Cnc report-150424092605-conversion-gate01

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CHIN VINYAN (0320311)CHIA LY VIER (0320142)


IGNATUIS JEE SHAO YANG (0320069)TEH SIN YING (0320509)NG WYN JANE (0319940)YONG MAN KIT (0319778)

Pe Zhi Yong (0319765)

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Archeological excavations indicate that France has been continuously settled since Paleolithic times. The Celts, who were later called Gauls by the Romans, migrated from the Rhine valley into what is now France. In about 600 B.C. , Greeks and Phoenicians established settlements along the Mediterranean, most notably at Marseille. Julius Caesar conquered part of Gaul in 57–52 B.C. , and it remained Roman until Franks invaded in the 5th century A.D.The Treaty of Verdun (843) divided the territories corresponding roughly to France, Germany, and Italy among the three grandsons of Charlemagne. Charles the Bald inherited Francia Occidentalis, which became an increasingly feudalized kingdom. By 987, the crown passed to Hugh Capet, a princeling who controlled only the Ile-de-France, the region surrounding Paris. For 350 years, an unbroken Capetian line added to its domain and consolidated royal authority until the accession in 1328 of Philip VI, first of the Valois line. France was then the most powerful nation in Europe, with a population of 15 million.

France Geography France is about 80% the size of Texas. In the Alps near the Italian and Swiss borders is western Europe's highest point—Mont Blanc (15,781 ft; 4,810 m). The forest-covered Vosges Mountains are in the northeast, and the Pyrénées are along the Spanish border. Except for extreme northern France, the country may be described as four river basins and a plateau.

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Etymology of France The name "France" comes from the Latin Francia, which means "country of the Franks".[15] Originally it applied to the whole Empire of the Franks. Modern France is still named today Francia in the Italian and Spanish languages and Frankreich in the German language (and Frankrijk in Dutch), meaning "Frank Reich", the Realm of the Franks.

French Flag The French flag was officially adopted on February 15, 1794The national flag of France is a tricolour flag featuring three vertical bands coloured royal blue (hoist side), white, and red. It is known to English speakers as the French Tricolour or simply the Tricolour (French: Tricolore).

The flag - the tricolore - consists of three vertical bands of equal width, displaying the country's national colors: blue, white and red. The blue band is positioned nearest the flag-staff, the white in the middle, and the red on the outside.

Red, white and blue have come to represent liberty, equality and fraternity - the ideals of the French Revolution. Blue and red are also the time-honored colors of Paris, while white is the color of the Royal House of Bourbon.

Modern France

France covers 640,679 square kilometres (247,368 sq mi) and has a population of 66.6 million. It is a semi-presidential republic with its capital in Paris, the nation's largest city and the main cultural and commercial center. The Constitution of France establishes the country as secular and democratic, with its sovereignty derived from the people.

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French (le français [lə fʁɑ̃sɛ] or la langue française [la lɑ̃ɡ fʁɑ̃sɛz]) is a Romance language, belonging to the Indo-European family. It descended from the spoken Latin language of the Roman Empire, as did languages such as Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Catalan and others. French has evolved from Gallo-Romance, the spoken Latin in Gaul, and more specifically in Northern Gaul.French is the second-most widespread language worldwide after English, being an official language in 29 countries, most of which are members of la francophonie, the community of French-speaking countries. It is spoken as a first language in France, southern Belgium, western Switzerland, Monaco.

Accomplishment FASHION

France is a leading fashion counrty in the fashion industry , along with italy , the United Kingdom , Japan and the Usa . Fashion is an important part of the countrys’s culture life and society . French design became prominent during the 15th century through the 20th century, when artistic development in France was at its peak. The fashion industry has been an important cultural export of France since the seventeenth century since modern haute couture originated in the French capital at the 1860s. Paris acts as the center of the country’s fashion industry . Paris is also home to many premier fashion brands such as Chanel , Louis Vuitton , Dior and etc.

