1| © 2013 Infoblox Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1 | © 2015 Infoblox Inc. All Rights Reserved. Unlocking Cyber-Crime The New Cold War Jamison Utter | Principal Security Consultant 6/15/2016

Cyber crime v3

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Unlocking Cyber-Crime – The New Cold WarJamison Utter | Principal Security Consultant6/15/2016

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Motive Matters

No one can build his security upon

the nobleness of another person.” **Willa Cather, Alexander's Bridge

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Exponential ROI

1 Year

CD = 1%Money

Market =




Market =


Cyber Crime

= 1425%

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Breaking it down

What’s the cost of entry?

Item Total Investment

Payload $3000

Infection Vector $500

Traffic Acquisition $1800

Daily Traffic $600

Total Expenses $5,900

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The Payload

The Challenge:

- Avoid trivial signature detection

The Solution:

- A new hash of a crypto-variant that is identified with

‘good’ programs (by purchasing the source code with


The Cost:

- 10 Bitcoin (or about $3000 USD)

This does not include

source code and support!

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Commodity Programming

• Criminal elements are in constant

reinvestment cycles expanding both

footprint and technical ability.

• Like real software most malware is

developed in teams by technical coders

specialized in the particular function.

• Customer support, code support, and bug

fix are now table stakes in professional


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Economy of Scale

0 200 400 600 800 1000


Czech Republic

Slovak Republic

Russian Federation





Average Monthly Income

US Dollars

A Semi-skilled Ukrainian Hacker

can make 5x – 25x their normal

income by switching to a

business model that is illegal (in

the US)

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The Infection Vector

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Traffic Acquisition

Getting clicks!

- Often via Phishing (pretty easy)

- Sometimes scare-ware

- Sometimes Ad networks

- Also via Botnets (RATS)

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Crime as a Service

Professional Crime Software

Technical Innovators


Non-technical Opportunists / Crimeware-as-a-Service Users

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Breaking it down

What’s the ROI?

Item Total Investment

Visitors 20,000

Infection Rate 10%

Payout rate 0.5% (Symantec = 3%)

Ransom Amount $300

ROI (Average 30 days)$3,000/day


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What is the scale of this

The Black





El Salvador

The Black market is a 17

Billion dollar economy

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The Zero Sum Game







Where we need to be

Ceiling Cat FTW!

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Change the Security Paradigm

“The long term goal of a security strategy cannot be to outsmart

criminals, since that just breeds smarter criminals.”*

*Jarnon Lanier – “Who Owns the Future”

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Meeting the Challenge




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Security is a system, its

as alive as an

organization or organism.

Without cooperation and

data sharing between


you will never triangulate

and locate threats already

in your network

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Securing cyberspace is

shared responsibility -

collecting, analyzing &

disseminating cyber threat

intel” - FBI

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What’s missing from your Threat Intel?


Targets and


(or Threat Actors)


Observation and


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What makes “actionable” intelligence?

• Early discovery, appropriate TTLs, sensible refresh rateTimely

• Applies to your problems, your use casesRelevant

• Reasonable precision, limited false positives Accurate

• Why a threat, what kind, and what else is it related toContextual

• Pre-integrated, standard formats, Rest APIsEasy-to-Use

• Consistent in quality and rate/volumeReliable

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We must shorten

the Kill Chain, or

we will always be

behind the ball.

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Changing Security Culture

Wisdom consists in being able to distinguish among dangers and

make a choice of the least harmful.

— Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince

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Security is a Culture

Application Development

Network Design

End-user Training

Business Workflow

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Insecure CodeCharacteristic

I Injectable Code

N Non-Repudiation Mechanisms not Present

S Spoofable

E Exceptions and Errors not Properly Handled

C Cryptographically Weak

U Unsafe/Unused Functions and Routines in Code

R Reversible Code

E Elevated Privileges to Run

(ISC)2 InSecure Code practices

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Secure Network Design

Know Don’t Guess

Avoid Dangling Networks

Route where needed not where possible

See all manage all

Know when to standardize

Power is important

Embrace DocumentationJennifer Jabbusch

CISO, Carolina Advanced Digital

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Secure Environment





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Business Workflow




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Jamison Utter