Chapters 13 and 14 Study Guide World War II

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Chapters 13 and 14 Study Guide

World War II

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Axis and Allied Powers

Axis PowersCountries

• Germany• Italy• Japan

Goals• Conquest and control of

Europe• Control of Mediterranean area• Control of the Pacific and

Northern China

Allied PowersCountries

• United States• France• Great Britain• USSR

Goals• Defeat the Axis powers• Liberate France and western

Europe• Rebuild European economy

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Terminology• Appeasement----Allies gave in to Hitler’s demands for territory in

order to prevent war.

• Blitzkrieg---- Lightening War, Germany strategy of striking quickly with overwhelming force

• Holocaust---Killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazis

• Island hopping---Japanese strategy in the Pacific of conquering small island to use as air bases then “hopping” to the next.

• Kamikaze---Japanese suicide pilots

• Bushido---Code of honor practiced by Japanese soldiers. Made them disciplined and willing to fight to the death.

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People of World War II

1. Fascist leader of Italy2. Fascist leader of Nazi Germany3. Leader of Japan4. Prime Minister of England5. Premier of Soviet Union6. U.S. President 1933-19457. Symbol of women factory workers

during the war8. U.S. President 1945-1953 became

President following FDR’s death in 1945

9. Supreme Allied Commander10. Commander of U.S. forces in the


1. Benito Mussolini2. Adolph Hitler3. Emperor Hirohito4. Winston Churchill5. Joseph Stalin6. Franklin Roosevelt7. Rosie the Riveter8. Harry S. Truman9. Dwight Eisenhower10. Douglas


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Benito Adolph Emperor Winston JosephMussolini Hitler Hirohito Churchill Stalin

Franklin Rosie the Harry S. Dwight DouglasRoosevelt Riveter Truman Eisenhower MacArthur

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Beginning of the War: Major Events• Munich Pact: British and French representatives meet

with Hitler and allow him to take over Czechoslovakia; 9/29-9/30/1938

• Nazi-Soviet Pact: 8/24/1939 peace agreement between Germany and USSR preventing Russia from entering the war.

• Start of the war: Nazi invasion of Poland September, 1939

• Neutrality Acts: Passed by Congress in the 1930’s aimed at keeping the U.S. out of a European war

• Lend-Lease Acts: Series of laws passed by Congress allowing the U.S. to sell war materials to the Allies

• U.S. entry into the war: Bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii December 7, 1941

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War on the Home front

• WASPs: Women Air force Service Pilots flew cargo missions to free men for bombing missions

• Women in the workforce: Women took jobs in factories building war materials as men served in the armed forces

• Women in the military (WASPs)• Women in the workforce•Japanese interment• Reasons created• Conditions• Effects of Japanese Internment

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Japanese Internment• Internment or forced removal of Japanese Americans

was enacted by the government for security reasons. Japanese Americans were viewed as spies and potential threats

• Conditions: Interment camps were designed to resemble cities with block numbers, schools, post office and other facilities. Lacked indoor plumbing and other amenities

• Effects: Not until the 1980’s that Japanese Americans received an official apology and reparations for interment.

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Battle of the Atlantic

• Name given to the campaign fought between Allied navies and German U-boats throughout Atlantic shipping lanes from U.S. to Britain

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Battle of Britain

• Largely an air war between Germany and England• England experienced 57 consecutive nights of air raids• British air force prevailed, preventing Hitler from controlling all of Europe

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Campaign for North Africa

• Began 10 June, 1940 with the Italian invasion of Egypt• Erwin Rommel commander of German forces• Bernard Montgomery and George Patton led the Allied forces•Ended 16 May, 1943 when the Allies captured Tunis

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Campaign for Italy• Following victory in Africa, Allies launched an invasion of Italy• Advance was slowed by fierce fighting and crossing the Italian Alps•Allies captured Rome 4 June, 1944•Italians surrendered and Mussolini was hanged

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Battle of Stalingrad• Part of Operation Barbarossa (German invasion of USSR)• 17 July, 1942- 2 February, 1943• Germans were slowed and defeated by the Russian winter and lack of supplies

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D-Day • Code named Operation Overlord• Allied invasion of France 6 June, 1944• Largest military operation in history•Led to the liberation of France

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Battle of the Bulge• Last major offensive by the Nazi • Aimed at retaking the Belgium port of Antwerp • Allies prevailed and opened the path to Berlin

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Holocaust• Selection process: Jews, Gypsies, and other undesirable groups

were selected• Conditions: Camps lacked sufficient food, shelter, and prisoners

were forced into hours of meaningless labor each day• Killing centers: Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and others where

mass executions took place• Final Solution: Nazi plan for mass extermination of European

Jews• Nazi leaders justified the Holocaust by claiming they were

merely following orders• Holocaust ended in 1945 as Allied forces liberated the camps on

their march to Berlin

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War in the Pacific

Battles • Pearl Harbor: 7 December, 1941

Japanese attack the U.S. naval base in Hawaii

• Philippines: Allied forces were defeated by the Japanese and forced into the Bataan Death March. Later reconquered by the Allies

• Doolittle Raid: U.S. air raids against Japan. Largely ineffective, but proved the U.S. was willing to go on the offensive

Battles continued• Battle of Midway: Allied

victory and turning point in the Pacific campaign

• Guadalcanal: fierce battle between the U.S. and Japanese forces

• Iwo Jima: famous for flag raising photo. Last step before Allies reached Japan

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Battle of the Pacific Continued

• Okinawa: One of the final battles before the planned Allied invasion of Japan

• Tokyo: Last naval battle of the war

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Atomic Bomb• Controversy: Atomic weapons had never

before been used and many feared their power.

• Manhattan Project: Secret U.S. program to develop the atomic bomb

• Hiroshima/Nagasaki: Japanese cities destroyed by the atomic bomb; Led to Japanese surrender

• President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb to avoid millions of U.S. casualties in a proposed invasion of Japan