ESCUELA: Ciencias de la Educación – Carrera de Inglés. NOMBRES: COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR IV I BIMESTRE FECHA: Lic. César Ochoa Cueva. ABRIL – AGOSTO 2009 1

Com Gram4 Bim1

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ESCUELA: Ciencias de la Educación – Carrera de Inglés.




Lic. César Ochoa Cueva.



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Mark is a market research assistant: he analyses market data. Today is a holiday and Mark isn’t in the office. He is playing football. Mark plays football twice a week. Currently, Mark and his colleagues are working on a special project. They are conducting market research for a new sports magazine called Goal!

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Cuando el tiempo no es importante, es incierto o talvez es un secreto.I have visited 56 countries.(no dice cuando lo hizo, sin embargo el futuro es incierto puede ser que esta persona siga o no viajando).

Cuando se conoce el tiempo y la acción continúa hasta el presente se utiliza las palabras: since o forI have lived in this city for 16 years.

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La siguiente lista de verbos no se la puede usar con since or for porque no tienen un tiempo de duración.start      arrive      begin      meet      end     

leave      stop

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Lo utilizamos para hablar de una acción que tiene conección al presente, la cual no termina o es temporal.

My sister has been visiting museums and art galleries in Europe. (She is still visiting)

She has been studying French. (but she will soon finish)

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know understand owe possess be

have* belong contain equal resemble

tend perceive suppose believe decide

conclude prefer love like seem

*Cuando tiene significado de posesión: I have a house.

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Since / For

I have smoked. (not sure if it continues)

I have smoked for 12 years. (sure it continues)

I have been smoking for 12 years.

Por lo tanto, cuando el Presente Perfecto utiliza alguna de estas dos expresiones (since / for ) tienen exactamente el mismo significado que en el Present Perfect Progressive.

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Se utiliza para hablar de una acción que no ha sido planeada en el futuro (probability).

Probably, I will go to the trip.

Be going to

Se utiliza para una situación planeada.

We are going to spend Christmas in Italy.


Para decir lo que pensamos que pasará en el futuro.

I think I will enjoy my vacation.

I think I am going to enjoy my vacation.

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Se utiliza para hablar de una acción que se completará antes que otra en el futuro.Usualmente se utilizan las expresiones: by, by the time, and within.

Esta oración a pesar de que la primera clausula este en presente expresa futuro(2), he indica el futuro mas lejano quedando así la segunda clausula futuro (1)como la acción que se completará en el futuro antes de que esta persona cumpla los 30 años.

before 30 30 yearsl________________X_________________________XPresent future(1) future(2)

By the time I am 30, I will have opened my own business.

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Simple PastUna acción o situación que acabo en el pasado.

Past ProgressiveUna acción pasada relatada en foma progresiva.

Nota:No se puede usar el Present Perfect con una expresión del pasado. “yesterday”

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MeaningPast actions that are

not longer true

USED TOActions/ Events/


WOULDAction / Events

I used to collect shells.I used to spend time at the beach.I used to be a lifeguard.

I would go to walk along the beach.I would celebrate with my friends.I would have a horse X.

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Usamos este tiempo cuando nos referimos a una acción, situación o evento que sucedió antes que otro en el pasado.

El orden de las clausulas no es importante el sentido se mantiene.By the time John got home, the family had eaten dinner.

6:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. Present…….. X …………………………… X……………IThe family had eaten dinner (1)

by the time John got home. (2)

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Usualmente se lo usa con by the time y las conjunciones: when, before, after, and because.When I came back, someone had stolen my wallet.

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I lost my keys. Luckily, I had given a friend a copy of the keys, and she came over and let me in.

The elevator had reached the fifth floor when it stopped

The thief got into the house because I guess we had left the door unlocked.

Luckily, I had brought my Car Association card with me, so I called them for help.

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Action Verbs“describen acciones”

Non-action VerbsDescriben estados:

apariencia, emociones, estados mentales,

percepción, posesión

play, drive, talk, writeseem, love, know, hear,

Some Non-Action Verbs

Active Use Stative Use

I’m having a party. (Action)

I have a new car. (possession)

I am looking at the picture. (action)

She looks happy.(appearance)

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Affirmative Statements Addition

Daniel is an excellent player.

So is Mark. Mark is, too.

Susan loves music. So does Joe. Joe does, too.

Las dos se las puede utilizar indistintamente, sin embargo hay que tomar en cuenta la estructura. (posición)

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Negative Statements Addition

Anna doesn’t like pizza.

Neither does Helen.

Helen doesn’t either.

Las dos se las puede utilizar indistintamente, sin embargo hay que tomar en cuenta la estructura (posición) y el uso de la negación al usar either.

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musthave tohave got tohad to

must notcan’tare not allowed tocouldn’tweren’t allowed to

had bettershouldought toshould haveought to have

had better notshouldn’t

shouldn’t have

are supposed toare towere supposed towere to

are not supposed toare not towere not supposed towere not to

could / canmightmaycould havemight / may have

---------------------- don’t have to---------------------- didn’t have to-----------


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Analicemos la siguiente situación en la cual vamos a aplicar los modals:

“Una joven decide viajar de mochilera a Europa”

She must get a passport. She should go with someone. She is not supposed to speak French. She may buy suitable clothes

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Present (Speculations) Certainty Past (Speculations)

musthas tohas got to

must not------------couldn’tcan’t

Almost 100%

must havehad to have

must not have---------------can’t havecouldn’t have


----------may notmight not

Less that 50%

could havemay havemight have

-----------------may not havemight not have

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Present Certainty Past

She must be here. The car is parked there.

