Computer introduction hardware and software

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• The computer as we know it today had its beginning with 19th century by English mathematics professor name “Charles Babbage”.

• He designed the Analytical Engine and it was this design that the basic framework of the computers of today are based on.


The word “computer” comes from the word “compute” which means “to calculate” . Hence people usually consider a computer to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetic operations at high speed.

A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data, stores and processes data into information. The computer is able to work because there are instructions in its memory directing it.

It is an information processing machine. The main part of computer are HARDWARE and SOFTWARE.

All computer system can perform the functions of inputting, storing, processing, controlling, styling and outputting data and information.


Super computerMainframe computerPersonal computer

Super computer This computer is:



Most powerful and

Most expensive computer.

Mainframe computer

This is the little smaller and less powerful then super computer, but like super computer it is also expensive. This types of computer handling all kinds of scientific and business applications.

Personal computer This is the computer that most people use in their daily lives. This

computer is much smaller, less powerful and less expensive than the supercomputer and the mainframe computer.


Hardware is the component thatcan be seen and touched.

input devices

• Input devices enable user to  enter information and command into the computer.

Output devices

• Output devices are used to supply processed data.

Processing devices• Processing devices process the data as per the instructions

and send the results to the output devices.

Storage devices:• Storage devices are those which store the data in its


Computer software Software means a program which is installed on a machine for

a specific purpose.


System Software

A system software handle the hardware of a machine which configure the

hardware penetration. Example: Windows, DOS, UNIX, VIPRO.

Application Software:An application software is meant to establish relation between utility software

and system software.

Utility Software: These are the software is the software generally provided by the vendors as

readymade packages to do some specific operations.