Why should my business use social media? WEEK ONE:

Cornell Social Media Series: Week One

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Why should my business use social media?


We asked ourselves this question, too. So, we sent a survey to our dealers and

found out that...

of you believe that social media is important to promoting your business


Through more research we found that...

Word-of-mouth has a massive reach

1,000 customers can generate

500,000 conversations about a brand

of businesses believe that customer testimonials are the most effective content


70% of consumers do research online before making a purchase

Architects spend 1 out of every 6 minutes that they are online on a social

networking site

More than 5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, photos, etc)

are shared each week on social media

of internet users have social network profiles


Time spent on social media is growing at 3x the overall internet rate

of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute their content 94%

of B2B Marketers use Facebook to distribute their content 84%

Social media marketing works.

So, here’s how you can make it work for your business...

FIRST: Put together a social media strategy. (same as you would for an advertisement or website)

Determine what you would like your

goals and outcomes to be.

Sample Goals

y o o y o yr

ur u ur ro r o ou u o

FINALLY: Get social!

Start following your vendors, suppliers, colleagues, affiliates and organizations. They will likely return the favor and follow you back!

Since we started doing this, we’ve increased our likes from only 70 to more than 200! We now interact with our dealer, architect and end-user community weekly. We’ve done this by sharing useful and engaging: • photos • videos • product updates • employee achievements

We’ve started getting more likes on what we post.

AND we’ve posted more useful content that our dealers have shared on r social media sites.

We’ve increased traffic to our website and to our training videos.

AND we’ve begun to position ourselves as thought leaders in the door industry.

YOU can do it, too.

Get started with your business and enjoy the benefits of...

Brand Awareness

Customer Loyalty

Thought Leadership

You can’t deny the benefits. We will help you get started.

Give us a call 800-233-8366 ext 4024

Or email us at

[email protected]

Stay tuned for more of our social media series:

WEEK 2 What platforms should I be on?

WEEK 3 How do I get started with a company Facebook or LinkedIn page?

WEEK 4 Is there a security risk?

What if someone starts posting bad things about my company?

WEEK 5 How can Cornell’s social media efforts benefit me?