New York behind it. This is the technique that I plan to use for my title page as it would show the viewer the type of setting and meaning of the book.

What would you improve if you did it again?To improve them, specifically the top three, select colour in which are good together and use the different mixture technique for a better stand out affect. I would properly want to use the effect of 3D as it would look more interesting

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Comic Book

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?All three images contain a different meaning and content, like every other images. I like the use of quality and the small amount of levels that consist in these images, because I like having more detail in the images in my opinion is better than lacking, which does sometimes is used in some comics.

What would you improve if you did it again?In all three images the main areas that I would want to focus on changing the filter gallery aspects that I used. To get the comic book affect we had to create 2 layers and use different adjustments for both. One in the filter gallery and one in adjustments, which both changed the over all look of the image, in relation to quality and the amount of depth of field in which is applied. I would properly change the filter gallery and threshold tool to change the look and add more detail in the character and background.

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Photo Story

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I loved this entire piece of work. From knowing nothing about how to creating these sort of story telling pieces to making a brilliant and graphic piece. I loved the overall design of the each scene and that it gives a sort of sad but disturbing ending which allows the audience to think more about the story and try a figure out what the link is in the plot. Each scene which was evolved in the story had a specific look and edit to them. I used techniques like filter gallery, black and white adjustments, levels, hue saturation, cropping, pasting and opacity levels to create the final look of the photo story.

What would you improve if you did it again?As I loved this photo story so much, I would hard in hard to find areas to improve. However from looking at other photo story final out come ideas, they have explore the use of taking parts from other scenes and placing them into other scenes making it look out of place and creating more of depth of field. So settings and atmosphere is where I would improve as it could be easier for the reader to understand the plot in more detail. I had used the use of taking images from the web and extracting them into the final piece of the work e.g. blood and wound marks. I would properly want to make it more similar to the final edit of that specific scene e.g make it black and white and use levels to it in.

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I had a small time limit and lack ideas for illustration practise, however I decided to at least draw 3 images that consist of text (Max), character (SpongeBob) and object (Football badge). This was because they are some main aspect in which I will be consisting in my children's story.

What would you improve if you did it again?I already know that my drawing skills are not the best and I can tell intently, but excepted from re drawing them, I would try and make my images stand out more by trying to make them look in a 3D effect which is the design style in which I plan to use. I could achieve this in my illustrations by using different shading effect and tones of colour to bring out the illustration more alive.

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Narrative Environment

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EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?This image I worked on a lot in relation to detail and experimental ideas. The task was to pick a simple landscape and then experiment on ideas through out the image. I got a simple image and decided as landscapes have so many features I decided to add in a completely different landscapes behind the original image. In my image it is several mountains. I used the filter gallery affect to changed the overall look of the new added in mountains and to mix in with the original image. I love the texture of the new aspects that I added in creating the large depth of field with in the image

What would you improve if you did it again?Blend all of the images that I imported in photo shop in a better quality so that there is more texture to each image and don’t look like their next each other on the same page.

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Initial Ideas

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Idea Generation

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Mood board of chosen idea

See mood board doc

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Mood board of chosen ideasee mood board doc

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8-12 pages. This will allow me to spread out the story in more so that the audience can understand the setting, characters and plot in more detail. I have selected that the page size will be equivalent to a normal A4 size piece of paper which is 8.27 × 11.69 inches

Story OverviewThe story is set in the 17th century time period. A group of wolves is sleeping in a small forest on the out skirts of a small town where no one can find them. There is a young wolf called Steven. It was Stevens turn on look out position and keep guard while the other wolfs sleep. However Steven is the type of wolf who gets bored easily. So Steven yelled “Human, Human, a Human is trying to the kill us”. The other wolves woke up instantly and came to Stevens aid as quickly as they could, however when they got their Steven was rolling around on the ground with laughter. The head wolf said “ It is not good to lie Steven”. The other wolves went back to sleep. Several hours later Steven again yelled the same joke and the other wolves took the same way like before. The wolves were getting angry with Steven so they just left him be. Hours later an actual human was spotted moving towards the forest where the wolves were. Steven got scared and yelled again, but this time no one came to help. Minutes later Steven was cornered and the only sound later that night was the sound of a gun shot.

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AudienceI believe that my book would be aimed for the age group between 3-5, however as there is a disturbing scene at the end of the sound of the wolf being killed by the gun I have be aware if parents are not alright reading this to their children. In this case I would not design any graphic content in which the parent and children do not take it the wrong way. My story book doesn’t have a specific gender, I could argue that my book could be mainly for boys (especially at the end as boys normally enjoy violence than girls). My book main source of my audience is mainly in the Western English areas and countries as it is the language for what my book content is translated in. On other characteristics, I want most children to able to read my story, so I will enhance the book itself like different colours/specific colours for different areas for children who are colour blind.

