CARMONA UNIVERSITY CARMONA UNIVERSITY Center of Excellence for World Class Competence” Name of Developer Date Developed www.onsemi.com Step 1: Define the Title of the Course

Course Development Template

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Page 1: Course Development Template

CARMONA UNIVERSITYCARMONA UNIVERSITY“ Center of Excellence for World Class Competence”

Name of DeveloperDate Developed


Step 1: Define the Title of the Course

Page 2: Course Development Template


Name of the DeveloperDate Developed

CARMONA UNIVERSITYCARMONA UNIVERSITY“ Center of Excellence for World Class Competence”

Course Objective(s):Course Objective(s):

State your course objectives into performance objective. It should describe the following:

1. The action (main intent) to be performed by the learner;

2. The conditions (or “givens”) where the action is to take place;and

3. The criteria by which to judge the successful performance.

Step 2: Define the course objective(s).


After completing the course and provided with the necessary software and equipment, the trainee shall be able to create a test program for a specific logic or analog device within the required cycle time.


After completing the course and provided with the necessary software and equipment, the trainee shall be able to create a test program for a specific logic or analog device within the required cycle time.

Page 3: Course Development Template


Name of the DeveloperDate Developed

CARMONA UNIVERSITYCARMONA UNIVERSITY“ Center of Excellence for World Class Competence”

Course Agenda:Course Agenda:

List down the major topics to be covered by this course…..

Step 3: Identify course topics required to achieve performance objectives.

Page 4: Course Development Template


Name of the DeveloperDate Developed

CARMONA UNIVERSITYCARMONA UNIVERSITY“ Center of Excellence for World Class Competence”

Course Content:Course Content:

The main content of the course as outlined on the agenda. These includes exercises, seatwork, and quizzes in between major topics. Try to be as graphical as possible.

Step 4: Develop course content following the sequence of the course


Page 5: Course Development Template


Name of the DeveloperDate Developed

CARMONA UNIVERSITYCARMONA UNIVERSITY“ Center of Excellence for World Class Competence”

Step 5: List down all the references needed.

Course References/Bibliography:Course References/Bibliography:

Enumerate all the references needed or used in developing the training course. Follow the hierarchy below:

1. Books, Manuals - Author(s), Title of Book, Edition, Date Published, & page #.

2. Journals - Same as above

3. Websites

Page 6: Course Development Template


Name of the DeveloperDate Developed

CARMONA UNIVERSITYCARMONA UNIVERSITY“ Center of Excellence for World Class Competence”

Certification Instruments:Certification Instruments:

On a separate file, a written tests and an actual examination (if applicable) shall be submitted. These are the instruments required for certifying the participants on their level of performance on the course.

Step 6: Develop evaluation instruments of the course to measure

competence (knowledge & skills)

Page 7: Course Development Template


Name of the DeveloperDate Developed

CARMONA UNIVERSITYCARMONA UNIVERSITY“ Center of Excellence for World Class Competence”

Step 7: Submit your training materials for buy-off.

Congratulations! Congratulations!

Your Training Material is now ready for buy-off:Your Training Material is now ready for buy-off:

Send a soft copy of your training materials to the following for buy-off:

- Department Manager

- Chikki Abad

- Olsen Bandahala

- Em Divina