Economic Recession? Not when it comes to Alcohol Created by: Dan Conner

Comm intern project

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Presentation on alcohol consumption/sales on Marist College.

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Economic Recession?Not when it comes to Alcohol

Created by: Dan Conner

Page 2: Comm intern project

Economic Struggles

Over the pass decade or so, the United States has suffered from a country wide Recession.

It has been stated in the past year the government has stated the recession was at the end; however people still suffer from lack of jobs and economic trouble.

But has the economic struggle affected Marist Students in Poughkeepsie as much as conveyed?

Night life at colleges around the world consist of avid alcohol usage and Marist is no different. I suggest economic struggle doesn’t plague everyone as much as it is expressed since alcohol sales numbers are still quite steady.

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Alcohol sales go up during bad

times Jointogether.org states that during

times of trouble alcohol sales tend to go up. Most likely to deal with the problems people are dealing with.

That makes sense; however at the end of the day if your having financial troubles wouldn’t it be sort of difficult (and bit wise) to even find money to purchase alcohol in the case you have to pay for other prioritized items?

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An Article

Barbara Mantel’s

Article, Drinking On

Campus: Have efforts

to reduce alcohol

abuse failed?

Mentions that, “studies

have found that rates

of binge drinking and

its oftenating outcomes

have remained

remarkably stable over


This article was done

in 2006 and the trends

continue to this day.

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My Own Home

These are some empty boxes

And bottles of beer/alcohol from

My roommates.

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The consumption of

alcohol is not anything of

shame either. Many

people showcase their

empty bottles like

trophies in their kitchens.

Many adorn their kitchen

with countless bottles

and beer bottles.

My house is no


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Still Waiting To Be Opened

There is always a bottle

available to be

consumed, no house is

left without some type of


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Some Create Their Own

The family of one of my

interviewees actually makes

their own wine and she is

supplied by her family.

But that does not keep her

from spending money on

other variations.

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Another Showcase

This house I ventured into had

two separate groups of


One of their empty Wine


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Group 2

And the 2nd group…of

hard liquor.

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Cannot Forget The Trash

They also had more in the


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Bibliography "Alcohol Sales Climb During Recession." JoinTogether.org | Advancing Effective Alcohol

and Drug Policy, Prevention and Treatment. Web. 09 Mar. 2011.



Mantel, B. (2006, August 18). Drinking on campus. CQ Researcher, 16, 649-672.

Retrieved from http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/