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French cuisine consists of cooking traditions and practices from France. Guillaume Tirel Taillevent, a court chef, wrote Le Viandier, one of the earliest recipe collections of medieval France. During that time, French cuisine was heavily influenced by Italian cuisine. In the 17th century, chefs François Pierre La Varenne and Marie-Antoine Carême spearheaded movements that shifted French cooking away from its foreign influences and developed France's own indigenous style. Cheese and wine are a major part of the cuisine, playing different roles regionally and nationally, with many variations and appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC) (regulated appellation) laws.French cuisine was codified in the 20th century by Auguste Escoffier to become the modern haute cuisine; Escoffier, however, left out much of the regional culinary character to be found in the regions of France and was considered difficult to execute by home cooks. Gastro-tourism and the Guide Michelin helped to acquaint people with the rich bourgeois and peasant cuisine of the French countryside starting in the 20th century. Gascon cuisine has also had great influence over the cuisine in the southwest of France. Many dishes that were once regional have proliferated in variations across the country.Knowledge of French cooking has contributed significantly to Western cuisines and its criteria are used widely in Western cookery school boards and culinary education. In November 2010, French gastronomy was added by the UNESCO to its lists of the world's ”.

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Homo Erectus, who lived around 950,000 B.C., was the first human found in France. With the end of the Ice Age, prehistoric man began to settle down in more permanent agricultural settlements (Neolithic Revolution). The Celts came from Central Europe and settled in Gaul around 2500 B.C. The Celts  were iron workers and dominated Gaul until 125 B.C., when the Roman Empire began its reign in southern France. 


Julius Caesar led the Romans into Gaul during the Gallic Wars (58-51 BC). When Augustus became emperor of Rome, the result was two centuries of relative peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana. During the 2nd century, Romans brought Christianity into Gaul. However, by the third century the Roman Empire had begun its decline. The fourth century started with Barbarian invaders from the East such as the Franks, the Vandals and the Visigoths. People feared for their safety and began allying themselves with local lords in exchange for protection from the barbarians. In this way, the feudal society that would characterize so much of the Medieval Age began to emerge. Christianity in France received a boost when Clovis, King of the Franks, converted to Christianity. In some ways Clovis' reign brought stability and unity to France, but in some ways it also contributed to fragmentation, because Clovis divided up the territory as gifts and rewards. 

MIDDLE AGE (481-1453)

Charles Martel was the first leader of the Carolingian dynasty. He expanded the Frankish kingdom and stopped the Muslim advance in 732. He was succeeded by Pepin II, also known as Pepin the Short. Charlemagne (742-814) continued the expansion of the Frankish kingdom.Charlemagne not only was an able military leader, but he was also a great supporter of education and the arts. In fact, there was a Carolingian renaissance during Charlemagne's rule. Shortly after his death, however, the kingdom was divided. All of Charlemagne's sons died except for Louis the Pious, who reigned for 30 years and managed to keep the kingdom together. However, when Louis died, different alliances formed around Louis' three sons, Lothar, Louis the German and Charles the Bald. Louis and Charles agreed to keep the lands where they were most powerful (Louis in German areas and Charles in Frankish areas). They left Lothar with the unorganized lands in the middle. The Treaty of Verdun was the treaty Louis and Charles presented to Lothar. The Carolingian dynasty ended in 987 when Hugh Capet was elected to the throne of France, beginning the Capetian Dynasty. In 1066, William, Duke of Normandy invaded England and was crowned as the English king on Christmas Day, 1066. The marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine, who had previously been married to Louis VII of France, to Henry II of England yielded most of the western part of France to the British Crown. After the death of the last Capetian king Charles IV, Edward III of England claimed the French Throne and started the Hundred Years' War in 1337. With the help of a French peasant girl, Joan of Arc, Charles VIII emerged victorious in the war and drove the English back to Calais. 

RENAISSANCE (1453-1598)

Francois I strengthened the French Crown during the early 16th century. He also welcomed to France many Italian artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci. Their influence assured the success of the Renaissance style. The years between 1562 and 1598 saw an increase in the number of the Huguenots (Protestants), which led to the Wars of Religion between Catholics and Protestants. Catherine de Medici ordered the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of hundreds of Protestants. In 1589, Henri IV, who was a target of the massacre, became the first Bourbon king of France and

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wisely converted to Catholism. Henry ended the Wars of Religion with the Edict of Nantes, which guaranteed religious and political rights to the Huguenots. 

