Numbers Chapter 18

Chapter 18 ppt

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Numbers Chapter 18

Page 2: Chapter 18 ppt

Rule 1:

Spell out single-digit whole

numbers. Use numerals for greater

numbers than nine.

Correct Examples

We ordered nine PDAs and four


Lakshmi prepared 60 letters.

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Rule 2:

Be consistent within a category. For examples, if you

choose numerals because one of the numbers is

greater than nine, use numerals for all the numbers in

a category. If you choose to spell out numbers

because one of the numbers is a single digit, spell out

all numbers in that category. If you have numbers in

different categories, use numerals for one category

and spell the other.

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Correct Examples:

Please order 12 boxers of business cards, 2

reams of paper, and 11 boxes of envelopes

Incorrect Examples:

The company offers 15 different wellness

seminars, each of which last two hours.

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Cardinal vs. Ordinal

Cardinal- one(1)two(2)

Ordinal- 1st, 2nd,3rd

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Rule 3:

With numbers that have decimal points, use a

comma only when the number has five or more

digits before the decimal point. When writing out

such numbers, use a comma where it would

appear in the figure format. Use the word and

where the decimal point appears in the figure


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Examples: $15,768.13: Fifteen thousand, seven

hundred sixty-eight dollars and thirteen cents.

Note: When writing out the numbers that has no

decimal point use the comma where it appears in the

numerical form

Examples: 1,054 schools or 1054 schools; one

thousand, fifty-four schools or one thousand fifty-four


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Rules for Writing NUmbers

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Always use figures with abbreviations.

No. 2 pencils

18 m

Bldg 10


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Use words for street names from First through Tenth and figures or ordinals for street names through Tenth

Third Street 14th Street

Write house numbers in figures, except for number one.

One Main Street 13 Brook Avenue


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When figures are used for both the house number and the street name, separate them with a dash

122-33rd street

Use figures for all zip codes and no commas.

Zip code +4 code is a nine digit ZIP Code.


Addresses & Zip codes

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Use words to express general age

Figures to express precise, legal and emphasis on age.

We are advertising a new line of computer products with 5- and 6-year old children in mind.


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Spell out ordinal numbers of one to two words.

Use figures that contain more than two words.

It is our company’s 150th anniversary.

Anniversaries and Birthdays

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Rule 4:

Hyphenate all compound numbers from twenty-one

through ninety-nine. Reword sentence if beginning

number consists of more than two words.

Examples: Forty-three persons were injured in the

train wreck.

Twenty-nine people won an award for helping their


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Use figures for the larger of two adjacent number

We ordered three 8-gallon sharps containers.

Consecutive Numbers

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Rule 5:

Use cardinal numbers in month-day, month-year

or month-day-year order. Use commas to

separate the year from month and date.

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Examples: The phone interview is scheduled for June 30,


Lonnie referred to an article on business weekly in

the December 2010 issue. ( not dates necessary

when the dates consists of a month and year only)

Use ordinal numbers when the day comes before the

month or stands alone and the emphasis is on figure.

The meeting is scheduled for the 30th of June.

The 1st of April puts some people on edge.

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Rule 6:

Decades may be spelled out and in lowercase.

Example: During the eighties and nineties, the

U.S. economy grew.

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Rule 7:

Incomplete numerals- use an apostrophe

before the incomplete numeral not between

the year and s

Correct: During the ‘80s and ‘90s the U.S.

economy grew.

Incorrect: During the ’80’s and ’90’s, the

U.S. economy grew.

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Rule 8:

Express in complete numerals. Don’t use an

apostrophe between the year and the s.

Example: During the 1980s and 1990s, the

U.S. economy grew.

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Rule 9:

Write Decimals in figures. Put a zero in front of the

decimal unless the decimal itself begins with a zero.

Examples: The plant grew 0.79 of a foot in one year.

The plant grew only .07 of a foot this year because of

the drought.

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Rule 10

Always spell out simple fractions and use

hyphens with them.

Examples: One-half of the pies have been

eaten. A two-thirds majority is required for that

bill to pass in Congress.

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Rule 11:

A mixed fraction can be expressed in figures

unless it is the first word of a sentence.

Examples: We expect a 5 1/2 percentage wage


Five and one-half percent was the maximum

allowable interest.

