Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence

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background and events leading to Declaration of Independence

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Page 1: Declaration of Independence

Analyzing the

Declaration of Independence

Page 2: Declaration of Independence

The Road to Independence – DEEP background

1215 – Magna Carta

1642-48 - the English Civil War

1688 - The Glorious Revolution

1689 - The English Bill of Right a century and a half of Colonial home Rule

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The Road to Independence

1763 – French & Indian War ends

April 1764 – Sugar Act

March 1765 – Stamp Act

June 1767 – Townshend Act

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The Road to Independence

March 1770 – Boston Massacre

Dec. 1773 – Boston Tea Party

March - June 1774 – Intolerable Acts

Sept. - Oct. 1774 - 1st Continental Congress

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The Road to Independence 1775 April 18 – Paul Revere, Wm. Dawes, &

Wentworth Cheswell each “ride & spread the alarm . . . .”

April 19 – Battles of Lexington & Concord May 10 – Ethan Allen & GMB take

Ft. Ticonderoga May - 2nd Continental Congress meets June 15 – G. Washington named Commander

in Chief June 16 – Battle of Bunker (Breed's) Hill

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Paul Revere's Ride - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • Listen my children and you shall hear

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;Hardly a man is now aliveWho remembers that famous day and year. He said to his friend, "If the British marchBy land or sea from the town to-night,Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry archOf the North Church tower as a signal light,--One if by land, and two if by sea;And I on the opposite shore will be,Ready to ride and spread the alarmThrough every Middlesex village and farm,For the country folk to be up and to arm."

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April 19, 1775 – Battles of Lexington & Concord

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Concord Bridge

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The Road to Independence1776

Jan. - Thomas Paine's Common Sense published March – British evacuate from Boston June 7 – Richard Henry Lee proposes

independence June 11 – Committee of Five appointed July 4 – Declaration of Independence ratified August 2 – Declaration of Independence signed

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Thomas Paine's Common Sense


Jan. 1776

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The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.

Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

• But where says some is the King of America? I'll tell you Friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal Brute of Britain...let it be brought forth placed on the divine law, the word of God; let a crown be placed thereon, by which the world may know,..., that in America the LAW IS KING.

Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

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March 1776 – British evacuate from Boston

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June 7, 1776 – Richard Henry Lee

proposes independence

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June 7, 1776 – Richard Henry Lee

proposes independence

these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.

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June 11, 1776 – Committee of Five

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Committee of Five members (from left to right)

Benjamin Franklin,

Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston,

John Adams, and

Roger Sherman.

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• http://www.earlyamerica.com/independence.htm

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July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence


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What ‘s happening?

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What sectors of colonial society were represented on the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence?

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What groups were excluded?

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What kind of issues do you think these men are talking about?

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It's July! The windows are closed. What do you think the atmosphere is like in the room?

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What concerns do you think these people might have as they drafted the document?

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How do you think the King and Parliament felt about this meeting?

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What important event is going on in the colonies other than this meeting in 1776?

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Wrap-Up: A few questions.

In general why was the Declaration written? What basic rights does the document claim individuals

have? According to the document, why do the colonists have

the right to declare independence? According to the colonists, how has the King

responded to their grievances? How do you think the King and parliament felt when

they read this? What do you think their response was? What risks did the colonists take by writing this?

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Wrap-Up: A few questions.

From whose point of view was the Declaration of Independence written?

What colonial actions were omitted, or not mentioned, in the document? Why do you think they are omitted?

What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? Why is this document still significant today?

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What do you see in this image? What is the caption?

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What symbols do you see? What does the horse represent? Who is on the horse?

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Who is the man in the background? What is each man holding? What is the horse doing?

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Why might the horse want to throw off the rider? What is the artist's message?

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Was the artist a Loyalist or Patriot? Why do you think that? How does it relate to the Declaration?

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Concord Hymnby Ralph Waldo Emerson

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,Here once the embattled farmers stood,And fired the shot heard round the world.

The foe long since in silence slept;Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;And Time, the ruined bridge has sweptDown the dark stream which seaward creeps.

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Concord Hymnby Ralph Waldo Emerson

On this green bank, by this soft stream,We set today a votive stone;That memory may their deed redeem,When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

The Holy Spirit, made those heroes dareto die, and leave their children free,Bid Time and Nature gently spareThe shaft we raise to them and Thee.