Production MethodsFrom learning the different types of techniques that can be used for creating these children's book, I have made the decision for the designing purpose due to the methods that I am most confident with in the creation process and I want to improve on. My visual layout consist of that it every turn, there will be one plain white side where the text will be on one side and the other entire image. The settings for my images are all simply going to be designed by using roto scooping technique. This is because I want all aspects of the story to look cartoon as much as possible due to my target audience. For my character creation, I was originally going to hand drawn them and then scan them onto the computer and colour and trace them in, however my drawing skills are not the best. However I plan to use shapes and use the transform>warp tool to easily shape anything. I also chose to do this as I found it very simple to do and for a first tine approach it went really well.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

You know what your idea is and you have strong ideas which will go really well if you follow through with them. I think that the idea of using the boy who cried wolf ad a base is a good idea as it’s a very good, well known story and will engage people more to wanting to read your version.

I think your story by the looks of things could be aimed at abit higher as the story itself isn’t a very young audience, and is still read now a days by elder ones.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The idea is very good and I like the fact you’ve put a twist on it, however you need to think if the twist is going to be liked or whether it isn't as the story is already a very well known and people may not appreciate changes of a certain style.Its very smart the way in which you’ve planned it all and looks like its going to turn out really well

To improve your idea generation it would be useful and handy if you were to add in characters so that the audience could tell if their were any changes to the characters and if there’s any additions etc..

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The strengths of the proposal are that you clearly know what you want to do with your work and have put in a nice level of detail showing us everything that is going to be seen in the story.

For the production methods slide could you look to add in how you will create the backgrounds. Whether it would be using the same method or changing it up a little.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

There again is a great level of detail and I like that you have already shown us what is going to happen on each page of the book.

You could try to include more details on the characters themselves, as in the mind map there isn't much there to tell me the look of the characters and just a general overview on them.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

It’s clear you have a very specific idea for your story adaptation of the boy who cried wolf (even if it is a bit strange, and have to ask why you did so).It’s good to see how you’ve even taken the consideration about some controversy that may come as a result of the stories plot-points like the ending, but you could go on to explain how you could work around this.

You could go on to explain a few more of the points you listed in your proposal, such as why you are primarily focusing on children in west-England as you audience, and not in other counties where the story is popular like in other European countries. You may also need to re-consider your targeted age, since I don’t think that this story could be able to reach a much wider audience.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

You’ve given me a full and detailed description explaining everything that is presented on your mood board. Such as the styles you will choose, and your influences for your story from these images.

You could include some more details to your mind-map to help further flesh out your story for a better understanding of it, such as exploring your characters and other stuff.

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Feedback SummarySum up your feedback.Over looking all of my feedback, I believe that I was given a mix reaction but strongly believe that they loved my idea for a children's book. With my idea generation part, they all agreed that I included a lot of detail as well as the proposal. However they all stated that I should include further information in some aspects as some areas were lacking. Over all they liked my idea but I needed to mainly focus on my audience than anything.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?The feedback that I would have to agree with is the comment about my audience as it would be aimed for a higher audience. For this I would have to agree with it, even though my visual look of the book is cartoon giving it that non realist appeal but the ending plans for the book is not suitable for children (wolf gets killed). The original target audience that I set my book for 3-5 year old but I now think that I could consider changing the age group.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

There is only one part of the feedback that I didn’t agree. This was the part “you could try to include more details on the characters themselves, as in the mind map there isn't much there to tell me the look of the characters and just a general overview on them”. I think from my story over view and mind map that I have talked a lot of information about my characters. There isn't much more information that I could say about a gang of wolves and human which doesn’t pop up until the end and says nothing.

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Original Script

“There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out,

"Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!”

The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces.

"Don't cry 'wolf', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no wolf!"

They went grumbling back down the hill.Later, the boy sang out again,

"Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!”

To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away.When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said,

"Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong!

Don't cry 'wolf' when there is NO wolf!"But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more.Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could,

"Wolf! Wolf!"But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come.At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn't returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping.

"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?"

An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.

"We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth, "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"


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Story Breakdown

1. Story opens at a small wood land area on the out skirts of a small town in the country

2. Steven the wolf is on look out job for the other wolves in the wood who are all sleeping.

3. Steven is bored and yelling ‘ Human, Human, a Human is coming to kill us”

4. This wakes the other wolves and they all come racing to Stevens aid, but when they get there he is laughing

5. The wolves turn away angry, but several hours later Steven cries the same thing and the other wolves fall for the lie again.