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Indefinite Numbers

Spell out indefinite numbers.

A few hundred voters turned out for

the local election.

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The simplest way to express large numbers is best.

Round numbers are usually spelled out. Be careful to

be consistent with a sentence.

Correct: You can earn from one million to five million


Incorrect: You can earn one million to $5,000,000.

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Rule 12 Examples continued....

Correct: You can earn from five hundred to five

million dollars.

Correct: You can earn from $5 hundred to $5 million.

Incorrect: You can earn from $500 to $5 million.

Incorrect: You can earn from $500 to five million


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Rule 13

Use figures ( 1-10) to express measurements.

No commas to separate measurement of two


Examples: 75 yards (yd)

6 quarts

5 feet 11 inches

Dimensions: 12-x15-foot rom or

a room 12 x 15 feet

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Rule 14:

Use figures to express amounts of money

above $1. No decimal point or zeros after

dollar amount in sentence.

Example: The invoice includes $2000 plus

the sales tax of $100 for a total of $2100.

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Amounts of money under a dollar are expressed in figures with the word cents, except in statistical copy or when used together with amounts over a dollar.

79 cents or

I have petty cash receipts for $15.70, $8.09 and $.95.

Rule 15

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Use figures to express exact and approximate percentages. Write the word percent after the number.

We offer trade discounts of 10,20, and 30 percent to our long-term customers.


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Political Divisions, Publications

Use words to identify political subdivisions such as

congressional districts or precincts.

Tenth District representative

First Precinct election returns

Use figures to express pages, paragraphs, chapters,

lines, and verses in publications.

Do not capitalize the words page, line, verse, or

paragraph before the numbers.

page 25, line 3 paragraphs 34-43

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Roman Numerals in Outlines and Reports

Use roman numerals to subdivide items on

outlines or reports.

Align roman numerals at the right in an outline or


Place a period after the numeral.




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Roman Numerals as Literary Divisions, as Lowercase

Use roman numerals to indicate the major parts of

complete literary works such as volumes or chapters.

Volume XIV Chapter V

Use lowercase roman numerals to indicate page

numbers in prefaces or in other materials that

precede text materials.

Please check page iii at the beginning of our catalog for

more information about our shipping policies.

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Seniority Titles

Use roman numerals or arabic numerals for

seniority titles.

Do not set aside seniority titles with commas.

Daniel Russell II or Daniel Russell 2d

Mark Robbins III or Mark Robbins 3d

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Inclusive Figures

Do not shorten the second number in an inclusive

set of figures unless page numbers or dates are

used frequently in a document.

pages 146-50 (frequent use)


pages 146-150 (general use)

Do not shorten inclusive numbers under 100.

pages 47-57

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Inclusive Figures

Do not shorten the second number when the

second number begins with a digit that is different

from the first number.

pages 123-328

Do not use a shortened form for the second

number in any situation in which the first number

ends in two or more zeros.

pages 200-205


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Domestic Telephone Numbers

Use figures for most telephone numbers. If a

company uses combinations of letters and numbers

or all words, follow the company’s exact format.

Use diagonals, parentheses, periods, or hyphens to

separate the area code from the rest of the number.

515/555.3456 (515) 555-3416 515.555.3416


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Rule 16:

Use numerals with the time of day

when exact times are being

emphasized or when using A.M. or


Example: Monica’s flight leaves at

6:22 A.M.

Please arrive by 12:30 sharp.

She had a 7:00 P.M. deadline.

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Rule 17:

Spell out the time and date in text even with half

and quarter hours. With o’clock; the number is

always spelled out.

Example: She gets up at four thirty before the baby

wakes up.

The baby wakes up at five o’clock in the morning.

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Rule 18:

Express terms noon and midnight in words rather than

12:00 P.M. and 12:00 A.M.


I plan to take the workshop on Blackboard 9 that

begins at noon.

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General Time Periods/ Business-Related Time Periods

Use words to express general time periods such as

years, months, weeks, and days except when the

time period requires more than two words.

During the past two years, we have increased our use

of temporary employees.

Our business is open 365 days a year.

Use numbers to indicate a time period associated with

payroll periods, discounts, and interest payments.

We have a 3-year lease on this copy machine.