GRAND SIECLE (1598-1715)

The 17th century is noted for being a period of extravagance and power for the French Monarchy. King Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu  transformed France's feudal monarchy to an absolute monarchy. Louis XIV, however, is the French king most associated with this period. Also known as the Sun King, Louis strengthened his own power by keeping all the local princes and lords occupied with the elaborate court life at his palace at Versailles. This focus on court life kept the local princes and lords from focusing on trying to undermine Louis' power. This period is also known for the genius of the writers, architects and musicians who were promoted by the royal court. Unfortunately, Louis' extravagance, in particular Louis XIV's endless wars, was expensive, and would leave much of France in financial peril by the end of his reign. Louis also revoked the Edict of Nantes in 1685. Louis XIV died in 1715 and Louis XV assumed the throne. The Bourgeoisie began to demand more political rights, and this would come to pose a great problem for Louis' successors. 

REVOLUTION (1715-1804)

The majority of the population of France was made up of commoners, who resented the privileges enjoyed by the nobles and clergy. In addition, the growth of new ideas during the 18th century's Enlightment resulted in thinkers such as Voltaire and Rousseau beginning to question the principles of the old regime and absolutism. These thinkers spoke of a liberal society that enjoyed free commerce. They also championed equal rights and the abolition of the class system. The notion of revolution was further encouraged by Frenchmen who had been exposed to the ideas behind the American Revolution. In 1789 the crisis came to a head. On July 14th, a Parisian mob revolted and stormed the Bastille prison, which was seen as a symbol of political oppression. The French revolution had begun. On the August 26, 1789 the revolutionaries issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man which embodied the principles of Liberté, Egalité, and Fraternité, and was meant to end the class system. During the Revolution, Louis XVI was guillotined, along with scores of moderates and radicals, at the Place de la Revolution (now the Place de la Concorde). Robespierre and his Committee of Public Safety brought brought on the Reign of Terror in France. 

NAPOLEONIC ERA (1804-1870)

The Revolution came to an end in 1799 when Napoleon Bonaparte entered Paris and was crowned First Consul. In 1804 he took the title of emperor Napoleon I. He took the crown from the Pope and placed it on his head himself, thereby directly challenging the authority of the church. Napoleon created a powerful central administration, and engaged in many military campaigns that allowed him to expand his empire. Napoleon was defeated in Russia in 1812 and then in Waterloo in 1815. Napoleon was replaced by Louis XVIII, who was then overthrown by Charles X. Charles' reign reminded people too much of the old regime, and this led to the July Revolution of 1830. The July Monarchy elected a king, Louis Philippe (the Duke of Orleans). His reign lasted 18 years (until 1848) and was a period of prosperity. In 1848, Louis Napoleon, the nephew of Napoleon I, was elected the first president of the Second Republic. He was then proclaimed Emperor Napoleon III in 1852 by national plebiscite. It was Napoleon III who commissioned Baron Haussman to redesign Paris and started the French industrial revolution. 

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Marie Antoinette


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Nobility – Princess De Lambelle (Marie’s Best Friend)


Napoleon Bonaparte


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Clergy – Henri Gregoire




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Dr. Joseph/Dr.Guillotine




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Tax Collector – Antoine Lavoiser


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Before the French revolution , France was a very peaceful country who King Louis 16th led. After the American Revolution, the France was in debt and King Louis started to increase the taxes . During that time, Nobility and Clergy got the privilege to not pay for the Tax . The King ordered Antonia Lavoisier, the tax collector which was involved in tax corruption. Commoner started to felt unfair because they needed to pay for the taxes . Commoner started to rebel against the king .They held a meeting which called out all the estate generals ( national assembly ) which wasn't held since 1614 and it's the first meeting with a full attendance for 175 years.During the evening,the commoner wanted to form their own national assembly .The king rejected it and closed the door during the mid break . The commoner found another place which is an indoor tennis court to held their assembly.

