Cocoa Farms ,Child Labor , Ivory Coast 1

Cocoa Farms ,Child Labor , Ivory Coast

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Cocoa Farms ,Child Labor , Ivory Coast 1

Page 2: Cocoa Farms ,Child Labor , Ivory Coast

Much is being done to tackle the issue of child slavery in West Africa, but the problem is linked to the insatiable global demand for chocolate.巧克力的大量需求,致使西非的童工問題難以解決 2

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The Ivory Coast produces over a third of the world's cocoa象牙海岸生產世界可可的超過三分之一3

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The widespread use of children in cocoa production is controversial, not only for the usual

concerns about child labor and exploitation, but also because up to 12,000 of the 200,000

children working in Côte d'Ivoire, the world's biggest producer of cocoa, may be victims of

trafficking or slavery. Most attention on this subject has focused on West Africa, which

collectively supplies 69 percent of the world's cocoa, and Côte d'Ivoire in particular, which

supplies 35 percent of the world's cocoa. Thirty percent of children under age 15 in sub-Saharan

Africa are child laborers, mostly in agricultural activities including cocoa farming. It is estimated

that more than 1.8 million children in West Africa are involved in growing cocoa.Major

chocolate producers, such as Nestle, buy cocoa at commodities exchanges where Ivorian cocoa

is mixed with other cocoa.



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位於西非的象牙海岸,可可產量是世界第一,約占世界產量的 40%,不過可可的價格 1980年代是6千美金 /噸,現在的價格 2900美金 /噸,價格跌落一半,可可農賺取的利潤微薄,孩子就必須當童工幫忙家計,為了改善童工的問題,全球第三大的巧克力公司雀巢,決定在未來 10年提供 1.2億美元的資金,改善可可農的現狀,希望能終結童工問題。

西非象牙海岸的可可農,一輩子都在種可可,他們每天面對這些黏答答的東西,嚐起來盡是辛苦的滋味,一點都不甜美,全球有 40%的可可產自象牙海岸,一個像橄欖球大小的果實,裡面大約有30-40顆可可豆,可以做成 10條左右的巧克力棒,而這些都是當地童工每天工作 10個小時後的結果。

「可可工人的薪資大概只有貧窮線薪資的 10%,簡單說,意思就是,就算他們比現在多賺 10倍的錢,他們還是處在全球定義的赤貧狀態。」公平交易組織也在當地推行認證制度,只要農家的可可通過認證,確保品質和不使用童工,就能透過公平交易賣出,價格會比較高,農民 1公噸能有 200元美金的利潤。非營利可可組織方坦:「世界上沒有魔法棒,沒有一個解決所有問題的方法,但你需要一個火車頭來帶動改變,認證制度可能是目前,最實在的解決辦法。」

目前象牙海岸的可可豆只有不到 20%的經過認證,要改善大部分可可農收入的問題,還有一段長路要走,但至少改變已經開始了。---TVBS


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The cocoa industry is also blighted by child labor; up to 800,000 children are thought to work in the sector across the Ivory Coast.整個象牙海岸可可行業的童工,高達 80萬


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Work in child labor cocoa farms在可可農場工作的童工 He never eaten chocolate他從來沒有吃過巧克力 7

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Child labor in cocoa plantations is particularly widespread in West Africa. more than 250,000 girls and boys are operated in harsh conditions in these cultures. 童工在可可種植園是特別普遍在西非。超過 25萬女童和男童都在這些文化惡劣的條件下工作。


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Cocoa farmers from Assin Akonfudi receive training from Rainforest Alliance. Their premium cocoa supplies Magnum Icecream. Fjona Hill 農民街受種植優質可可的訓練 9

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9 year old Jean Baptiste doesn‘tt attend school. Work begins at 8 am and involves cutting cocoa fruit off the trees with a machete and removing the beans. The family has no other viable source of income. Jean Baptiste has no idea what happens to the cocoa beans. Here he is taking a short rest from the strenuous work. Photo: Daniel Rosenthal 9 歲童工短暫的休息 10

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Two children returning to Meagui after working on a cocoa plantation. Richard (left) carrying a pesticide tank on his back. His whole body is covered with a skin disease (probably Psoriasis). The boys do not attend school. 背著農藥,患有皮膚病的童工 11

