Dangerous australian animals

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Page 1: Dangerous australian animals


By Claire Ujma

Page 2: Dangerous australian animals

This is the great white shark. It lives up to 100 years! It can weigh up to 2,500 kilos! It eats fish, dolphins, seals and sometimes people!

Page 3: Dangerous australian animals

Did you know this animal is called the blue ringed octopus. When it’s born it’s the size of a pea and it grows to the size of a golf ball. It carries enough venim to kill 26 adults within minutes. That’s pretty dangerous!!

Page 4: Dangerous australian animals

This spider is very creepy!! It’s called a funnel web spider and lives very near Sydney. Beware!! Don’t touch!! It’s poison is very dangerous and could kill you!!

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The stonefish lives on coral reefs around rocks. It has many venomous spines along its back which can kill you. Beware don’t touch!!

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Crocodiles in Australia can grow pretty big! Up to 7 metres long!! They don’t chew their food, they swallow it in large chunks and can jump really high to catch their prey. Pretty scary, aren’t they!!

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Death adders are very dangerous snakes. A bite can kill you in less than 6 hours!

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This animal is called the cane toad! And its pretty big…it can weigh up to two and a half kilos. It has poison glands which can kill animals. And its really not very pretty! Don’t you think!!

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This is a dingo. Its a predator and lives in the desert in Australia. It is similiar to a wolf and can attack so… don’t touch it will bite!

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This is the box jellyfish and is VERY dangerous. It carries enough venom in its body to kill 60 adults! Its pretty big, its tentacles can be up to 3 metres long and if stung can kill you in as little as 3 minutes.

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A pretty shell? NO! This is called a cone shell and if picked up can eject venom through a harpoon like tooth.