She couldn’t stay home. We have an important test today.

Almost 100%

She must have had an emergency. She told me that she would come.She couldn’t have forgotten the test. I talked to her yesterday.

Mary is not in class. She might be sick.

She could have a flat tire.

50% or Less

She may not have had time to study.Something important might have happened to her.

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Es una combinación de dos oraciones.

Una “Adjective Clause” es dependiente y puede modificar a un sustantivo o pronombre.

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People who


Things which


Place ---- where

Time ---- when

People and things whose (possession)

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A magician, who has to be good at creating illusions, is a talented entertainer.

This is the assignment that Mark gave us.

That is the park where we walk every day.

Christmas is the holiday when my family gathers.

He is the man whose presentation was excellent.

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Identifying Relative Clauses (no commas)

Se puede utilizar cualquier “Relative Pronoun”

The actor who starred in that movie is very talented.The writer that works for People magazine criticizes the latest movies.A photo editor is a person who selects the best photos to print.A computer is a device which is used to perform different tasks.

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Non-identifying Clauses (commas)

Se utiliza solamente who y which

Tom Cruise, who starred in that movie, is very talented.This famous writer, who writes movie reviews, criticizes the latest movies.The book, which I am reading now, was written in 2002.

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Un “Relative Pronoun” puede ser sujeto u objeto en la “Adjective Clause”

Relative Pronouns as subjects:I like people. They aren’t too serious.I like people who aren’t too serious.I like people. They have a good sense of humor. I like people that have a good sense of humor. (informal)

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Relative Pronouns as objects:I’d prefer someone. I can talk to him easily.I’d prefer someone to whom I can talk to. (formal)

I’d prefer someone. I have something in common with him.I’d prefer someone who I have something in common with.

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Whom and which Dos posiciones

Who, that, whose Una posición

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Verb “be” Any other verb

who, which, that

Omitir el relative pronoun y el verbo “be”

Omitir el relative pronoun y agregar -ing al verbo.

Anyone who is interested in drama should see this play.

Pretty woman, which stars Julia Roberts, is a classic film.

Anyone interested in drama should see this play.

Pretty woman, starring Julia Roberts, is a classic film.

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No todas las oraciones se pueden cambiar de Activa a Pasiva

La oración activa tiene que tener sujeto, verbo y objeto.

Por lo tanto para este cambio se utilizan solamete verbos transitivos los cuales pueden ser precedidos por un objeto.

La forma pasiva utiliza siempre una forma del verbo to be “am, is, are, were, was, be, being, been”

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Active:People speak French and English in SpainSubject verb object complement

Passive:French and English are spoken in Canada. Subject Be V (P. participle) complement

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Active:Clark grows strawberries in his farm.Subject verb object complement

Passive:Strawberries are grown by Clark Subject Be V (P. participle) agent

in Canada.complement

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Active:Researchers are developing a new vaccine. Subject Be V-ing object

Passive:A new vaccine is being developed Subject be being V (P. participle)

by researchers. agent

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Active:Sally is writing a fantastic book.Subject be V-ing object

Passive:A fantastic book is being written Subject be being V (P. participle)

by Sally. agent

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Active:Michael Jackson recorded the album Subject Verb (past) (objet)


Passive:The album Thriller was recorded Subject be V (P. past participle)

by Michael Jackson.


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Active:Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Subject verb (past) (object)

Passive:The light bulb was invented

Subject Be V (P. past participle)

by Thomas Edison. agent

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Active:The director will give an important speech. Subject aux verb (object)

Passive:An important speech will be given Subject aux be V (P. participle)

by the director. agent

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Active:Mary has developed 50% of the exercises.Subject aux V (P. participle) (object)

Passive:50% of the exercises have been developed Subject aux Be V (P.participle)

by Mary. agent

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Active:The maid had cleaned the house. Subject aux V (P. participle) (object)

Passive:The house had been cleaned Subject aux Be V( participle)

by the maid. agent

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Active:People will have investigated the truth. Subject aux aux V (P. participle) (object)

Passive:The truth will have been investigated Subject aux aux Be V (P. participle)

by Mary.


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Active: She will have finished the task.Subject aux aux V (P. participle) (object)

Passive:The task will have been cleaned Subject aux aux Be V (P. participle)

by the maid.


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ModalsActive:Irene might perform the play.Subject modal Verb (object)

Passive:The play might be performed by Irene.Subject modal Be V(P. participle) agent

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Perfect ModalsActive:The storm could have destroyed the park.Subject modal aux V (P. participle) (object)

Passive:The park could have been destroyedSubject modal aux Be V(P. participle)

by the storm. agent

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Se usa esta forma gramatical cuando hablamos de otra persona que realiza una accion para nosotros.

Se puede utilizar los verbos: have or get en cualquier tiempo.

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Subject Have/get Object Past Participle Agent

I had my car fixed by a mechanic.

She will get the window replaced.

He got the book returned

You can have your hair Cut by Carol.

They are going to get

a copy made.

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Maurer, Jay, Focus on Grammar 5 Pearson Education , White Plains, NY

10606, 2006 Richards, Jack, New Interchange 2 Cambridge University Press, 1998 Richards, Jack, New Interchange 3 Cambridge University Press, 1998 http://www.myenglishteacher.net

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