Dramatic Theater 1. With a partner, list as many plays you can think of. (that you’ve read, seen, acted in…) 2. For each title: what is the purpose/mission/them e of the play?? (to make a political statement… address a social issue… etc. )

Crucible unit 2014

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Page 1: Crucible unit 2014

Dramatic Theater

1. With a partner, list as many plays you can think of.

(that you’ve read, seen, acted in…)

2. For each title: what is the purpose/mission/theme of the play??

(to make a political statement… address a social issue… etc. )

Page 2: Crucible unit 2014

The CrucibleSalem Witch Trials, 1692

Panic, hysteria among Puritans

Need scapegoat for problems; begin “crying witch”

Page 3: Crucible unit 2014

• Puritans in Massachusetts relocated in order to practice their religious beliefs without persecution.

• Theocracy: government founded on and designed to preserve their religious principles.

• Convinced they were God’s “chosen people”— had to combat Satan who freely roamed the wilderness. Wanted to convert Native Americans.

• Indians resisted conversion = agents of the Devil, must be destroyed.

• Attacks from roving Native Americans contributed to anxiety already present in people.

• Friction among residents, political instability of village = motives of adults (in search of scapegoat for community’s problems)

Page 4: Crucible unit 2014

Mass Hysteria (n.):

a spontaneous condition affecting a group of persons, characterized by excitement or anxiety, irrational behavior or beliefs, or

inexplicable symptoms of illness.

Page 5: Crucible unit 2014

Arthur Miller

As you read, annotate and highlight…

Miller’s greatest influences on his style/writing?Themes his plays and characters most explore?

Question: What does it all mean for The Crucible? What can you infer about the play based on what you know about Arthur Miller?