Coursework advice thriller

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Page 2: Coursework advice   thriller

STORYLINE Keep ideas simple - if its too complicated you may find it difficult to work with/blog about.Incorporate feedback into your work.Don’t involve too many people.Try to avoid dialogue.Plan ahead.Have multiple ideas in case one falls through.

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FILMINGFilm early and make sure to plan everything out so you know what everyone is doing and can get the work done efficiently.Make sure you're prepared for filming - check batteries of equipment etc.Film more than you need to avoid rescheduling.Plan locations and filming days.Behind the scenes and bloopers are good for extra posts.

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EDITINGSplice and Windows Movie Maker are good editing software to use. Make sure all clothes/hair/makeup is consistent. Make sure cuts are ‘invisible’.

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BLOGDraw inspiration from Year 13 blogs - do not copy.Set yourself deadlines for filming, blog posts, editing etc.Aim for 7 blog posts a week in order to keep on top of your blog post count.Blog about any props/costumes/makeup that you do and how you’ve sourced/made it.Share blog posts evenly.Use media sources e.g. apps/podcasts/prezi to make the blog more interesting.Make social media accounts.

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GROUPKeep everyone involved and work together as a team.Make a group chat so that everyone can communicate ideas effectively.Agree on ideas and take each idea on board to avoid group tensions.Make sure you know what everyone is assigned to do.You can share jobs.Don’t waste time.