Narrative Conventions Narrative form is the different structure ways a movie tells stories… eg it starts with a flashback. Film=Story Narratives are everywhere! They are most common in fiction films but are in all types of films. Events occur in space and time: A narrative is a string of events occurring in space and time. Narratives do not unfold randomly, they are ordered and are connected by the logic of cause and effect. This logic of cause and effect ties together character traits, goals, obstacles and actions. Taken 1. Dad is insecure about the safety of life 2. Daughter lies to go to France, Dad says be careful 3. Daughter is kidnapped… Act 1


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Page 1: Conventions

Narrative Conventions

Narrative form is the different structure ways a movie tells stories… eg it starts with a flashback.


Narratives are everywhere! They are most common in fiction films but are in all types of films.

Events occur in space and time:

A narrative is a string of events occurring in space and time. Narratives do not unfold randomly, they are ordered and are

connected by the logic of cause and effect. This logic of cause and effect ties together character traits,

goals, obstacles and actions.

Taken1. Dad is insecure about the safety of life2. Daughter lies to go to France, Dad says be careful3. Daughter is kidnapped…4. Dad makes angry phone call “I don’t know who you are bla bla… I will

find you and kill you bla bla bla”5. Dad beats up bad guy6. Dad finds daughters coat7. Dad beats up more bad guys8. Dad electrocutes someone9. Dad finds where daughter is and buys her from sex trade10. Dad kills big bad guy and is accepted by daughter

Act 3

Act 2

Act 1

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The Three Act Structure

Act 1-Introduction

Act 2- Rising action- stakes get higher

Act 3- crisis- falling action

The Narrative Structure

Set up/Exposition- meeting the characters, establishing the setting, setting the tone- establishing the normal of the film world

Rising action- central conflict is introduced and the tension begins

Climax- the turning point making things better or worse

Falling action- the major has happened, this is the aftermath

Dénouement/Resolution- the creation of the new normal

Tzvetan Todorov

1. All is good2. A disruption of order by an event3. A recognition of that disruption4. An attempt to repair the damage5. A return to the restoration, the character is changed forever





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Character Conventions


- Narrative films often focus on the struggles of a human character

- Characters are responsible for the cause and effect in narrative

A Flat character is when you know very little about them- Chewbacca

A Round character is when you know lots about them even if it’s at the end when you find out- Jason Bourne

Flat is a minor character who does not go through a change and are very stereotypical.

Round is a fully developed character who may undergo a change in the film.

Developing Characters

How do writers develop round, dynamic characters?

- Through conversations with other characters- Through group associations, example- police we know they will

be good- Through direct description of the character- How they react to situations

Character Traits

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- Traits are attitudes, skills, habits, tastes, psychological drives and any other qualities that distinguish a character

- Traits in an opening are relevant to late scenes- this is related to cause and effect

Theme/ Methods/ IdeasThe following are very common themes used in thriller films:

Crime - ransoms, captivities, heists, revenge, kidnappings Mystery - investigations, ‘whodunit technique’ Psychological- mind games, psychological themes, stalking,

confinement, deathtraps, horror of personality, obsession

Technical conventionsThe common techniques used in Thrillers come under the titles of camerawork, mise en scene, editing and sound. Some of the techniques are:

Use of tracking POV ECUs/ CUs Reveals (track in/ zoom in) Dramatic angles Eerie, tense music Off screen sounds Low key lighting Chiaroscuro

Strong directional lighting Over exposed or colour manipulation Fast paced editing Jump cuts Parallel editing Obtrusive Editing Silence Exaggerated sound Disorientation of time/ space