The king sent his troop to Paris to quell up the rise due to the food storage but sadly the commoners see it as a provocation. During the revolution, the commoners abolished the ancient regime, feudal rights, tithes privileges and unequal tax. After that they declare the rights of man and citizens into a new constitution. During that time, theres a rumour saying that Marie Antoinette, the queen boarded grain inside inside the palace which causes the Woman march to happen. Woman march is an event which women stormed into the palace and demand the king and queen to go back to Paris. Unable to withstand the rebel, they moved back from Versailles to Paris. As a result the country is now controlled by the national assembly. This caused the King to lose his power. Next, the assembly voted to suspend the monarchy and have a new election which everyone gains a chance to vote. Due to that, a new Republican Constitution is formed. Towards the end, King Louis XVII was killed by Guillotine because he was found guilty. A guillotine is an execution machine created by Dr. Joseph involving beheading prisoners which was considered a more humane way back then. After the guillotine was created, this begins the terror of the country. almost everyone who was found guilty was killed by the machine including Marie Antoinette, the queen of King Louis XVII. This action was performed until 1977.

After the death of King Louis XVII, Napoleon Bonaparte came back to France. He became the first consul of French and proclaimed himself as the Emperor. He is more monarch than King Louis XVII. During his ruling, the church became much more wear because they lost their land and tithes. He is the one who restored the French monarchy. The process is completed in a 4 years time. Napoleon died at the Helena island in the year of 1821

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The first two classes doesn't need to pay taxes while the commoners need to pay more than they earned.Which causes the rebel from the commoners as the feminism happened before French Revolution.Commoners were very angry and started to fight against the King which started the French Revolution.


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ENGINEERING ( Guillotine )

It was originally developed as a more humane method of execution. The origins of the French guillotine date back to late-1789, when Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin proposed that the French government adopt a gentler method of execution.The guillotine became the symbol of a string of executions: Louis XVI had already been guillotined before the start of the terror; Marie-Antoinette, the Girondists, Philippe Égalité, Madame Roland and many others lost their lives under its blade

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LEGENG OF CIVILIZATION (NAPOLEAON BONAPARTE)Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), also known as Napoleon I, was a French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century. Born on the island of Corsica, Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of the military during the French Revolution (1789-1799). After seizing political power in France in a 1799 coup d’état, he crowned himself emperor in 1804. Shrewd, ambitious and a skilled military strategist, Napoleon successfully waged war against various coalitions of European nations and expanded his empire. However, after a disastrous French invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon abdicated the throne two years later and was exiled to the island of Elba. In 1815, he briefly returned to power in his Hundred Days campaign. After a crushing defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, he abdicated once again and was exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena, where he died at 51.

Since 1792, France’s revolutionary government had been engaged in military conflicts with various European nations. In 1796, Napoleon commanded a French army that defeated the larger armies of Austria, one of his country’s primary rivals, in a series of battles in Italy. In 1797, France and Austria signed the Treaty of Campo Formio, resulting in territorial gains for the French.

The following year, the Directory, the five-person group that had governed France since 1795, offered to let Napoleon lead an invasion of England. Napoleon determined that France’s naval forces were not yet ready to go up against the superior British Royal Navy. Instead, he proposed an invasion of Egypt in an effort to wipe out British trade routes with India. Napoleon’s troops scored a victory against Egypt’s military rulers, the Mamluks, at the Battle of the Pyramids in July 1798; soon, however, his forces were stranded after his naval fleet was nearly decimated by the British at the Battle of the Nile in August 1798. In early 1799, Napoleon’s army launched an invasion of Ottoman-ruled Syria, which ended with the failed siege of Acre, located in modern-day Israel. That summer, with the political situation in France marked by uncertainty, the ever-ambitious and cunning Napoleon opted to abandon his army in Egypt and return to France.

