Anti-hacking legislation

Computer Misuse Act

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INFO 2 Unit 2.5 Safety and Security of Data in ICT Systems. Computer Misuse Act

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Page 1: Computer Misuse Act

Anti-hacking legislation

Page 2: Computer Misuse Act

To identify and understand the offences covered by the computer misuse act.

Page 3: Computer Misuse Act

A quality set of notes covering the computer misuse act.

A poster for this classroom, aimed at an audience of students in your school.

Page 4: Computer Misuse Act

Introduced as a result of concerns about people misusing the data and programs held on a computer.

Other laws tried instead Examples.

Cox v Riley 1986 (Criminal Damage Act 1971) R. v Gold and Another (Forgery and Counterfeiting

Act 1981)

Page 5: Computer Misuse Act

The case of R. v Gold and Schifreen was highly publicised

Gained unauthorized access to British Telecom's Interactive viewdata service

Lead to Law Commission produced report Report No.186, Computer Misuse

This became the Computer Misuse Act 1990


Page 6: Computer Misuse Act

Original bill specifically aimed at hackers Many amendments during passage through

parliament Eventual legislation very broad based, lost

much of the original intent

Page 7: Computer Misuse Act

The Act specifies 3 offences

In summary these are:- ◦ Unauthorised Access◦ Unauthorised access with intent to commit

another offence◦ Unauthorised modification of data

Page 8: Computer Misuse Act

Unauthorised Access is called a summary offence and penalties are limited to:

◦ 6 months imprisonmentand/or

◦ a maximum fine of £5000

You are committing an offence if you try to access any program or data held in any computer without permission and you know at the time that this is the case.

E.G. A student gaining access to a fellow students area, or breaking in to the college administrative system, is breaking this category of act.

Page 9: Computer Misuse Act

The other two offences

◦ Unauthorised access with intent…

Covers offenders who carry out unauthorised access with a more serious criminal intent

◦ Unauthorised modification … Concerns the alteration of data or programs within a

computer system

Are more serious and carry jail terms of up to 5 years and unlimited fines

Page 10: Computer Misuse Act

Scenario 1

A student hacks into a college database to impress his friends unauthorised access

Later he decide to go in again, to alter his grades, but cannot find the correct file – unauthorised access with intent

A week later he succeeds and alters his grades – unauthorised modification of data

Page 11: Computer Misuse Act

Scenario 2

An employee who is about to made redundant finds the Managing Director’s password; logs into the computer system using this and looks at some confidential files-

unauthorised access

Having received his redundancy notice he goes back in to try and cause some damage but fails to do so –

unauthorised access with intent

After asking a friend, he finds out how to delete files and wipes the main customer database –

unauthorised modification of data

Page 12: Computer Misuse Act

Prosecution are rare and punishments small

◦ Examples

Defendant causes firm to lose £36,000 - Fined £1,650; conditional discharge

Defendant destroys £30,000 worth of data - Fined £3000; 140 hours community service


Page 13: Computer Misuse Act

Very complex Offences difficult to prove Evidence difficult to collect - firms do not co-operate

with police Firms embarrassed by hacking - particularly banks Employees often simply sacked/demoted Police lack expertise; time; money Offence perceived as ‘soft crime’ no one injured/hurt

Page 14: Computer Misuse Act

This case in 1991 caused great concern and it was suggested that further prosecutions under the act would be unlikely to succeed◦ Defendant (and others) hacked into a variety of

systems and caused damage◦ Defence stated that defendant ‘addicted to

computers’ so could not help hacking◦ Not guilty verdict returned by jury

Page 15: Computer Misuse Act

Hacking has increased both at hobby and professional levels

A few high profile cases Offenders often in other countries with no

equivalent legislation Some ‘international task forces’ set up but

no real progress Current estimated costs of hacking - £5

billion per year world-wide

Page 16: Computer Misuse Act

Page 247 Mott and Leeming

Look at the cases described 1a – 1e, explain which category of the Computer Misuse Act has been broken.


Page 17: Computer Misuse Act

Create a poster for this classroom, aimed at an audience of students in your school.

Purpose – inform, educate Your poster should make clear to them

which of the activities a student might carry out are illegal under the Computer Misuse Act.