Content of a Q magazine: - The first few pages you open up to when reading Q is a double page spread advert of something which appeals well to the target audience. Like male after shave, watches, technology or cars. - The next pages are the contents page which usually consists of 2 pages to fit enough information. - Following the contents is a welcome page with contact information and a message from the editor. Followed by an advert. - On the following page is a Q recommender which is written by the team and includes films, books and albums. The page adjacent to it is another advert. Adverts are important in - It starts off by talking about Lady Gaga and her tour. Lady Gaga has a very broad audience so is a good appearance in Q which also has a significant wide audience. Another page includes a punk band which is called Pussy Riot. This asks a rhetorical questions, whether they are the greatest punks ever. The same page also includes some count down lists which appeals to everyone. Another section includes a ‘let’s do lunch with’ which people like to see how artists and celebrities live their lives and what they like. There is also a Q Interview with Adam Ant, someone who also has a very different genre of music, - There is also a regular Q challenge which includes a task which they set a popular band or artist. - After more feature stories, there is the main story of the magazine, this one is of Noel Gallagher. - There is a ‘Q Promotion’ which promotes a new upcoming band. - Next is a Q review which does star ratings for new bands and their albums. - They also following this do a review reissues which reviews older albums. - Again, there is another review but instead of songs, and albums, they use entertainment, like films and books. - The final

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Content of a Q magazine:

- The first few pages you open up to when reading Q is a double page spread advert of something which appeals well to the target audience. Like male after shave, watches, technology or cars.

- The next pages are the contents page which usually consists of 2 pages to fit enough information.

- Following the contents is a welcome page with contact information and a message from the editor. Followed by an advert.

- On the following page is a Q recommender which is written by the team and includes films, books and albums. The page adjacent to it is another advert. Adverts are important in magazine, especially the big ones, as it’s a way of making me money and getting more noticed.

- After the contact pages and recommendation page there is a mail page which has letters and emails from the public. Then there is another advertisement.

- In the issue I am using, there is a large section called ‘Q Now’ which included ‘stuff that matters in music’ that month.

- It starts off by talking about Lady Gaga and her tour. Lady Gaga has a very broad audience so is a good appearance in Q which also has a significant wide audience. Another page includes a punk band which is called Pussy Riot. This asks a rhetorical questions, whether they are the greatest punks ever. The same page also includes some count down lists which appeals to everyone. Another section includes a ‘let’s do lunch with’ which people like to see how artists and celebrities live their lives and what they like. There is also a Q Interview with Adam Ant, someone who also has a very different genre of music, which is post punk. There are also lots of features following this one.

- Next there is a cash for questions which gets the audience involved with the magazine as you can win money for ask celebrities questions. Followed by more features. Including Greenday, Mumford and Sons, Ellie Goulding.

- Throughout the magazine there is also more interview features and also humorous features.

- There is also a regular Q challenge which includes a task which they set a popular band or artist.

- After more feature stories, there is the main story of the magazine, this one is of Noel Gallagher.

- There is a ‘Q Promotion’ which promotes a new upcoming band.

- Next is a Q review which does star ratings for new bands and their albums.

- They also following this do a review reissues which reviews older albums.

- Again, there is another review but instead of songs, and albums, they use entertainment, like films and books.

- The final feature in the magazine is ‘Q live’ where they use live performances to review, giving it a star out of 5.

- Finally, the last few pages advertise, bands new albums, and tours. Also an instant access which is a shop where you can buy bands merchandise and musical products. A way of advertising the band. On the last page is a ‘Q&A’ with a celebrity, which is a nice finishing touch to the magazine.