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The French Revolution Scirpt

Ignatius - King Louis XVI

Ly Vier - Queen Marie

Erica Chin - Commoner

William - Clergy

Winter - Noble

Man Kit - Parliament

Vincent - Tax Collector

Zhi Yong - Dr joseph Guillotine

Wyn Jane - Napoleon Bornaparte

Scene one - The days before French Revolution

Before the French revolution , France was a peaceful country which their people lived in a

very enjoyable and elegant condition which was ruled by the monarchy of France, King

Louis XVI. During that time, french has been categorised in three estate which is clergy as

the first class , nobility the second and the third will be the commoners . The Church owned

a lot of land and gain about 150 million a year, mainly froim rents and tithes. Besides, the

nobility also has the same wealthiness as the clergy. Despite the large income, the Church

and the nobility paid no direct taxation to the state.

W: Erica! Erica! Erica!

E: Oui Madame. Oui Madame. Oui Madame. x2

W: There are floors to be clean Dishes need be wash And wheres my dirty cloths

E: Oui Madame. Oui Madame. Oui Madame. Oui Madame. Oui Madame.

W: Erica! Erica! Erica!

E: Oui Madame. Oui Madame. Oui Madame. x2

W: Where is my supper? Its was already suppose to be here by noww~

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E: But I’m washing the cloths… start

W: This is an excuse! Leave this house now!

E: Please Madame I need the money to pay my taxes…

W: No! get your things and be gone NOWW! ends [0:52]

[light off]


I dreamed a dream in time gone by

When hope was high

And life worth living

I dreamed that love would never die

I dreamed that God would be forgiving

Then I was young and unafraid

And dreams were made and used and wasted

There was no Taxes to be paid

No song unsung

No wine untasted


what happen to you oh poor child ~

why are you singing so sadly here 

you shouldn’t be treated like this

But to be cleaned and to be saved

i believe the lord will rescue you 

That he will guide you in the future 

so dont worry just follow him 

he will guide you for every challenge   


I had a dream my life would be

So different from this hell I'm living

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So different now, from what it seemed

Now i see the hope i believe 

Catholic Church and most of its higher clergy were extremely wealthy. The Church owned roughly

10 per cent of the land in France and collected revenue of about 150 million livres a year, mainly

from rents and tithes. Not only did it have a massive annual income but the Church paid no direct

taxation to the state.

[ All the commoner and nobility just came out from the church and receive a news . ]

V : Attention to all the people . Queen Marie would like to invite all the nobility to a lavish party at

Versailles Palace .

V : Ladies and Gentlemen , let the party begin

W : Your majesty

LV : Your dress looks so pretty

[ keep walking with the king ]

LV : Look at her dress , So ugly

Iggy : HOHOHO , nothing prettier my love

LV : Of Course

[ the king and queen dancing at the middle ]

[ light off ]

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Scene two - The Beginning of French Revolution

[ Short clip of America Revolution ]

After the America Revolution War , France goes in debt and the king have to increase the taxes to

cover all the debt . But only commoners need to pay taxes during that time.

Iggy: Tax Collector !

V: Yes , your majesty ?

Iggy: France had been in a very serious situation . I want you to increase all the taxes and

collect it all immediately.

V: Yes , your majesty .

V: Tax , Tax

E: I only have this much

V: Give me all you have !

E: Why do we need to pay all the taxes but all the nobility and clergy don't even need to pay?

This is so unfair !!!!


pay tax, pay tax

you all have to pay tax

pay tax , pay tax 

you pay until you die `


the burden tax

is driving me to death 

we got no food 

and still need to pay tax 

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why do others 

can be free from the tax 

that is unfair 

i want my own rights back  

give me all you have

and get lose now 

so pay me now 


pay tax pay tax

i won’t let you escape 

pay tax pay tax

it belongs to the king 

[ lights off ]

Due to the rebellion by commoners , the King held a meeting which called out all the estate

generals which wasn't held since 1614 and it's the first meeting with a full attendance for 175


E: There is so many unfairness between commoner and others class . We want to form our own

national assembly !!!

MK: No ! the king will not allow you all to form any assembly !

[ crowd arguing ]

MK: times up ! time for tea break !

When the assembly is having a break , the king assign his men to close the door and forbid the

commoners to join the assembly .But the commoners found another place to hold an assembly

which is in an indoor tennis court .

