Letter from the Director Lecture Series 5: “Reinvent” Sound Artist Yan Jun will talk about the Chinese music scene on December 17, 2:20, Wenbei Lou, Rm. 707 Winter Holiday Party and Gift Exchange: Celebrate the holidays with IUP on December 24 at the Africa Rainbow Art Bar; festivities start at 2:30 Lecture Series 6: Anthropology Ph.D. student and current IUPer Josh Gordon will share his research on Chinese language and communities in Myanmar on December 30, 2:20, Wenbei Lou, Rm. 707 清华大学 | Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies ( 清华 IUP 中文中心) IUPeople Volume 2, Issue 3 December 2008 Charles Laughlin, IUP Director, giving remarks at alumni mixer This has been a busy month at IUP: we brought November to a close at Element Fresh with probably our best alumni mixer yet; we had two great lecturers, Antonia Finnane talked about the Curious History of Fashion in Communist China and sound artist Yan Jun told us about how new Chinese music often "reinvents" existing musics; and though working hard on Chinese and struggling with colds and fatigue, this group of students continues to leave its mark on IUP history, organizing their own events including happy hours, birthday parties and gallery crawls. In addition to these, as you'll see in this issue, our students and teachers are still finding time to share something about themselves for this newsletter, from Hua Kuoman's article to Vivian Li's very timely article on maintaining relationships while in IUP. Just as one student has returned home to bask in the joy of fatherhood, many other students are maintaining long- distance relationships, while others bring their families here (not uncommon!). On this family-and-friends theme, as we enter into the height of the Euro-American holiday season, we continue to busy ourselves with exams, classes, and student speeches, but IUP will be holding a modest winter holiday gift exchange at the Rainbow Bar on Wednesday Dec. 24, and we will take a day off on the 25th and again on New Year's Day 2009. Because we're working in China, our calendar revolves around the local customs, so that the lengthiest holiday observance is for Chinese New Year from Jan. 10 - Feb. 8 (incoming spring students will have orientation from the 5th-8th), so that our teachers can enjoy their one long annual break together with their families. This creates a challenge for our students; it means you have to miss your own families' holiday celebrations, and then you have a long break before you continue classes. As I mentioned at our Thanksgiving activity, it is a good time to travel, and I'm sure a lot of you have spectacular travel plans. If not, Beijing can be a great place to spend Chinese New Year, especially if you can spend it with Chinese friends whose families are in Beijing, but there are also temple fairs 庙会 throughout the city and the suburbs that are very 热闹 and give you a feeling for the traditional holiday. Like the roast sweet potatoes you can now find on the streets everywhere, these ways of celebrating Chinese New Year right here in Beijing are inexpensive, warm, sweet, and give you a feeling of satisfaction inside! Mark Your Calendars!


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2008 Holiday Issue!

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Page 1: Dec08

Letter from the Director

Lecture Series 5: “Reinvent” Sound Artist Yan Jun will talk about the Chinese music scene on December 17, 2:20, Wenbei Lou, Rm. 707

Winter Holiday Party and Gift Exchange: Celebrate the holidays with IUP on December 24 at the Africa Rainbow Art Bar; festivities start at 2:30

Lecture Series 6: Anthropology Ph.D. student and current IUPer Josh Gordon will share his research on Chinese language and communities in Myanmar on December 30, 2:20, Wenbei Lou, Rm. 707

清华大学 | Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies ( 清华 IUP中文中心)

IUPeople Volume 2, Issue 3 December 2008

Charles Laughlin, IUP Director, giving remarks at alumni mixer

This has been a busy month at IUP: we brought November to a close at Element Fresh with probably our best alumni mixer yet; we had two great lecturers, Antonia Finnane talked about the Curious History of Fashion in Communist China and sound artist Yan Jun told us about how new Chinese music often "reinvents" existing musics; and though working hard on Chinese and struggling with colds and fatigue, this group of students continues to leave its mark on IUP history, organizing their own events including happy hours, birthday parties and gallery crawls.

In addition to these, as you'll see in this issue, our students and teachers are still finding time to share something about themselves for this newsletter, from Hua Kuoman's article to Vivian Li's very timely article on maintaining relationships while in IUP. Just as one student has returned home to bask in the joy of fatherhood, many other students are maintaining long-distance relationships, while others bring their families here (not uncommon!). On this family-and-friends theme, as we enter into the height of the Euro-American holiday season, we continue to busy ourselves with exams, classes, and

student speeches, but IUP will be holding a modest winter holiday gift exchange at the Rainbow Bar on Wednesday Dec. 24, and we will take a day off on the 25th and again on New Year's Day 2009. Because we're working in China, our calendar revolves around the local customs, so that the lengthiest holiday observance is for Chinese New Year from Jan. 10 - Feb. 8 (incoming spring students will have orientation from the 5th-8th), so that our teachers can enjoy their one long annual break together with their families.

This creates a challenge for our students; it means you have to miss your own families' holiday celebrations, and then you have a long break before you continue classes. As I mentioned at our Thanksgiving activity, it is a good time to travel, and I'm sure a lot of you have spectacular travel plans. If not, Beijing can be a great place to spend Chinese New Year, especially if you can spend it with Chinese friends whose families are in Beijing, but there are also temple fairs 庙会

throughout the city and the suburbs that are very 热闹 and give you a feeling for the traditional holiday. Like the roast sweet potatoes you can now find on the streets everywhere, these ways of celebrating Chinese New Year right here in Beijing are inexpensive, warm, sweet, and give you a feeling of satisfaction inside!

