DIAMOND OF DESTINY By Joe & Charlotte Start

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Chapter 1 A virus comes to town

Having fun ,shouting out loud ,children were playingwhile sunset was at hand. Within the hour children were ill and screaming in pain. Half of the people of the land woke up ill. Meanwhile, Princess Ashleigh was looking for the three brothers that were always determined to do anything for the princess. Unfortunately later people started to die…

Soon when she found them, Princess Ashleigh was yapping on about the virus to the three brothers Ben , Louie and Douie “I need you three brothers to obtain the rarest Diamond stone ever my research shows that the stone can heal anyone from anything ”explained Ashleigh.As they were the oldest and the biggest boys of the land.

Eventually, the boys got ready to go they put there backpacks on there backs and they said there good byes. They said bye to their ill mother and farther. Luckily ,their new born little sister wasn’t ill , they kissed her on the forehead each and slowly left the house “good luck” everyone shouted(the ones that was not ill!) Next


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Chapter 2Deadly Death

After a while, the boys met up with the deadly river. It was full of electric eels, making the boys tremble with fear.“oh-boy” stuttered Douie, as all of the electric eels were all staring at him.“we cant swim through that ; its going to kill us. Look a chest !” Ben shouted in joy .

They got out the rubber rings, blown them up them up and got in. All of a sudden, there was screaming it was Douie. He was getting stung to death, “NO!” the boys screamed in misery. They started to get out of the rubber ring “I cant believe what just happened,” murmured Louie. The boys looked back at the eels who were still violently stinging him.

Soon, the boys started to walk away not watching what was going on. They Thought they herd a ring. “ring ring “a mysterious voice shouted “down here” it went on.“agh,”the boys shouted in horror.“You have two choices there is blue or white, blue is a cave full of weird creatures. Or there is an ocean deadly place but…they both lead to the castle of the life!” exclaimed the log that was soon out of breath. which way did thy go? Blue or White

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Chapter 3Blue

Having decided to follow the Blue path the boys started to walk down the shiny, blue path that glimmered with beauty. They finally got to the cave they found some slippers. There was a sign saying not to wake them up, what ever they where. Up to that time they were getting on so well until “what are they?” asked Louie. After they got out of the cave full of weird creatures. When they got back on the blue shiny path soon enough,

They carried on walking. All of a sudden, a rock blocked the Blue path!“what do we do? Look another chest” mumbled Louie. Cautiously, the boys opened the chest to find metal gloves. The boys gasped in exsiment. Suddenly they slipped on the gloves and turned them on and punched down the walls and turned them of ,and put them carefully back into the chest. And carried on walking. chapter 4

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Chapter 3White

Having decided to go down the white path the boys started to feel quit scared. They finally got the ocean there was some equipment to build a boat. All of a sudden, they had already finished the boat they were pushing the boat into the deadly ocean, they climbed into the rickety little boat. Suddenly something grabbed the ore.“it’s a shark! "bellowed Louie. A couple hours later, they had to jump in the water and swam there…eventually they got to the end of the ocean. Slowly the boys carried on walking on the white path soon enough the white path met up with the blue path.

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Chapter 4

The boys ran as fast as lighting, to the castle of life-it was massive. Slowly, they went to the room of the powerful diamond stone. When they got there, someone called Haccer the innkeeper was ever so rude to the boys “GET OUT NOW! Haccer shouted wildly with anger.

“hey look someone is stealing a wand”triked Ben. Carefuly,he got Haccer s sowed and waited for him. Soon Haccer came back yapping on about nothing being stole,“were did you get that!?” shouted Haccer he looked down…he still had a pocket knife.

“Ben quickly stabbed Haccer(then he went and got out the Diamond stone out“wow” the boys both whispered.)

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Chapter 5

All of a sudden, the stone zapped them into there home land, BANG!, they ran to the princess and gave her the stone on the ground ever so carefully.

Suddenly, the stone started its job all of the people that was ill got lifted up into the sky and they gleamed and shone and went back to were they were.

Soon later, everyone started partying and celebrating it was so amazing they was ever so happy once more.

The End