Christopher Columbus: The Other Side of the Story

Christopher columbus pp 2

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This is a PowerPoint about Christopher Columbus

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  • 1. Christopher Columbus: The Other Side of the Story

2. 1. 2.3. 3. Many people knew that the Earth was round 4. He was not the first European to discover America Vikings or Norsemen had discovered the land 100s of years before. 5. Columbus did not set off to find America He died believing he had found a shorter route to the Indies 6. Europeanand their descendants prospered from Columbus' discoveryNewlife New wealth A new beginning But for a whole nation of people this was the beginning of a very dark period 7. Theywere peaceful and friendly Theywere generous Theywere willing to help 8. Claimedland for Spain Enslavedtribes and forced them tofind gold 9. Wereleft homeless Familieswere torn apart