Mark Your Calendars!

Page 2: Dec08

An IUP Thanksgiving

November 27 @ Dufeng Canting on Tsinghua campus

Hua Laoshi & Ricky finally put Ricky’s premed training to good use

IUPers enjoy a pre-Thanksgiving feast bowling tournament

Joe Narus, Sharon Nakhimovsky, Alan Gaskill, Justin Knapp, and Christian Kaas enjoy a round of beers as they wait for the turkey

Ricky Kim, Hua Kuoman, and Jill Schultz 思考 the turkey

Brian Nichols poses with Li Yun in her fashionable coons cap

After waiting so long, Liu Yuming happily relishes her turkey leg

Photo: G

enevieve C


Page 3: Dec08

IUP, family, and kids—by their nature each is

already “麻烦” described Brian Nichols, a married Ph.D. student with two sons. “So though it’s not ideal to handle them all together, it can be done.”

Faaria Kherani, a college senior who managed IUP and a long-distance relationship, agrees that it can be difficult to maintain relationships outside of IUP. “IUP’s environment is very浓厚, so your friends here become your family.”

Brian’s situation though was greatly improved by having his wife and kids stay at her parent’s home while he lives in the Tsinghua University dorms. Brian’s in-laws retired two years ago and decided to move from Fujian to Beijing and bought a house. During the week Brian stays on campus studying at IUP and then on weekends takes a two-hour commute to his in-laws’ house in Tongzhou, a suburb east of Beijing, to spend time with the family. Every night he keeps in touch with them by phone. Occasionally he still receives calls from his wife, Jamie, about the kids, but says that if it was not for his in-laws pitching in to help take care of them, he would probably be hearing more from her.

Faaria took advantage of Skype’s inexpensive international calling options to keep in touch with her significant other. “You can even call them on their cell phone” she said, so the receiver does not have to be in front of their computer. They made a point to set a certain time to chat, so they could make sure to catch up regularly despite their busy schedules. She found that the time difference also worked to their advantage. Before classes started it was evening in the U.S. and by the time classes ended it was nighttime there, so both sides were available to talk.

She recommends, though, that couples make sure that they are very committed to the relationship before one of them leaves for IUP. “Breaking up on Skype would be the worst way to do it,” she said.

Brian admits that he could not have wished for a better solution to balancing life at IUP and family life. His oldest son, Charles (乐乐), 4.5 years-old, attends pre-school and is for the first time taking piano lessons, which was unimaginable in the U.S. since piano lessons there are much more expensive, while his son William (陶陶), 1.5 years-old, stays at home being cared for by his mother as well as his grandparents. Brian is a Fulbrighter and also received Fulbright’s Critical Language Enhancement Award (CLEA) to pay for his studies at IUP till January.

Afterwards, he will revisit a Buddhist temple in Fujian, the subject of his research, to write his dissertation and conduct follow-up interviews. His wife and the kids will follow him, but not the grandparents. Yet, Brian does not seem distressed about this upcoming change. He views his good fortune managing IUP and family as a life lesson rather than mere chance.

“The timing of all of this has worked out especially well for us since I'm now studying at IUP and Jamie can spend time with her parents and the kids can get to know their Chinese grandma and grandpa and vice-versa. Having Jamie's parents just outside Beijing has really facilitated our move and the transition to life in China. Everything has come together really well. I actually use Chinese thought in thinking about how things come together; I think about it as following the Dao. You know in Daoist thought things are not to be forced; success depends on working within our means and according to the conditions at hand. What's Daoist is how things unfold according to some internal logic and how we are all powerless to change that internal logic. We can only strive to find our way within the flow of the Dao.

Studying Chinese is like this as well. It is not

impossible to do what IUP asks of us, but it is only feasible if we make a lot of adjustments; making those kinds of adjustments is what I'm considering a kind of following the Dao. For me that has meant separation from my kids during the week in order to allow sufficient and uninterrupted time for daily study and review. Of course that's only the beginning for accomplishing what we are asked to do at IUP. I wish I knew the Dao of studying Chinese; if anyone does please let us know. Some mantras we hear at IUP like 努力学习 don't sound very Daoist to me, though

others like 慢慢来 do .”

Living with IUP

by Vivian Li

Brian Nichols with sons William (陶陶) and Charles (乐乐)

Photo: B

rian N


Page 4: Dec08


滑阔漫, IUP 老师


我在 IUP供职八年余,其间有一年在 Stanford。接触







































“单身”为什么叫“打光棍儿”,“议论别 人”为什么叫










上基本上都 可



















Lila Buckley & Carol Liu admire the Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang

Photo: H

ua K



The IUPeople Newsletter is published monthly by the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies. Wen Bei Lou, 502, Tsinghua

University, Beijing, China 100084. Visit us at http://ieas.berkeley.edu/iup. Editor-in-chief: Charles Laughlin, Managing Editor: Vivian Li