6. Steven does the same act several time until he notices that there is a human from the town coming towards them

7. Steven cries out again in actual panic, but none of the other wolves come to his aid

8. The human corners Steven and aims his gun and shoots Steven

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Draft Script

Once upon a time, there lived a wolf named Steven. In wolf years, Steven was 15 years olds. He was a part of a wolf pack and on a Sunday night they were camped in small woodland area on the out skirts of a small town in the country. It was Steven’s job this evening to keep watch and on guard, as the other wolves slept. Steven is the type of wolf who plays tricks and goes to a mile make something funny. When the moon was at its highest point in the sky, all Steven could hear was the continuous sound of his breathing.

Steven at the quietest times yelled “Human, Human, there is a human coming”. He yelled so loud it woke up of the other sleeping wolves in the pack. They all got up and ran towards Steven as quickly as they could. When the wolves got to Steven, they found his on his back, rolling around laughing his tail off. The wolves instantly knew that it was a liar that Steven yelled for.

The wolves said "Don't cry human, Steven," said the Wolves, "when there's no human!" All of the Wolves turned around and went back to where they were sleeping.

Later that evening Steven again yelled “Human, Human, there is a human coming”Again all of the wolves woke up and rushed over to Stevens aid. To his naughty delight, Steven watched the wolves s run through the forest to help him from the human. When the wolves saw no human they said,"Save your frightened song for when there is really a Human approaching” “Don't cry human' when there is NO wolf!” they all angrily said

Several hours later, Steven actually spotted a human approaching the forest, Steven got scared/ Steven for the last time cried out Human, Human!!!!” However the wolves thought that Steven was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come.The human chased Steven though the forest until Steven was cornered by fallen down trees. The human raised his gun and shot Steven and was the only loud sound heard for the rest of the evening. As the sun rose, the rest of pack of wolves got up and went to find Steven. He wasn’t at his post from the previous night so they went to find. Minutes they found his body. They all looked in horror and the leader turned to rest of them and said. "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"

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Draft Script (simplified)

Steven was 15 years old wolf . He was a part of a wolf pack living in the country. It was Steven’s job on one evening to keep watch other wolves slept. Steven is the type of wolf who jokes around. The moon was the highest point in the sky and the noise around him were silent.

Steven yelled “Human, Human”. He woke the other wolves. They all got up and ran towards Steven as quickly as they could. When the wolves got to Steven, they found his on his back, rolling around laughing his tail off. The wolves instantly knew that it was a liar that Steven yelled for.

The wolves said "Don't cry human, Steven," said the Wolves, "when there's no human!”

Later that evening Steven again yelled “Human, Human, there is a human coming”

Again all of the wolves woke up and rushed over to Stevens aid. To his naughty delight, Steven watched the wolves s run through the forest to help him from the human. When the wolves saw no human they said,

"Save your frightened song for when there is really a Human approaching” “Don't cry human' when there is No human !” they all angrily said

Later, Steven actually saw a human approaching him, Steven got scared. Steven cried out Human, Human!!!!”

However the wolves thought that Steven was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come.Steven ran though the forest until he was cornered by trees.

The human raised his gun and shot Steven.

As the sun rose, the rest of pack of wolves got up and went to find Steven. He wasn’t at his post from the previous night so they went to find. They all looked in horror as they found the body. The older wolf stated to the others “Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!”.

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Final ScriptOnce upon a time, there lived a wolf named Steven. Steven was 15 years old years. He was a part of a wolf pack living in the country. It was Steven’s job on one evening to keep watch other wolves slept. Steven is the type of wolf who jokes around. Steven yelled “Human, Human”. He woke the other wolves. They all got up and ran towards Steven as quickly as they could. When the wolves got to Steven, they found his on his back, rolling around laughing his tail off. The wolves instantly knew that it was a liar that Steven yelled for.

The wolves said "Don't cry human, Steven," said the Wolves, "when there's no human!”

Later that evening Steven again yelled “Human, Human, there is a human coming”

Again all of the wolves woke up and rushed over to Stevens aid. To his naughty delight, Steven watched the wolves s run through the forest to help him from the human. When the wolves saw no human they said,

"Save your frightened song for when there is really a Human approaching” “Don't cry human' when there is NO wolf!” they all angrily said

Later, Steven actually saw a human approaching him, Steven got scared. Steven cried out Human, Human!!!!”

However the wolves thought that Steven was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come.Steven ran though the forest until he was cornered by trees. The human raised his gun and shot Steven. As the sun rose, the rest of pack of wolves got up and went to find Steven. He wasn’t at his post from the previous night so they went to find. They all looked in horror as they found the body. The older wolf stated to the others “Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!”.

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Digital Flat Plans