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[ project the picture of indoor tennis court ]

The king sent his troop to Paris to quell up the rise due to the food storage but the commoners see

it as a provocation.

[ Do you heard the people sing ]

During the revolution, the commoners abolished the ancient regime, feudal rights, tithes privileges

and unequal tax. After that they declare the rights of man and citizens into a new constitution.

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Scene Three - King & Queen been moved out from Versailles to Paris

During that time, there’s a rumour saying that Marie Antoinette, the queen boarded grain inside the

palace which causes the Woman march to happen. Woman march is an event which women

stormed into the palace and demand the king and queen to go back to Paris.


At the end of the day you're another day famish , 

And that's all you can say for the life of the poor.

It's a struggle, it's a fight ,

And there's nothing that anyone's giving.

One more day, standing about, what is it for?  

One day less to be living.

At the end of the day you're another day fatter,

And the shirt on your back doesn't fit into you.

And the righteous hurry past,

You don't hear the little ones crying...

And the famine coming on fast, ready to kill.

One day nearer to dying!

At the end of the day we found food in your palace ,

And the sun in the morning we ready to storm .

And we march in to palace ,

Like a storm that'll break any second...

There's a hunger in the land,

There's are people still need to be feed ...

And there's gonna be tax to pay,

At the end of the day!

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LY : Why is it so noisy !! I’m taking my afternoon nap …

Iggy : I … I … Dont know ….


Iggy : ok …

[ king come back after have a look ]

Iggy : WO ….MEN …. There is a lot of women !!!

LY : What women ! Are you out of your mind !

Iggy : OUTSIDE …

Ly : Useless bum !!!

[ Marie and king go and have look ]

Erica : Leave ! Leave ! Leave this place !! Leave and give back our food !!

Ly : No you all shall leave the palace!

Erica : If you are not leaving here , we are going to kill you !

LV: okay fine , we leave …

[ Marie and King leave Versailles ]

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Scene four - Terror of French Revolution

As a result the country is now controlled by the national assembly. This caused the King to lose his

power. Next, the assembly voted to suspend the monarchy and have a new election which

everyone gains a chance to vote. Due to that, a new Republican Constitution is formed. Towards

the end, King Louis XVII was killed by Guillotine because he was found guilty.


Fate against me

i am the king 

how dare you could behead me 

[Zhi Yong]

you this scumbag

see the blood spilled

kill you with my guillotine 

at this moment 

without delay

lose the incisive knife 

whats your last word 

you this villain

before i start the execution! 

MK: Any last word ?

Iggy: I trust that my death will bring happiness to my people but i grieved for France because they

shall suffer from the anger of the lord !

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[ man Kit took the king’s head and drink his blood ]

A guillotine is an execution machine created by Dr. Joseph to behead prisoners which was

considered a more humane way during that time. After the guillotine was created, the terror of the

country began. almost everyone who was found guilty was killed by the machine including Queen

Marie Antoinette . This action was performed until 1977.

Man Kit : what is your relationship with Queen Marie ?

Winter : I am her best friend !

Man Kit : So , do you think that Queen Marie was right ?

Winter : Yes ! She doesn't deserve to die !

Man Kit : to death she go

[ Winter was beaten to death by commoners ]

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Scene five - The Return of Napoleon

After the death of King Louis XVII, Napoleon Bonaparte came back to France. He became the first

consul of French and proclaimed himself as the Emperor.


who is he x 2

the man with the horse

who is he x 2

the man look so short


Im the emperor come and save the france

restore the french monarchy Im back for now and on .


he is back … x 2

good news x 2

NB : im here to declare the french revolution to fight for the equality and you all will be save


lets us all have faith on him And now we all got hope …

He is more monarch than King Louis XVII and he is the one who declare the french revolution .

During his ruling, the church became much weaker because they lost their land and tithes. He is

the one who restored the French monarchy in a 4 years time. Napoleon died at the Helena island

in the year of 1821 due to the reason of weakening of his armies and overthrown by his enemies .

[ The End ]