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Research on contents page

This contents page has a great range of layout, one column is used to put the context , two other’s used to structure other images. Main images placed in half of the page, within the image is a drummer, its done like so to make the image the main focus and to introduce the target audience to the main topics included in this magazine, rock. the sub heading is written right on top of main image, bold, capital letter’s is used to established this to audience, immediately we know that this magazine is for a rock or an indie type of person. The bold red and white sub heading on top of heading gives an acknowledge that its not hard rock, its more an indie music, which is shown from the type text they used, its a relevant text and works well as it makes drums stand out more to the rest of the making it almost as if it was 3D and is standing out. Drums right next to the heading ‘drums’ is a great combination used, as its showing the object as well as the subject, the image is slightly tilted and has a layer of image underneath, in red, which i think is done so that this image can be seen from all the rest as the other are just ordinary, with gutter all around the images giving it a wider space to really analyse what's being put into the contents page and read everything more clear.

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Research on contents page

The subheading of this contents page clearly establishes that it’s a contents page as its called ‘contents’. It’s coloured white and written in capital letter’s, which stand out as the background goes from black to a more white background at the bottom, which I think was deliberately done as it wants to establish the contents page from the image and context. It’s I written in a distortionary form, co at the top, nten, goes after this, then ts, positioning the contents heading in a different order, making it more interesting to look at, using the target audience. The layout of this contents page is of 2 columns, however only one column is being used for all the written information, informing the most important information said in this magazine. Purposely done on the right column to place the main image in the left, and show this woman, who appears to be Beyoncé, which is a clue to knowing what type of magazine it is. It’s probably a fashion, hence the text saying fashion, or a music magazine as it presents Beyoncé as the main image. Laid out on the left as that’s side where everyone looks first. She’s wearing a white coloured, ballet clothes, which combines with the background making us more focused on her shoes, that are a violet coloured and it’s contributing with the white and black.

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The layout of this magazine has 3 columns which place a context at the first and 2 images are placed in the other 2, making all the context on one hand side, left, which is a good idea as its not overlapping lots of text to one area and placing the images in just one side. From the context I can see that the target audience is for a girl, as they us pink throughout the headings and the typography of the text is more curved which always seems to attract woman more as it represents a funky and hip hop feeling to it. There’s lots of wide space to space out the image and contexts and make it look more clean an d have a wider breathing space. The main image is of a woman who's posed half naked, with her underwear, exploiting her sexuality and I think it presents this to woman thin and young so that other young woman will want to be like her, thinking she the perfect thin woman. The page number is written within this image to immediately inform the reader where this image will be and talked about, and has a small catch phrase underneath this to force the viewer to read it, otherwise they’d be left wondering why there’s no big heading to explain this image . Two other images are placed underneath this with one that’s a figure of a male model, that’s been defined in Photoshop, making the image more colourful and flamed out, which I think looks like a cover of a music cd, also from the image beside it, of a man playing the guitar, it establishes that this contents page is based on music. The headings in numbers placed within the image, has a specific type phrase that’s represented to be used in a music genre.

Research on contents page

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Research The construction of this contents page is well spaced

out, gutter is used well, to give a focused view on the main image, which is of a woman posing, showing that this is a woman’s magazine as the colours used the type phrase are very small delicate and a focus in black and red. Type texts are very elegant, like ‘vogue’ the heading of the contents page, is sharp but also a looped which establishes a feminine style, showing that this magazine is targeted to female audiences. We can also say this is for woman as there’s hair or cream products at the bottom hand of the page, which is something in which man don't really care for, beauty, this is more of woman's perspective of a magazine, immediately we know that this magazine is for woman cared in beauty and desire, as the woman here, is posing and dresses in a way to show her sexuality, exposing herself.

Cover page text is centred right next to the image which is well presented as its putting focus on the main stories, typography of text is in different styles making the more interesting to the target audience.

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I would like to use the main magazine mast head in the contents page to identify the magazine and it’s contents page, however I might put contents page underneath this heading or just write ‘Latina, this week’. Because it shows in a way that …this is what's going on in ‘Latina’ this week… Giving the target audience information of what will be said in this magazine and showing that this is the contents page.

The main image will be of a famous salsa singer like J-lo/ Mark Anthony as I want someone that can relate to a young person with lots of willingness to succeed and by using someone likeJ-Lo and Mark Anthony, I can also talk about there story life and it can relate to a young persons life, which is something's in which attract young male/female into reading more. They can relate their relationship, career to their own, making them feel that they can proceed like them or their love life isn't as bad or simply feel what they feel because there an ideal icon for the young person

The layout will be of three columns which will give enough description of what the main image is about yet leave’s the context with and explanation mark, leaving an intense moment for the target audience which will make them want to read more. A quotation mark will be used to show what the salsa singer has said, which makes the text more believable, giving the knowledge of what this person feels and what they think of doing.

Structure of this is of 3 columns which would be quite a lots of columns if they were all written from the top hand of the page, that’s why I placed a big image, throughout most of the page, bringing forth the context to be much smaller and has a small say of what the image is about.

a long lined column would be put at the side to put the main story’s which will be written within the magazine, with a small text underneath giving a sneak peak of what the subject has in store.