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11 year old Ibra, using a machete tied to a stick to harvest cocoa pods from a tree on father's cocoa plantation on outskirts of village of Sinikosson. He does not attend school; work begins at 8 am. He has no idea what happens to the cocoa beans.幫父親工作而沒上學的 11 歲男童 12

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A young boy gathers cocoa pods in a field in Niable, Ivory Coast. (Photo : Reuters) 收集可可豆莢的男孩


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A boy from Burkina Faso spends hours cracking open ripe cocoa pods with a machete before removing the beans and collecting them in a bowl. He does not attend school; work begins at 8 am. He has no idea what happens to the cocoa beans.用刀取出可可豆,每天工作數小時,沒有上學的男孩


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用刀取出可可豆,每天工作數小時,沒有上學的男孩 15

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9 year old Jean Baptiste carrying sacks of cocoa pods (approximately 30 kg) on plantation of his father on outskirts of the village of Sinikosson. He doesn‘t attend school; work begins at 8 am and involves cutting cocoa fruit off the trees with a machete and removing the beans. The family has no other viable source of income. Jean Baptiste has no idea what happens to the beans. 搬運約 30公斤可可豆莢的 9 歲男童 16

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9 year old Jean Baptiste carrying sacks of cocoa pods (approximately 30 kg) on plantation of his father on outskirts of the village of Sinikosson. He doesn't go to school; work begins at 8 am and involves cutting cocoa fruit off the trees with a machete and removing the beans. The family has no other viable source of income. Jean Baptiste has no idea what happens to the beans he harvests.必須在可可豆原農場工作,沒上學的 9 歲孩童 .


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cocoa pods 可可豆莢 18

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Ivory Coast, near Sinikosson. Harvesting, hands full of cocoa beans.可可豆的收穫 19

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Brown gold: Beans must dry in the sun before they can be sold豆類必須在陽光下晾乾,他們可以在出售前 20

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Child labor in cocoa production21

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This woman is from Burkina Faso. A member of her community was accused of the murder of a man from a village in Ivory Coast, and as a result she had to leave her cocoa plantation where she had worked for decades. Now she has been able to return, but lives in fear of being killed in revenge by one of the villagers.可回家的資深工人,但回家後恐怕被報復或殺害 .


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Noel Kaboura from Meagui is a buyer of cocoa beans from plantations. Here he is waiting at a plantation for his colleague Bougma, 24, to take sacks of beans back to Meagui (approx. 45 km away, approx. 4 hours drive). 正等待可可豆長途的運送 .


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After prayer marking the end of Ramadan, inhabitants from surrounding villages travel free on the back of the truck of cocoa bean buyer Noel Kaboura. These villagers originally come from Burkina Faso and are Muslim. 工作後坐卡車回家 24

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Cocoa beans are being taken to Meagui. The poor infrastructure pushes down the price of the beans grown on the plantations which are difficult to reach. 基楚設施差,提高可可豆產量是困難的 . 25

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Life had numbness 這樣的生活早已麻木26

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Stacked sacks of cocoa beans, Gonate,Western Ivory Coast/Reuters在象牙海岸西部,工人正疊放一袋袋的可可豆。 27

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Worker at a buying station run by food processing company Cargill工人在食品加工公司收購站 28

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The sacks of cocoa beans will be taken to the port city of San Pedro for export.搬運將要運出港口的可可豆麻袋 29

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This slum in San Pedro is called Bado. Many people came to San Pedro in the hope of earning money in the cocoa companies of the port city.對貧困的兒童而言的希望是到工廠工作賺錢 30

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A wall painting encouraging parents to send their children to school instead of harvesting cocoa 壁畫鼓勵家長送孩子上學,而不是去收穫可可


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The company has helped to build schools in the Ivory Coast as part of its Cocoa Plan. 雀巢公司在象牙海岸幫助建立學校, 32

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Prospects: A school built by Nestle in Zibouyaokro 雀巢協助建立的學校33

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Campaigners say cocoa companies must do more to end the practice of child labor. 必須做更多的工作結束童工的存在。 34

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3/08/2014 王文堯 Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.C All photos were taken from Daily Mail, CNN, Internet ... etc.