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Statement of


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Layout of my contents page will be of 3 columns to separate the main image and the story that will be written underneath it, it will be a short story, it’s just so it can intrigue the young male/female into reading more of the story. The 3rd column would be of other story’s to read in the magazine, its will be written in one type phrase and the colour would be simple as I want the main heading to speak for itself The heading will be written in a bold capital letter’s to enthusiast the magazine cover name and write a subheading underneath ‘contents’ to establish this contents page from the main cover.

Something like this image I cropped out. Its empowering and really stands out, it also says the name of the main mast head but isn't confused with the magazine cover and contents page, from the well presented context

From the research I've done on my contents page I'm planning on using a simple typography to not confuse the main magazine cover and its contents page, because I’ve noticed that all the contents page have one type of font.

Like on this context layout I will be using a sort of heading that says contents page without having to say it like, departments, clearly showing what categorises there are to read. However if I just write contents page it will be the same as other magazines which I could do as it’s something I’ve researched and found that most magazines say this for its contents page, but its better to navigate target audiences with a different perspective of knowledge.

No borders will be used nor extra graphic images, I will only place one main image that appeals and combines with what the music magazine is about, because the contents page should be simple, readable and well constructed. Just one line may be used to put colour, red, into it and elaborate the colour that’s seen in salsa magazines, it will define the contents page which I think will make this simple looking contents page more coloured, but not so colourful.

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I will put a range of information that’s within the magazine, which will be a more stand out colour from the rest so that it can attract viewer’s eye and to inform viewer’s with a small insight of what their in store for. this will persuade the viewer to read on the magazine. Laying this all out in one corner to clearly identify this as a contents page, because researching into contents page I see that all the information which is held inside the magazine is held in one hand column or maybe even two.

Using an image like this can show a more intimate or personal life of singer’s, which can express a personal view of an actual target audience, showing affairs, careers, relationships and so forth. I could also use a mid shot, showing just half of the male/female of where they are (studio) so that it can indicate what it evolves them, showing their life’s.Mark Anthony is standing up right, making him look powerful and wealthy, he looks respected as a talented singer, drawing people into become like these two couples and it potentially shows they are rich, exploiting them to young people (18 and over) that they’re Always looking up and never down, which shows they have no fear and are giving an image to people to never be let down. I’d like to use an image that shows this as it brings a sharper view to working class people, that they should never be let down.

Having an image like this is more powerful and immediate focus is put on this. Looking through images of salsa, I think this is the most effective image to use for the contents page as I want to show intimacy and bring target audience into plead for what salsa singer’s have. As my target audience is working class, they will find it interesting to see how famous people have done to get where they are, interesting them with how much they’ve earned and brought them forth to become an idol to adults, young people.

one image will be placed on my contents page as I want it to be the main focus of the page because it will the main story told, and I will write the page number next to the context as it will be the next thing read after reading the context, quickly enforcing reader’s to read on. I want it to relate to the magazine front cover, which makes sense to just use one main image. i want my image to tell my target audience the life of these two singer’s and have them relate to them like ordinary people, because researching into magazine’s it always makes the ‘celebrity’ look shallow and as if they never do anything, yet earn a lot of money, which is why I’d want to write a small part of their life’s in the content’s page, but not so much that it bores target audience. It will include just important points to bring audience to realise this


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Working in Photoshop

and InDesign

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Work in Work in Photoshop Photoshop

and and InDesignInDesign

I opened InDesign as it’s the best programme to use when deciding to use columns in your page. i went on making my heading first, changed the font size and changed the colour and typography, to make it more related to a salsa contents page, which appeal to my target audience.

I clicked on layout, then ruler grid's to put in lines of where the work, columns, would be. This is so I can distinguish where the image is placed and context.

I inserted two text boxes to give a clearer view of where the context will be placed. i clicked text at the side bar and inserted some text, which I will correct at the end. By using a ruler I know up to where I should write as this will help know where the columns are.

I placed more grid lines so that I can know approximately where the subheading will go, by-heading that introduces the context, also to know where the actual contents detail, that involves in what the magazine is selling inside, I placed.

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I placed a column in which I inserted text of what the magazine holds, I wrote subjects in which my target audience will be interested in and can relate to. i made the main context in where it talks about the main image, much smaller. I released that a context shouldn’t hold much information, so I made it smaller and put a quotation of what the person has to say in the article.

I structured the image on the left of the contents page because I want it to be the main focus. This image of a woman singing will relate to the main story I’ll be talking about in my double page. Her having a tan, red lips, a microphone can represent her as a Latina and facial expression can indicate she’s a singer. This image will relate to salsa as her mise en scene for props and make-up are noticed well which enthusiasts she’s Latin, target audience will relate to her or her life, as they will easily know she’s Latin because of her facial features and structure, also for her sensitivity on clothe wear, very simple.

Balloons on background and dark setting at back can impersonate she’s in a concert singing.

Work in Photoshop and InDesign?

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